"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Prada To Nada

This past weekend my daughter and I wanted to go see a movie - we were going to see Hall Pass, but we didn't feel in the mood for that. We decided to go to a sleeper movie. We had never heard of it - never heard of the actors in it - and the summary - so so.

Went to the theater and the lady who took our ticket laughed a little and we were the only ones in the theater. We thought we wers sunk.

Okay - it really turned out cute. You may want to rent it when it comes out.

Summary from Fandango -
Two sisters, one a young beauty who chooses passion over logic, the other a law student whose fixed moral compass keeps her from following her desires, are uprooted from their luxurious home when their father suddenly passes away.

Out of money and out of options, the women move into their Great Aunt Aurelia's modest, but lively home in the Latino-centric Boyle Heights neighborhood where they find themselves thrown into a world that, despite their heritage, seems completely foreign.

Over time, they discover the beauty of the culture they once fought so desperately to hide. And in the process they find the one thing that had eluded them: love.

I think it was a lot like a modern age Jane Austin story.

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”
Flora Whittemore

I think this is something to think about.

The way we chose to life life is always a choice,


betty said...

interesting plot/theme for the movie, Sandie. I hadn't heard of it; I'll look to rent it in a few months. I like your last line; I think I need to choose better these days how to live life

enjoy the day!


Susan said...

It's true, Sandie. The choices we make can, indeed, impact heavily on our lives. Even when bad things happen to us, we can choose how to respond. Take care and have a super day! Susan

Anonymous said...

Sandie, OK!..now I've got to see Prada To Nada, this seems just like the kinda movies I like.
Thanks for sharing, I like Betty I had not heard of this movie, now it is a must see.

Susan said...

p.s. Like your new profile photo, Sandie! Susan (again)

Anonymous said...

Ps...{I'm} like Betty hadn't heard of this movie.

Sorry can't make the fingers work on the keys like thier suppose to,eeeeek.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sounds like a cute movie. I will try to rent it when it comes out!

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

That is so true Sandie, as we shut doors we shut opportunities and experiences that can turn into life long memories.

It looks like a really fun movie, I'll have to go and see it.

Anonymous said...

that sounds like a movie i would love! glad you didn't see hall pass. my son who loves crude, stupid movies saw it and he didn't like one thing about it. wait til it hits the dollar theatre so one dollar is all you would waste! have a good day.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You are so right about what we choose to have/have not in our lives!...:)JP

Patti said...

How fun...you and I both enjoyed a movie date with our daughters this past weekend. We are blessed to have daughters who actually like being with us!!!

Have a wonderful day.


Rae said...

Sounds interesting. I've found that the big hyped up movies aren't always so great. I like the sleeper movies better. I'll have to look for this one.

Shanae Branham said...

Hey, Girlfriend,
I commend you for being brave and seeing the movie even though you were alone in the theater. It is always good to get a comment from you and I took your advice about over instead of and into consideration. I think its a marvelous idea, the only problem now is I would have to change the header and the button and it was Diane who did them for me out of the kindness of her heart. I asked her if it wouldn't be too much trouble to redo, but she must have gotten busy because I haven't heard back from her...
I appreciate your friendship. It's nice to find people in the blogosphere you feel like you can trust.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Love love the quote! xx

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Sounds good! I'll look for it.

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, I'm a total movie hound and I haven't heard of this one. Will keep an eye open for it. I love the smaller movies that don't get a lot of hoopla! You may be thankful you missed "Hall Pass". I was disappointed in it. Ann

Pat MacKenzie said...

That looks like my kind of movie. I'll have to search it out. Catchy title.

Whosyergurl said...

Sandie, I had not heard of that...will check it out. Every day...choices stretch before us. I think "will I be the good witch or the bad witch?" ;-)
xo, Cheryl

Doris Sturm said...

Actually, that does sound like fun little movie - thanks, I will check it out on Netflix. I'm somewhat of a movie buff ;-)

Hope you're feeling well today, Sandie. It rained all afternoon...and I'm having a Seed Exchange if you want to play along!

See ya!
Doris and the Gizzmeister!

My Grama's Soul said...

Great movie summary Sandie....and I could not agree with you final statement....MORE. (O:



Angela said...

Hey Sandie!

I've never heard of the movie either. Glad you got to have a girls day out together!


Ginny Hartzler said...

This trailor looks really, really good! I have never heard of it. But many times, sleepers are better than the hits, in my opinion! Sorry I'm running late today,better late than never!!

Tanna said...

Thank you for the review! And, yes, Ma'am, life is all about the doors we open and the doors we close. Love the quotes you find, Sandie!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

how nice to be alone in the theater, noise drives me nuts. sounds like one i would like, since i am happily ever after person. ok so i know life is not that way, that is why i want to watch one that is

Katie said...

Looks cute :)

Sharon said...

Hmmm...very profound.

Choices are very powerful. They affect our lives - but they also have the potential to affect other people a great deal, too. We should make them thoughtfully.


ocmist said...

That's one I've never heard of either, but sometimes those DO turn out to be a good story. Glad you had a good outing! Yep, we get to choose each day to look at the glass as half empty or half full, and you feel better if you choose the half full idea! :)