Tip of the Day:
What It Takes to Burn Off One Can of Soda
Whether you're loyal to Coke or Pepsi, a two-can-a-day habit can set you back when it comes to controlling calories. Aside from added sugar, a single can of soda contains 100 calories. It may not sound like much, but when you drink two or a three a day, the calories add up. Let's look at how much exercise you'll need to do to burn off one can of soda:
Walking: 26 minutes
Running: 11 minutes
Biking: 14 minutes

Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it. -Maimonides
Okay - here I am admitting a personality flaw in myself. I know for a fact that sometimes I can see/know the truth when others don't/can't. No matter what I say or do or even if I prove it - I cannot change their mind. It drives me nuts. So this quote is one I'm going to tattoo on my head! When I know the truth - it does not matter if others believe it or not! I KNOW IT'S TRUE AND THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH!
What do you do when you know something to be true and others argue with you?
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly." ~ Julie Andrews - Happy Birthday
I agree - being a disciplined person does set one free.
I don't mind knowing how much I have to exercise to burn off a soda, because I almost never drink one. Just don't tell me how hard I have to work to burn off a peanut butter sandwich ;-))
I love peanut butter and chocolate!
Seb, for some reason I can't get to your Web site. Sorry. I did try. Thanks for writing me.
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