"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Musings - a colorful life . . .

Leap, and the net will appear. - Julie Cameron

Now how does the mind of Chatty work on this quote? Leap, and the net will appear. . .

I think of taking a leap of faith. Taking a leap and believing that things will work out even if you can't imagine things working out. Taking a leap and believing old wounds can and will be healed. Taking a leap of faith when people are out of work. Taking a leap of faith if you are sick - knowing in the end that God will be there to catch you.

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.
- Mark Twain
How true is that one?

And I think about how color effects our life. Breast cancer awareness and the color pink. What a great color they picked. It is so loving and affirmative.

So my assignment for today if you chose to accept - is to put a little color in your life - let go - and let God be there for you.

I need this too - it's a rainy day in Georgia. No grandson yet - my DIL goes to the hospital tomorrow night and will be induced Wednesday - so I am praying something will happen before that - but I'm trusting God to catch my DIL and grandson!

Garfield stew for Thanksgiving?


Chatty Sandie


Linda @ A La Carte said...

A very rainy day but there can still be some color and sunshine in our hearts. Praying for the new GS and your DIL!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The dog quote is priceless!! I will be praying for DIL, maybe something will happen before Wednesday!! How exciting!! My mom was born so late that she had a tooth!!

Unknown said...

Another wonderful write, you come up with great words to share.

Hope all goes well with Mother & baby ...

We get your rain tonight & tomorrow.
~ Don't forget our GIVEAWAY ~
Have a lovely day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

BECKY said...

Great post, Sandie!! I love the term "a leap of faith"! I've used it myself a time or two. (I also love all your Maxine cartoons!!) And yes, hopefully your daughter-in-law won't have to be induced. All will be well.....

Patti said...

Do you know the TV show Monk? It was one of our favorites. Well on one of the episodes, someone said, "Leap and a net will appear." Monk's response..."Who's Annette?"

Funny, huh?

Anyhow, walking by faith is one of the most difficult things, isn't it? It should be easy, but since we all like to be in control of things, it is often extremely hard for us to "let go and let God."

Praying right now for that sweet little grandson. Can't wait to hear of his arrival.


Susan said...

Hi Sandie...It's hard to take those leaps of faith but when we do, there's always something interesting where we land! Susan

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

Hi Sandie,
Haven't been by in a while, the days go by so quickly.

I'll be praying for your DINL and her baby.

Tanna said...

Words of wisdom.

Best of all to your DIL and grandson-on-the-way!!


Elaine said...

wonderful post.. prayers for the
DIL...love the thought of putting some color in our lives. Hugs

I thought the wreath was so elegant.

Doris Sturm said...

I hope everything will work out for your DIL and your grandbaby. I will say a prayer for their safety.

Maybe we'll get some rain later because it's not here yet.

Have a wonderful week, my friend :-)

betty said...

When I lived in Montana, I knew someone who studied colors and what colors were people's "power" colors, etc. She did a presentation at a workshop I was at and it was amazing when she had people with their "power" colors that they did seem to have more strength and confidence. She helped design buildings, etc to fit the colors of what the businesses wanted, etc. It was fascinating!

Soon that little Grandson will be there!!

I'm taking a big leap of faith with our upcoming move.......


Angela said...

Hey Sandie!

It's raining here too but I'm loving it! We so desperately need the rain.

Great thoughts and quotes of the day!

Hope all goes well with that grand baby and your daughter in law! Are you heading that way Wednesday?

Have a Great Day!

Sharon said...

Taking a leap of faith - OK, I'll do it!! Knowing that God will catch me. He'll be there, no matter what!

LOVE the Twain quote! I am convinced that dogs are better than most humans...for sure.

Oh, Sandie - that little grandson! I'm going to pray harder! I had a friend whose daughter was in the same situation. Her daughter went into labor the day before they were going to induce her. I'll ask God for another "last minute" delivery!

Garfield stew - the fur makes for lumpy gravy - just sayin'...


Donna B. said...

I totally agree with all you said. I love Julie Cameron. She is the ultimate artist's muse...I can see her saying this quote in an art class or lecture. Trust yourself, believe in yourself, go for it!! All things are possible in God's love.

Just Be Real said...

Enjoyed the qoutes dear. Thank you for sharing.

Linda O'Connell said...

I have lived life long enough to know that a leap of faith is the only way to tackle life. Thanks for the inspiration.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for stopping by Ginny and Me as sisters. I agree with your Thanksgiving post above this one, but came here to comment because leap and the net will appear is not part of my personailty. I want it to be and struggle to be like that. my fears of what ifs drivess my life. thanks for your words

Rose said...

we all must have faith that things will work and God is with us. prayers for your son and his wife. rose