"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

From Anne (and I have permission to use this photo). 

I'm not sure at all if I am truly like the little gal on the right.  But I WANT to be the gal on the right! She really is not rebelling - I don't think - she is just beating to her own drum.  She wants to try it this way - not the way everyone else wants to do it.  I was never ever one to rebel as a child.  For lots of reasons I had to be Miss Perfect or there was a high price to pay and at that time I was not willing to pay it.I was always 6 going on 60.  

Then I grew up in the 60's and 70's and always wanted to be a hippie.  Instead I was in school - got married kind of young - had kids young - remember?  lol

So got the kids raised and helping with the grandson - and now - I still want to be that hippie.  Not a hippie who takes drugs or rebels against society or God.  

But I do like flowers and love.  I don't necessarily want to be different.  I don't want to be like every one else either.  I want to me the real me.    I'm not afraid to think differently then others. I'm not a rebel without a cause either. I just want to be free. Spread my wings like a butterfly.   Now you probably wonder how can a Christian be free.  I ask how can a Christian not be free?  So with my freedom - I'm talking within the context of being a Christian.  I think God wants us to be happy.  If we're not happy - (unless there is some underlying cause like depression, etc - which is VERY real and serious and needs special help) - then we need to re-look at our lives.  We have over looked something like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. 

Now I'm talking little things. Enjoying the little things,   Like if no one wants to go to a movie you want to see - go yourself.  Or a restaurant - bring a book. You want to try something different - do it!  Every have wheat grass?  It tastes wonderful and it is so good for you.  Buy yourself a flower just because.  I  LOVE to try and do new things.  Read - reading is fundamental.  Books on tape.  Call an old friend.  Get your nails done.  Treat yourself to one thing a week you would not ordinarily do.  

GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!  Go to the mall and watch people.  You could volunteer.  Do something alone and find yourself.  That's what I'm talking about.  Join a Bible Study.  Be a reader at an elementary school.  Growth comes out of doing something you are not comfortable with.   And a lot of times doing things for others turns out a blessing in disguise. If someone wants you to do something and you don't want too - it is okay to say no.  No not all the time, but some times.  Get out of the house and bring your computer and go to Starbucks and try a new coffee.  Barnes and Noble - read some free books.  

There is a life out there to be lived.   To me - that's what being a hippie means. Are there any more hippies out there?  What kinds of things would you do that are a little bit different or weird or exciting?

Thank you to Pam - I'm mostly known as Ma.

 And did you know that this is IVGLDSW/M Day?

Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's/ Man's Day.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, totally worn out and screaming 'WOOO HOOOOO what a ride!' 

Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the hell happened. 
~ Cora Harvey Armstrong ~

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies.~ Unknown~ 

The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy. ~ Helen Hayes (at 73)~ 

I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray eyebrows. ~ Janette Barber~ 

Old age ain't no place for sissies.~Bette Davis~

Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart.~ Caryn Leschen

If you can't be a good example ~ then you'll just have to be a horrible warning. ~Catherine

This is From Cheri at Chez Cheri - thank you.


It's not the years in your Life that count, it's the LIFE in your years!



Linda O'Connell said...

I too have felt 60 at 6, didn't do anything bad, wrong or risky, and doggone it, you are right. We should all dance to our own music.

BelovedBomber said...

I am trying to be the real me, doing whatever it is I feel led to do without worrying about the opinions of others. I love that last graphic...dancing like nobody is watching lol. Have a blessed day! Let the inner hippie shine through :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I guess I'm a hippie in the sense that I like to try to live off the land. But I'm probably a little too uptight to qualify as a real hippie ;-)

Shelly said...

So very well said! And that picture of the little ballerinas captures it perfectly.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Oh, I love what you wrote. Every. WOrd. About the picture. I agree...I am debating if I am that one on the right. I am sure if I asked those closest to me , they would say YES! But I think I am just myself, and I sometimes have looked longingly at those who seem to have all the answers and are looking in the right direction...because I can't seem to do it! I agree with these ESPECIALLY _ YES! : "Growth comes out of doing something you are not comfortable with. And a lot of times doing things for others turns out a blessing in disguise." God is good! Love and hugs. From the goofy kid on the right.

