"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sunday's Gift to you . . .

I have decided to take it easy the month of January - my desk top is at my desk (upstairs) and it's hard to sit there for any length of time with my knee down - so for me, writing blogs is harder then is for me looking at other's blogs or answering emails - downstairs on an easy chair (with my legs extended) with my laptop. When I keep my legs down the knee swells.

I am healing - but it is much more of a process then I anticipated.

The doctor told me that the knee was a little harder then a hip replacement. Well I breezed through the hip replacement 5 years ago and I only concentrated on the word 'little' - not the word 'harder' - so I was in for a shock!!!! I did get donw, but now I am ready to get up! I'm practicing my own beliefs. I AM GOING TO BE POSITIVE - AND I AM GOING TO BE WORKING ON MYSELF DAILY IN A POSITIVE MANNER.

Any way my dear friend Jean sent me this and it is a hoot and this is the start of my laughter to heal myself (of course with prayers too) !

You have to listen - six minutes of total clean laughter.

I love y'all.


It's in the difficult times that we're growing and you can't just rebuke everything hard. We've got to endure it and fight the good fight of faith and pass the test.
- Joel Osteen


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Good to see you Chatty. This time of year is hard even without a knee replacement! I know you're working hard to keep those spirits up, and you're doing great. Sending lots of healing vibes to that knee of yours!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Glad to hear you realize you have to take it easy this month. Healing is so much positive thinking and you have that so you should be fine! Are you ready for snow and ice? Hugs, Linda

Angela said...

I had noticed that you hadn't blogged in a few days so I figured you were taking it easy because of your knee. I'm glad that you are taking it easy. There's no need to over do it on our account! Get well soon!


Linda O'Connell said...

Here's my philosophy on healing: I know and accept that these days it takes even a small cut twice as long to heal. I always imagine myself healed, so I put myself ahead of the situation I am in. Sending healing thoughts your way.

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

glad to see you back, I can identify with not setting with the leg down...Brahahah, but this too shall pass. I know, just when you think you can take no more you wake up one morning and think..now I know I had a problem yesterday but what was it?
Continue to do your exercises and what you are told and it will be gone before you know it.

Cheri said...

We will miss your blogging but it is more important that you take care of yourself and heal. Time enough for posting. Stay warm.

Susan said...

Hello Dear Sandie...That was a hilarious video. You sure do find them! Oh, how I wish the healing process for you were all over. Take care and have a peaceful Sunday. So glad you are being good to YOU! Susan

Ginny Hartzler said...

She used to be Miss America! We have a DVD of her and she is so good, you need to get it!!! For a good laugh, you should YouTube all her videos. You should hear her talk about baking her tiny 7-Up poundcakes for funeral meals. But we hadn't heard this one, very funny!! She came to a nearby town on tour and my best friend bought tickets and went, I would love to go see her.

Tanna said...

Sooooo glad to see a post from you, Sandie! But, you need to take it easy and not have that let swell up any more than necessary! Laughter IS one of the best medicines around! Keep the faith, Sister! Keep the faith! Hugs and blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

i'm praying for a speedy recovery for you, oh and a painfree one. the prayer(for the pain free one) probably was rejected huh? hope you get back to giving me my daily laughter soon. i want you better not just for you but for me. i'm a selfish person! have a great day!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I am so sorry you are hurting, Sandie, but do what you need to do to get better.

And that video is one way to feel better. What a hoot! I laughed so hard. Thanks for sharing that.

I got out yesterday for the first time in three weeks, and it felt good. It's a good thing I took my car to the dealership to have a tire checked, though, because it had a nail in it and was ready to have a blowout. So I got two new back tires and will replace the others when they can get to it. It was late when I went there, and they did that as a favor to me. Thankfully, I made it down here (four hours) before Christmas without having a blowout. I had it checked before I left as I was concerned (particularly since I had my car loaded to the hilt with stuff and didn't want to have to get the spare out), but it held. SO three weeks later, I learn the verdict. WHEW!

Sending you big get well hugs today...


Sheila :-)

Nancy at the Farm said...

We're holding you up in prayer for healing and retention of your wonderful sense of the positive and humor!

Love, Dozer and Cooper and their Mum, Nancy

Melanie said...

I'm glad that you're taking it easy, Sandie. We're still praying for you.
That video is very funny. I've seen a couple of her videos before.
Laughter is very good medicine!
Hope you have a great week. ♥

Tweedles -- that's me said...

you are healing
we are cheering you on
we love

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love Jeanne Robertson, had not heard this one. she is truly hilarious and you should heal fast if you listen to her.

Buttercup said...

Really needed the quote from Joel Osteen. You're in my thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery. Take good care of yourself.

ClassyChassy said...

Hey Chatty! That is soo funny! Just loved that lady's stand up routine - what a hoot - and good for the soul. Take care, nice to hear from you again.

Just Be Real said...

Sandie I absolutely loved that video. Bungee jump at 62! Great. She is a hoot.

You take as much time as you need to dear. Your readers will be here waiting for you.

Blessings and hugs.

सहज समाधि आश्रम said...

I wish you Happy New 2011!
क्या कहने साहब ।
जबाब नहीं निसंदेह ।
यह एक प्रसंशनीय प्रस्तुति है ।
धन्यवाद ।

Debbie said...

I love her, and that's one of my all time favorites. Have you seen the one where "Left Brain" goes to the grocery store? FUN... NY.

Google it if you haven't!

Sorry that things are not very
"FUN KNEE" (lame, I know...) at your place.

I do remember from when my mom had her knee replacement that it is NO SMALL recovery! Take care of yourself and take as much time to heal as your body requires.

Hope that laughter that you are always spreading around to others returns to you as good medicine.

Sharon said...

YAY! You're baaaaack...

I have missed my Chatty laughs - and you have provided yet another one!

Sandie - I have been praying for you. I admire your fighting spirit. Both for the knee recovery, AND for keeping a positive attitude in your heart.

Maybe Chatty should be Cheery...


Knitty said...

Pretend you're a child again without a care in the world and a teenager again because we know they don't move much while at home! ;-)

I love Jeanne Robertson. If you haven't heard it before, look for her story about 7-Up pound cake.

Happy Healing to you!