"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, November 06, 2011


Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

from DeanO

I visit so many blogs and I see so many wonderful things and since we have a lot of different followers then maybe the blog I was visiting that I want to share things I see with you. This is a video where I think God knocked and the two souls who were there answered it and heard. I think God shows Himself in many ways. Through miracles and though some amazing sites you just aren't expecting!

God always knocks loud enough for a willing soul to hear.

Now I would love your thoughts. How does God speak to you. He speaks to me I think from something I call God Winks. Friends, notes, emails, photography, flowers, colors, music, hugs, books, quotes, from reading the Bible, and of course prayer. But I don't know that he has ever 'talked' to me personally yet I know He is there. I've seen the results of some of his work.

It is my hubs 65th birthday today - a big one. My grandson took some ribbons and decorated the family room all by himself - he even brought the ladder in from the garage!

He is a lot more capable then I suspected!


Sally said...

Awwww, and GS did a great job! Happy Birthday to Hubs! I hope he has a great day. And, you too. :)

Michaele said...

That video brings me to tears.

Jill said...

Unfortunately, I can't view this video (problem on my end, I am sure). I do love your God winks. What a perfect way to express His actions in your world.

Happy Birthday to you hubby and great job by your GS!

Granny Annie said...

God constantly is whispering to us in all things.

Mevely317 said...

Wherever we are, God IS. All the same, I'm jolted by His presence each time I see an incredible sunrise or gaze at the stars.

PS - Love your photo wall, Sandie! Is that your daughter in the big one?

Anonymous said...

God speaks to us in so many ways - we just have to be quiet and listen :)
Great decorations by GS's - he is a smart little boy!
Great video :) Have a lovely Sunday!
Hugs x

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby ~ hope it's a good one!
xo Catherine

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

That video was incredible. You can just see how speechless the girls were. Beautiful.

Happy Birthday to the Mr. too.

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthay to your husband! :)

i saw that video on Felicity's blog yesterday. it brought me to tears. :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Mr. Sandie!

Hope it is a fun one, and it looks like you're off on the right foot, my friend. Everything looks festive!

Loved your video. Loved it. How can anyone see that and question the presence of the Almighty??? Impossible!

I think that God speaks to me in a still small voice in my spirit. I recognize it anywhere. I also think He speaks to me through His Word and through other people who are following Him and even some who are not, like Balaam's donkey. ;-)

Love you...



MadSnapper n Beau said...

great job with the decorations, tell him happy birthday and welcome to the wonderful world of Medicare Eligibility. they day i turned 65 2 years ago, i celebrated for that reason.
the starlings are amazing. i have seen something similar, but it was pelicans leaving and island and flying into Anna Maria at the pier, we had heard about it happening every morning at day break and it did. amazing sights.

Jeanie said...

I have a good friend who talks about God winks and I have always liked that perception of God speaking to her.
Happy birthday to your husband. It looks like your grandson has everything ready to celebrate.

Nancy's Notes said...

What a sweet grandson!! Happy Birthday to your husband! I'm off to watch the video.

Blessings on this wonderful Sunday!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Amazing video! Happy Birthday to Rick! I love your GS!! hugs, Linda

Ann said...

a very happy birthday to your husband. Your grandson did a fantastic job with the decorations

Anonymous said...

Well Happy Birthday to Sandie's husband ...and congrats on the good job of decorating to your grandson...

Terra said...

Cute ceiling decorations and happy birthday to your hubby. God speaks to us, and often it is a whisper and we don't care to listen. So I do sometimes listen :)

Annesphamily said...

Happy Birthday to your hubs! That is a great milestone birthday! I wish him much love from family and friends, good health and many more good birthdays!
That GS is a delightful! Thoughtful and just plain kind!

Marti said...

Amazing video. I find that God speaks to me when I am quiet. Sometimes that still small voice comes while praying, meditating, or having my morning coffee on the patio.

Belle said...

A wonderful video that I will share with my family. I've never seen this before!