Anonymous said...

I guess I've pretty much always done my own thing... It hasn't always been understood or appreciated but .... I have to be me.

Remington said...

Beth here....I have always been the type who has done as I please....it is fun to find your very own drum and play it as you wish....not everyone agrees with you but really -- who cares!

Rob-bear said...

Inside this more mature person is a younger person who knows exactly what happened! It's been a ride all right. Hunter S. Thompson lives! (Even though he's been dead for a few years.)

Cranberry Morning said...

I so enjoyed reading this post, Sandie! I too have an inner hippie. :-) Yesterday I let my curly hair go natural (and am reminded why I never do that!)wore long, dangley copper earrings, and sang 'British Invasion' songs. And you're right: Real FREEDOM is found in Christ - not in following all the manmade rules, not in drugs, but following the One who wired us for delight.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i was younger, i wanted to do all the things you listed, even by myself, but never did them because i was afraid to. now that i can do them and am free to do them, i find my want to do them is gone.
i need to do things outside my comfort zone, but never do. like drive to Tampa to the zoo, i have wanted to for years, but never do it.
there is not much i want to do. i have always been like the little girl, a rebel to the bone, except i would never hang upside down because i would be afraid to. it is hard being a rebel and hard to go outside the comfort zone for me. by rebel i mean i don't do all the things others do and i do say no all the time. i like the part about saying yes some of the time. i say way to many no's and not enough yes

~mel said...

I'm a hippie, you're a hippie, she's a hippie, he's a hippie, wouldn't you like to be a hippie too? Be a hippie, be be a hippie!!

Loved this post!

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you wrote. Be you. Do what we like.

Hand shake on that girl.

Nonnie said...

You can get an Amen over here. Me too. Only thing I really don't want to do is take my computer to Starbucks. Too much trouble.

Great and enjoyable post.

Jill said...

I love your attitude. I'm "free" in some ways but very contained in others. Basically, I'm kind of a coward. ha!

Another Abe Lincoln quote! I have it hanging in my house. Love it too!

Michaele said...

Oh dear Chatty - I have been a rebel all my life and still am. I loved this well thought out and delivered post : )

Grandma Bonnie said...

I think I will join you on this one. I always wanted to be a hippie.

Anonymous said...

you are so wise.. no kidding, such great advice

Shug said...

I think this post is wonderful. We need to live a good free life. I am most sure that I could be that same little girl on the right. Doing my own thing. Life is too short not to be happy and enjoy it.
Have a fun day

TexWisGirl said...

i like your advice to be a little freer. :)

Sally said...

It took years for me to believe that I am could be who I really wanted to be. There's much to improve on, but I'm gettin' there. :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

For most of my life it seems my heart has beat to a different drum than others. When I finally found my soul mate I was blessed to have him for 27 years, he was the only one that seemed to think like I did. Since he's been gone now almost 20 years in Nov. I've been pretty much doing it on my own again except for the fact that the dear Lord does help me get through every day. No matter that I may not be the person some want me to be, I'm still here so my work isn't finished yet. I don't and won't give up. Life is a gift and there is much to be enjoyed and to be grateful for too. Hope your Thursday is a great one!

Beth said...

Great content today Kathy!

Miss Debbie said...

Yep, I decided about a year ago that it was okay to go to the movies by myself since my hubby isn't much of a movie goer. I thought it might feel awkward...but nobody pays any attention. And I am not the only one either!

jack69 said...

Awww, a free spirit, that has been caged at times. Christians Happy? I should hope so. I got into a discussion on a forum with a minister who could not see fun as part of a Christians life.
I pointed out that 'A merry heart doeth good like a medicine'. He said that is not fun, I had to give him the definition of Merry. ha!
I truly feel sorry for someone who cannot see a smile on the face of Jesus when he said 'suffer he little children to come unto me'.
Great read today Miss Sandie, and YEP, I can see you in Tie-dyes, handing out flowers in Woodstock. HA!

Love ya! Live, Love and be happy!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Well, I think the older we get, the more "free" we get cuz we don't care as much about what other people think about us.

Took me decades of my life to stick up for me! I like it.

