"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, April 18, 2011

Alzheimer's Generation

To catch up from last week - I'm getting better with the Shingles - whew. Again I ask - Who coined this the Golden Years - get your vaccine kids!!!! I think the shingles are lightening up - they have stopped adding more - and the pain is a bit better. So I'm on my way to mending - praise GOD! Thanks everyone who prayed for me and wished me well. Of course I'm late with emails and reading your blogs, but I will get there! I have them all.

The Atlanta Passion Play was excellent yesterday - I wonder why it is stopping after 35 years? They had the first and last curtain call yesterday. Something never done before.

All the men who played Jesus - there have been 15 - were there except for one and one had died of brain cancer at 42.

It was so powerful, so moving. They asked the audience of 4000 (it was sold out and people were at the entrance before the show started - holding signs wanting to buy tickets!)- who had ever played in the Passion Play to come forward - it was amazing!

This Passion Play was started and put on by the First Baptist Church of Atlanta - Charles Stanley's church. I just can't express how wonderful this has been for us as a family through the years. I want to thank God for that too!

My blog is a baby boomer blog - and I make a lot of jokes and comments about aging. I received an email about Alzheimer's. It was titled - The Baby Boomers Generation is now going to be called the Alzheimer's Generation. I read and downloaded this report and you may want to go read it was well: http://alz-news.org/.

Here are a couple of interesting facts - "Some good news us there have been some amazing break through this past month in linking certain genes to Alzheimer's, but there is still a lot of work to be done. This year, the first of the Boomer Generation turns 65. To bring urgently-needed attention to the risk facing the Boomers, Alzheimer's Association released a groundbreaking study, Generation Alzheimer's: The Defining Disease of the Baby Boomers."

"The Truth about Alzheimer's that Every American Should Know - Death rates for other major diseases — HIV, stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, breast cancer — are declining. Alzheimer’s is the only top 10 cause of death without a way to prevent, cure or even slow its progression."

Read it for more information if you're interested.

I was thinking (lol) that is one of the reasons I do Fridays and in fact is is a good reason to do blogs - I think that one of the best ways to prevent it - is to use your mind. Puzzles, sudoku's, help your grands with their homework, reading, laughing, and learning new things - and I think we ALL do that with our blogs. And of course there is the great aspect of friends. All this keeps our minds and bodies younger and exercises the brain.

Here is a gift for you today:

Tell me what you did this weekend - I heard some of y'all had SNOW!

Love, Chatty


Kim said...

The spread of Alzheimers is scary. We have been dealing with it first hand with my Mom. And living in a small town, I hear about local people all the time who are being affected. I try everything I can think of to keep my mind active and engaged in the event that it may help.
Glad you are getting better with the shingles. I have never had them but have seen family members suffer. My Aunt said how painful they were.
Love the new quote of the week. (Sorry this ended up being a book)

Barb Hodges said...

Hi Sandie, I am so glad you are feeling better. Yes, being one of those first generation baby boomers, I have always tried to keep my mind active by reading and writjng, especially more consistent writing the last fe years. I love doing word search puzzles and unscrambling word puzzles. Charles Stanley is one of my favorite ministers. I am happy you were able to attend the Passion play. Continue to heal.

betty said...

I think that was awesome that they had 13/15 men there who had portrayed Jesus, Sandie. I bet it was an awesome production. It does make you wonder why after 35 years they are stopping it but, wonder if it is like everything these days with the expense of putting something like that on.

I am glad you are feeling better from the shingles and the pain is subsiding a bit.

It is scary to think about Alzheimer's. Given a choice (like I have that choice LOL) to have physical discomfort or memory loss as I age, I'd go with the physical discomfort. It is hard to watch people lose their memory (although I am so thankful my mom's was sharp until days before her death and that was the morphine more than anything else) but hubby's mom with her memory issues is sad to watch their family deal with it.

I do agree with you; keeping the brain active. My mom liked to do word search puzzles, plus she was around my sister's family since she lived there, with young kids so there was always something going on. Makes you wonder if Alzheimer's is more prevalent these days because extended families don't live together any more like they used to on farms, etc. I don't know but it is frightening to wonder if you or your spouse will be affected by it. Certainly something to trust that God knows best about it all.


Melanie said...

So glad you're getting better, Sandie! My husband and mom have both had shingles. They were in misery.
What a shame that the passion play is stopping. I wonder why too??
Sudoku's are a lot of fun, but I haven't done them in a while. I've just been way too busy!!
My weekend was very busy. We had a church dinner yesterday and an easter egg hunt for the kids.
I also cleaned the house some. That's not finished though, but then again, when is housecleaning ever finished?!? LOL!
Hope you have a great week! :)

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....Glad the Shingles pain is lessening.

