"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends . . .

This was a big hit - everybody sent me this - I love it and I think you all will too!

Twice I have lived forever in a smile. - E.E. Cummings

Thanks Jerry - who else?


Who's jolly and cute, Wearing a beard and a red flannel suit,

And if he is chuckling and laughing away, while flying around in a miniature sleigh,

With eight tiny reindeer to pull him along,

Then let's face it... Your eggnog's too strong!

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2O1O!!!

Thanks Jerry.

How smart are you - an intelligence test.


And last but not least - thanks Molly:

IT WAS A TOUGH WEEK, BUT SCREW IT - I MADE IT…. (Sandie after knee surgery).



Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh sweetie I am so glad you are doing better. I knew you must be in some pain for me not to have heard from you for a couple of days! Have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you soon!! hugs, Linda

Dogmom Diva said...

Sandie, I am so sorry you had such a horrific week, I don't handle pain well at all..but when they tell you its gonna be bad, it's gonna be bad..glad you are doing a bit better and hope you can enjoy the holiday with the fam! Only way to go now is UP!

hugs and love

Doris Sturm said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I miss hearing from you.

Merry Christmas, my AWOL friend ;-)

Sharon said...

Oh Sandie - you crazy nutcase, you!

Really cracked up at the cartoon re: the husband and wife. I have a magnet on my fridge (with a little picture of Dale Evans) that says:

MEN - can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.


And I laughed so hard at the picture of that bird - it was so messed up - was it a chicken??? Hard to tell. Hopefully, we can still tell that you're a human...

Will be praying for the pain - and that in spite of it, you will have a wonderful Christmas.

Love you and GOD BLESS!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Merry Christmas Sandie and family! Let everybody else wait on you this time!!!!

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

I am so glad you are doing better, relax take it easy and don't push. Let your body heal in it's own time, take it from someone who rushed and paid for it.
Merry Christmas to you and yours...
PS love our chicken, he looks like I feel right now..Bwahahahah

Carol............. said...

Glad things are OK and you'll be as good as new..soon....

I kind of felt like that chicken in the picture for a few days...just frazzled getting ready for Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Whosyergurl said...

That cartoon (funeral director) made me cackle out loud! Love it! Merry Christmas! Love, Cheryl

Whosyergurl said...
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Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the cute doghouse e-card! And I hope you are in a bit better condition than that rooster!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I am SO sorry you have been in such pain, but I'm glad to know that things went well. I hope and pray that you will have a pain free Christmas, Sandie.

Just wanted to be sure and drop by to wish you a very Merry Christmas!


Sheila :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ho ho ho lol and rofl Merry Christmas

Angela said...

Hey Sandie!

Great Fun Friday! That sure is a scary looking chicken! I hope you don't feel that bad!

Merry Christmas!

Tanna said...

Sandie, I hope you are feeling better each and every day and that you and yours have a blessed Christmas filled with the magic of our Savior's love and peace! Hugs ~ Tanna

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Merry Christmas my friend..
and your leg will start getting better and better,, I just know it,.

Mevely317 said...

Merry Christmas, sweet friend! I'm soooo sorry to learn of the pain you're enduring ... obviously, the "Bionic Woman" was a fraud!
Hope tomorrow's dawn finds you feeling stronger!

Unknown said...

I was about to get plumb flabbergasted after seeing mention of my name, and then reading, "If you see a fat man..." However, I was shown where one didn't have anything to do with the other. Nonetheless, I still think it was some sort of a crack.

Anyway, being the wonderful person that I truly am, I would still like to wish you-all a very Merry Christmas. (Yeah, I really am something else. That's in a good way, too!)

Just Be Real said...

That Dorito commercial was too funny.

Glad you are doing better dear one.

♥♥♥Merry Christmas♥♥♥