Of course, I always strive to think of others and be as kind and generous as possible.

Ithink PEACE is my position of power these days. If I'm peaceful, I'm powerful within. When I am disturbed, I give my peace away.

Very good, insightful post, Sandie. Loved it. Susan

Unknown said...

Great advice :) Live Laugh Love -cute ballerinas.
I've always been a bit of a boy-girl and do things my own way. Enjoy your day my friend!

Unknown said...

im 33 and feel 66 from my bad back

Dee said...

That little girl on the right is my daughter...I have a picture of her very similar to it. She is a hippie and a tad bit of a rebel...Not easy to raise one. LOL..I grew up in the fifty and sixty's. To this day I dream of having a Volkswagen. :) Loved your post...but then I always do ♥

Ann said...

growing up I was always the good kid and then it was always taking care of what everyone else wanted or needed. Finally I'm at a point where it's time to do for me and live life the way I want to. (well kind of sort of any way....LOL)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I just loved this and that little girl doing her thing. Free to be herself. I'm with you...I want that too and that last cartoon....the best

Anonymous said...

So cute that first photo. Enjoyed reading and learning about you.
Great post. Be who you want to be.

Jocelyn said...

This was an awesome post... love all the little quotes at the end, especially the final one - it's important to put life into one's life otherwise it'll be a boring life!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am still trying to dance to the beat of my own drum! I love life and want to keep learning and experiencing it every day! so I'll join you in being a hippie! Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

I was born a few decades too late to be a hippy, but I've always been a bit of a free spirit in terms of doing what I want to do, not what everyone else is doing. People don't always understand...but it works for me.

I do however wish I was just a tad more outgoing though. Maybe work up the courage to dance to the music that plays in my head instead of standing in the corner tapping my foot. lol

Lois Christensen said...

I can identify with this post so much! Seems all my life I've been rushing from one day to the next only to discover that half my life is gone and I feel as if I've missed out on so much! I've been trying this year especially to slow down and just enjoy things and it's working so far! Thanks for a beautiful post!

Anonymous said...

Me to I always want to be different even if it is up-side down sometimes...:)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Encouraging! Love it!

Paula said...

Like this post. Being widowed at age 50 I had to give up or get out so I chose to get out. As in eating at restaurants alone, not being afraid to try something different. Sometime I even wear red in a field with the bull. lol

Pondside said...

Are you an oldest daughter? I am, and I was always 'going on 60' and my life has been very much like yours. I'm still working, but beginning to count the days until my time is my own. In the meantime I try to take chances, go somewhere by a different route and meet new friends - I'm not done yet!

Shanae Branham said...

You always find the cutest things! I love the little girl. Thanks for always being here to make me smile!

My Blog

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great thoughts here, Sandie! We should all dance to our own beat and live a little! Life's too short not to.
Enjoy your Friday!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What a great post!


I dated Hippies. Wore midi skirts, mini skirts. Wanted to be an earth mama. Still get a little thrill when I see a fella with hair longer than mine. LOL Have always marched to the beat of my own drummer. These days not so much. My hubby is as straight laced as they come. ENJOY being WHO you are. Take care.

SquirrelQueen said...

I was sort of like the little girl on the right. I would march to my own drummer as long as no one else was watching. Then as I got older I wasn't so shy. A few sit-ins and protest during my younger days but that's as hippie as I ever got.

Love the court date!

Debbie said...

WONDERFUL Sandie!! For reasons that you know, I haven't been at my computer much these past few days. I've been trying to be encouraged and encouraging and get my head together.

What a wonderful treat I found this morning as I ventured here. You summed it all up with one statement/question.

How can a Christian NOT be free?

If Christ has set us free, we are free indeed, and He came to give us life, and life more abundantly.

I love this post about abundant life.

Retired Knitter said...

Wow, great post today. Many of the thoughts you expressed are mine as well.

I was the little girl who always did as I was told and followed that pattern for most of my life. As I got to 60 I realized the "rest of my life" was narrowing. If I wanted to be something else - need to be that NOW!

Gosh, I might just blog about this topic myself. If you don't mind I just might link my reader's back to this post ...
