"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Sunday - My gift to you! Changing your outlook!

Happy New Year! May you have a wonderful and blessed New Year! My God be with us all - all year long!

Now below only takes a second. It'll show you what I'm talking about when I say we have choices at how we look at things. That is one of my beliefs I talk a lot about on my blog. God has given us choices people and it is up to us to try to use them. It might take just a little work on our part - but we can do it!

In just a few CHOICE (your choice) moves - you can change your entire perspective!

Click here: Elion
So neat!!

Thought for the day:

"Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference. ” (Virginia Satir)



MadSnapper n Beau said...

way cool!!! but not as coool as the old lady kicking the ball on the side bar

Knitty said...

That was really a neat example! I love that quote by Satir.

I so agree that it is up to us to decide how to meet the challenges. Whining doesn't do any good but I will admit to whining for a minute or five to get it out of my system while I try to figure out what to do. Quiet would probably be better but letting it out helps. ;-)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

That Elion card certainly adds emphasis to your thought about our ability (through choice) to change our outlook. Enjoyed the 'makeover'!

We all know that depending on where we 'sit' ourselves affects our view -- what we see and how we look at things. Which is why I'm often reminding myself to remember I sit in heavenly places beside Him... which gives me a birds-eye view of all that happens in my own life and in the world around me. Compared to eternity (and how Big He is) all of 'big' problems look pretty small in comparison.

So then my world can take on a whole new colour... just like in your card.

Thanks so much for the inspiring thought on this our first day of 2012.

Wishing you the BEST New Year yet!

Janie Fox said...

you always have the neatest links. I love this. May your blessings be abundant in 2012!

Nancy said...

Happy New Year, Sandie. I'm a new follower, but a happy one. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Happy New Year... Great words from you today...


Michaele said...

That was really cool! Thanks and Happy New Year.

Whosyergurl said...

Happy New Year to my sweet Georgia gal! xo, Cheryl

Whosyergurl said...

Happy New Year to my sweet Georgia gal! xo, Cheryl

Beansieleigh said...

Hmmm.. "Coping".. Well, my word for the year is "PEACE". World peace would be nice, but what I mean for myself is that sense of INNER peace. I've heard of it, and I WANT it! (0; I find myself getting more and more hard on myself for things as time goes on, and it seems to be just getting gradually a little worse and a little worse. Perhaps that is for a number of reasons; for instance menopause? Do ya think?! That dirty M-word!!.. But I think there are other underlying reasons too, which perhaps I let mount up, and then of course, that's never good!... But like you say, life just IS the way it IS, and I don't want to live my life negatively. I know there are many wonderful things in my life for which I'm very grateful for! I've just got to calm things down, slow things down more if I need to, and just plain be nicer to myself in the process of it all. By way of prayer, bubble baths, meditation.. whatever I can think of, and any new ways that may be worth the try, that sense of peace.. contentment.. calm.. is what I'm hoping to find in the new year! Best wishes to you and yours, Chatty, for a blessed and very Happy New Year! ~tina

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope your enjoying your first day in the New Year!

Lynn said...

I had completely forgotten about Virginia Satir - thank you for that quote. It's exactly what I needed to hear in the new year.

I had a wonderful therapist in the early '90s and he was an advocate on getting to the bottom of why one has the problems one has (it's how you cope) and he had me read one of Virginia Satir's books.

I always tell people now that I can save them a lot of money on therapy - the key is that you just have to get over things. :)

Happy New Year!

Susan said...

That was nice, Sandie.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope your day is calm and peaceful.

Sandie, thanks for all your visits and comments to my blog, including today!

Sending warm wishes----tons of them----to you and all your family. Susan

Marti said...

Wishing you happiness and peace all through the new year. I agree that it is all in how you look at things, My grandson had a near fatal accident on Christmas Eve, but he lived and is now in his room playing video games.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Lovely card and thoughts, Sandie! Happy New Year to you and your family!

Lost_without_a_Map said...

Really nice link. I played it at least four times...with each time being a little slower and more thoughtful. Thank you, it was very insightful for me.

GrammyK said...

Cool!! And AMEN!! My philosophy exactly!!

Happy New Year Sandie!! <3

BlueShell said...

Oh...that was so nice...day turns night...a beautiful one.
Thank you...

We have to change the way we look things!!!
Gos Bless you!

Eat To Live said...

That was WAY COOL Sandie. I know I need to change the way I look at things. Thanks!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I loved that quote from Virginia Satir. I'm going to print that and keep it handy.

Southhamsdarling said...

Good example my friend. We should all try to change our outlook. It reminds me of that quote, "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.!

Sweet Tea said...

What a great visual example. I enjoyed it!! I hope you have a wonderful 2012 and so glad I'll get to share it with you here in Bloggyland!

Ann said...

that was very cool

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It's all in the "attitude" and how we choose to deal...:)JP

Liz Mays said...

Happy New Year to you as well!

Shug said...

How neat!! enjoyed!

Happy New Year!

Marie said...

Very nice! Happy New Year Sandra!

DaCraftyLady said...

great thought. Now who's idea was it to change New Year's Day to Monday???? I mean I have never waited till the 2nd to watch the parade? I kow its Sunday and all but I don't remember it ever being extended like they do with other holidays...hmmmm...Debb

Catherine said...

Hope you had a beautiful day!
xo Catherine

Belle said...

It was fun changing that picture. And the quote about life being what it is is a really good one. Our attitude is what makes life happy or sad, I think.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Happy New Year to you and yours. Hope this year brings many blessings your way.

Buttercup said...

I'll remember this. Wishing you and your family all happiness and good health in the year ahead. Thanks for all of the laughter you share and your friendship. Very grateful!

Sally Wessely said...

This was a great message for all of us to remember. Coping is about perspective.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy New Year and wishes for lots of good things to come your way in the new year

Nancy said...

You always inspire....

Happy New Year.....

Tanna said...

Happiest of New Years to you and yours, Sandie!! xoxo tanna

Debbie said...

That is neat! I love stuff like that.

I have been out of town for the past week and am just easing back to the computer. I found your sweet e-card in my inbox just this morning. I tried to reply but realized after I sent it that it went to the vendor who sent it. LOL

I'm such a dork.

So, thank you HERE.

And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and new year celebration. It'll take me a while to catch up on all the merriment in Blog Land.

Changes in the wind said...

I want that magic mouse in my real life all the time!! That was too so neat.....

Starry Dawn said...

Good Morning, Sandie!!
Great inspirational post as always, sweetheart friend, Sandie!!
Yes!! I agree. Coping is perspective in the end.
Your wisdom travels in the wind to all corners of the world.
Thank you for visiting my blog, and writing your loving comments!!
Have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year, Sandie and all your beloved ones!!
All the best on your way,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Your thought for the day sure rings true for me! Love your blog!

Retired Knitter said...

Sandi, that was just wonderful. I hope you don't mind. I added this link to my blog as well. Wanted to spread the smile to others.

Happy New Year!