Yes, God speaks to me through various avenues. I am so grateful for this.

Marie said...

Great job on the decorations! Straight from your grandson's heart. How very thoughtful of him.
Happy Birthday to your hubby!

That video is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
God speaks to me in many ways, so I try not to miss anything. :) He definitley has Angels here on earth.
Have a wonderful celebration with your hubby!

Love Of Quilts said...

Wow the gs did good...he's a keeper. Happy birthday to your hubs...what are you getting him for gift this year. Trish

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a sweet grandson.... Happy Birthday to your husband.... 65 is a big one... So is 70--which George and I will hit in 2012.

Great video. Thanks! I feel God all around me ---all of the time. Even during my sickness, God was right there with me through it all.

Lois Christensen said...

Hope you had a nice celebration for you hubby! Love when the kids prove to be able to help out! I think God speaks to me when I'm reading His Word. Certain verses seem to jump at me and I've even written dates next to these verses and when I re-read the verses, months, years later, I'm clueless as to why that verse was important. Does that make sense? Anyway, I have only ONCE in my lifetime heard the actual voice of God, not an audible voice, but felt Him speak to me in a way never before. It was right after my father died and I kept saying to my hubby that I just wanted my dad to come home. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks after a very bad fall. That's all I wanted. Was for him to come home. The Lord spoke to me and told me, "He is home." And my dad is home. Great post today!

theconstantwalker said...

Many happy returns to your husband.
I hope you have both had a wonderful day...

I couldn't get the video clip to work.

betty said...

Happy birthday to your hubby, Sandie! I love how GS went about decorating for such a special occasion! That video was awesome! Can you imagine seeing it in person?

God talks to me through his word a lot and in that still quiet voice in my head at times. I'm glad he does talk with me! I think he probably talks more, I just have so much cluttered around sometimes I'm not listening.

Enjoy the day celebrating your hubby's birthday!


Desiree said...

Warmest 65th birthday wishes to your Hubby, Sandie! His day must have been made all the more special by your grandson's decorating efforts. How sweet was that! I always feel closest to the source of light and love (how I view God) when I am outdoors, either in my garden or some other beautiful place in nature.

Knitty said...

Happy Birthday to you hubby! Your grandson did a terrific job!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That video was amazing! I have never heard the voice of God but I see him in what I call Godincidences. I see his hand in my day and in my life each day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It IS a big one! Tell your husband Happy Birthday for me!!! What are your plans? We have seen the birds do the same things here, they do it in the evening before they roost. I have been thinking about getting a video of it. God speaks to me in nature and circumstances, also beauty and friends. People that don't hear him usually don't take the time to look or listen. But at times he is quiet and has us wait, for his own reasons.

Anonymous said...

your grandson did a darling, classy job! i may have to use that idea for a birthday sometime! yes, God does speak to me if i take the time to listen. have a wonderful week ahead!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I would say you have had a day full of WOW! That video wowed me...Iwas about to blog on being so grateful for His Creation! You have been wowed with those decorations lovingly hung, and a birthday celebration as well for the hub! WOW. A good day! ;)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your husband and what a great job your grandson did, how did he do that! I think Gods is always around us just sometimes he has to bonk us on the head to get our attention,,

The Boston Lady said...

Happy Birthday to your husband Sandie! Wow. Wow. I don't know what else to say about those Starlings. I've always loved them, but had no idea they did such airshows.

I'm not a particularly religious person in the traditional sense, but I feel God's presence when he taps me on the shoulder to tell me that it's all going to be okay. He is subtle, but I usually understand him. Ann

CalamityJr said...

Great job on the decorations, Grandson, and Happy Birthday to your DH! I agree there are many ways to receive God Winks, but my biggest one is through music.

Jim said...

Happy Birthday, Hubs!

♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Hubs,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

I liked the video. It was soooooo neat that they could get a video of all those birds.

Also, I learned. I learned that a collection of starlings is a 'Murmuration'. That is a strange word. Your video came up first when I googled the word.
Thanks too for 'following. me. I could tell that there was one more following. But since I am still using the old blogger I am not allowed to see who they are. I can 'follow'.

