"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, July 22, 2024




Let's talk for a minute about generations and the difference between them.

A Quick Guide to Generations, By Birth Year
The Greatest Generation (GI Generation)Born 1901–1927
The Silent GenerationBorn 1928–1945
Baby Boom GenerationBorn 1946–1964
Generation XBorn 1965–1980
Millennial Generation or Generation YBorn 1981–1996
Generation Z Born 1997–2010
Generation AlphaBorn 2010-2024

Baby boomers:  

  • Goal centric. They pursue the American dream and set and achieve their goals.
  • Self-assured. They have confidence in themselves and their abilities.
  • Competitive. They like to challenge themselves and others.
  • Strong work ethic. They work hard and are loyal to their companies.
  • Team oriented. They value collaboration and teamwork.
  • Resourceful. They can adapt to different situations and use what they have.
  • Mentally focused. They are curious and optimistic about life.
  • Empathetic. They can relate to other people and their feelings.
  • Grateful. They appreciate the gifts and pleasures of life.

Generation X:   

  • Independent, resourceful, and self-reliant, as they grew up with minimal adult supervision
  • Ethnically diverse, with one-third of Gen Xers identifying as nonwhite
  • Liberal on social issues, such as same-sex marriage, and less involved in organized religion
  • Tech-savvy, flexible, and highly educated, with a passion for work-life balance
  • Rejection of authority and structured work hours, preferring informality and autonomy
  • Resilient, direct, and open to feedback, working well collaboratively

  • Tech-savvy and skilled in using technology
  • Socially conscious and empathetic
  • Optimistic and passionate about learning
  • Creative and expressive
  • Collaborative and receptive to feedback
  • Interested in a healthy work-life balance
  • Cautious about their personal data
  • Nostalgic and love to travel
  • Challenges hierarchical status quo
  • Values meaningful motivation and recognition

Generation Z:

  • They’re digital natives who have always been wired and connected to technology.
  • They’re accepting of sexual and racial diversity and fluidity.
  • They’re health-conscious and aware of a troubled planet.
  • They’re entrepreneurial and independent, but also worried about their future prospects.
  • They value their privacy and are changing the distinction between childhood and adulthood.


You know when I look at all these groups - we don't seem to be so different.  Yet when I read the news or see what is going on - we seem so different from each other.  

My grandson keeps talking about Generation Z and how great they are.  That Gen Zs are trying to save the planet - we baby boomers hurt.  Pollution, dirty water, too many vaccines, and things like that.  We have discussions on the different generations a lot!

I do think they are into helping the world and giving it good attention, but I don't think we did those things on purpose.  

Then I think to myself of all the inventions and technology the baby boomers made possible.  The cell phone that is attached to their hands - Steve Jobs was a baby boomer.   I mean didn't we make it better for them?  

So, what do y'all think? 

Give me your ideas on the different generations and how you feel things have changed and why.

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