I can have a blog roll so I will put you on there and check it quite often. I have a lot there already.

Also the old blogger does not have an 'older posts' button at the bottom of the blog.

Yes I am a vet but I never went to war. I was in the service (U.S. Army) from 1956 until 1961.

Eat To Live said...

A very Happy Birthday to your Hubs!! LOL last night, I had a SURPRISE BIRTHDAY P * O * K * E * R PARTY for my Hubs. I have been so busy that I did not have time to visit any blogs until right now.

Sharon said...

God, being the Creator, speaks to me in so many creative ways. *God winks* are some of my favorite. This video was breath-taking. I just cried the whole time. Who can say there is no God??

Happy Birthday to Mr. Chatty - hope he has a wonderful day. And I just had to smile at the ingenious decorations. GS - that boy's energy is boundless!


Remington said...

That video was SO awesome....it gave me chills....which is kinda hard to do with all the fur I have....ha ha! Happy Birthday to your husband! I hope his day was filled with lots of smiles and here is to many more years of happiness....ENJOY!

Liz Mays said...

I love the way those curlies are hanging there! Happy 65th to your wonderful hubby!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Happy Birthday to you hubby!

He's spoken to me in dreams, in His still, small voice, through the Word, through pastors and teachers, and, yes, through blog posts!

Susan :)

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby...
The birds in that video are amazing..so many, and a bit scary. We have the cockatoos come in in the hundreds and they screech.

Yes God does talk to me..sometimes I just know something I couldn't possibly know. Like twice I have been given bible verses that I wrote down. I then had to search through a concordance to find if they were real and they were. God called my name from the sky when I was about 9yrs old, I ran outside and looked up. I was home alone on the farm, no one there, no radio on.. Then when I was very ill after the birth of my last child Jesus came and stood beside my bed for long enough that I understood who he was, then he walked out of my bedroom door and into the hall. I called my daughter and told her. Weeks later she read in her bible that when we call on him in illness, he cames as a sheppard, and thats what I saw, together with the sheppards crook in his hand.. I have had many spiritual experiences. When my book comes out (hopefully prior Christmas) I have included one in there through the theme of the story. Love ya Crystal Mary. xxx

Susan said...

Happy Birthday to your hubs, Sandie. Hope you all had a wonderful day.

God often shows His presence in my life in bright sunshine. If I'm standing outside and WHAM! a big bolt of sunshine envelops me, I feel like it's God letting me know He has me in the light. I feel so comforted when that happens.

He also speaks to me through other people.

Take care, Sandie. Susan

Bev said...

Love the decorations. How sweet! Happy Birthday to your "young man':)

Tanna said...

GS did a great job!! Happy Birthday to your hubby, Sandie! I had one myself on Saturday (though I prefer not to add them up anymore! LOL!).

I see God's hand in so many things throughout my days... and like you, those 'winks,' if you will, always make me smile... sometimes with tears of pure job streaming down... sometimes with goosebumps... sometimes with a laugh out loud... and I am grateful to my core for those moments... blessings ~ tanna

Nikki (Sarah) said...

whoa Sandie...that video is amazing. Wish I was in the canoe...powerful and a big happy b to your hubs. oh and a huge hug to you. ☺☺

Southhamsdarling said...

My goodness me dear friend, look how loved you are - all those wonderful comments. Hope your husband had a very happy birthday. 65 - Eeek, I shall reach that age next April!!! Your grandson did such a good job. How lovely! I see God in all manner of things, and I always count my blessing each and every day. Hugs to you.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

That video...wow...that's one of the things that "awesome" does cover. Brought tears to my eyes.

God speaks to me in so many ways...I was trying to type it out here, but decided I'd write a poem instead...will send you a copy when I'm done.

Happy Birthday to Hubby! Loved the decorations...grandson did a fine job, didn't he?

By the way...I really do love your blog. Please keep up the great work.