Didn't they say WHY the play is stopping? I would be very interested to know.

The weekend was great----we got our frost resistent pansies (today's blog); visited a chocolate shop (another post coming up); went to get palms, of course; and just had a swell two days.

Take care and have a super day today, too. Susan

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hey, Sandie, I'm just catching up with you from yesterday and today. Love the Passion Play pics, did you take them? I didn't know it was done at Charles stanley's church!!! I have In Touch set to tape autoamtically, I have watched him for years and love him!! Guess you don't know why it's closing. I'm so glad you're feeling better, this means it was caught in time. I have dealt with Alzeheimer's in my own life and it caused me a nervous breakdown, one of the worst times in my life.

Terra said...

I am glad you are healing from the shingles, and yes, there is a vaccine to prevent it. I think you need to be 65 to get it, but I could be wrong! Ha ha. And so sad the Passion Play is ending, could it be financial struggles?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I beleive Altzheimers was always here, we just did not know it because most people died before age 65, when i was a child, a person that was 55 was considered OLD. we are living longer and longer lives and with it comes this dreaded disease. i have dealt with dementia and parkinsons with my dad and have a dear friend whose husband has altzehiemer. it is a dreaded and horrible mind stealer. and the thing is it does not kill the body, only the mind.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Alzheimers is an area of interest to me. I lost my grandmother to it, and it was a long road for her. I did a review of the book Spark a while back on my blog. It has a lot of interesting research connecting exercise with a decrease in the progression of Alzheimers :-)
Glad you're feeling better. Shingles sounds awful.

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh Sandie, I've been away from blogging a bit, did not know you were under the weather! I'm so sorry sweet lady. I do hope and pray that you will heal soon. Thank you for the great information too.

Take care.


Southhamsdarling said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I've had Shingles and it is very very painful, so you have my sympathy. Alzheimers is pretty scary, but I do try to keep my brain active by taking on new things and keeping pace with all the modern technology, doing crossword puzzles etc. etc.

Debbie said...

It's closing? That breaks my heart. I wonder why.

I'm glad to hear you're recovering from those AWFUL shingles, Sandie.

I have several friends caring for parents with alzheimers. It is the most painful good by that I have seen. I think it's worse than a physical illness.

Jane said...

I also am a boomer,and my mother had alzheimers,so that is one of my major concerns,thanks for sharing this. Blessings jane

Donna B. said...

I am so glad you are feeling better with the Shingles..I want YOU to know, because of YOU, I am calling my doctor and asking for a RX for the vaccine for both myself and husband...

We saw the movie, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST and it was incredbile and full of emotional impact and reawakening. I think it is so sad they have closed this play. I agree, it is probably due to finances, like everything is these days...

I am one of those Baby Boomers. My husband's Mother had it and we dealt with the disease four years with her, until her death. Now, my Dad has it, as you know, and I write about our family's journey with him from our visits and conversations...it is such a heartbreaking disease. We must take the good, sunny days, with the rainy ones and the storms...thankfully, we have been fortunate with many sunny visits lately...

Wonderful, informative post as always... Oh, BTW, I got my buttons, so stop by and get one when you have time...

Doris Sturm said...

I'm glad you're feeling a little better - shingles sound awful and I will ask for a shot the next time I'm in town for my physical.

That Passion Play sounds fantastic. I miss going to live performances, but I'm so close to getting a car and then I might be able to get out more and participate in cultural events again!

I try to keep my brain active. There's a cool computer game that I like to play called: "Brain training for Dummies" and you don't have to be a dummy to enjoy it ;-)

This weekend, I gardened a little, walked with Gizzy, took some photos, talked with a friend from Germany and wrote out some Easter cards and of course, crocheted and watched some Netflix moies...pretty much the usual stuff.

Have a wonderful week, Sandie. We love you,
Doris and Gizzy :-)

Together We Save said...

My mother-in-law had Alzheimers.... it is a mean disease and I hope and pray a cure is found.

Sorry about the shingles, glad you are feeling better.

DaCraftyLady said...

Hi Sandie, I just returned from a weekend in Laughlin for a car club event there were over 260 cars there and it was tipping the 90s and on that blacktop it was HOT and I don't do hot very well...Our room over looked the Colorado River and the pool. And we had a fun time, although I didn't win anything with the "one arm bandits" But I had fun!! Enjoyed the info on Alzheimers. It is very scary. My mom had Dementia and it is hard to watch a loved one forget how to do every day activities. :( So glad to hear you are feeling better I have had the Shingles and it is no picnic that is for sure. Prayers to you still to complete recovery!!! Hugs, Debb

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm so glad that you are feeling better, Kiddo! The play once again sounds amazing and imagine that many emotions filled the room! The Boomers, of which I'm one, will get things done!...:)JP

Jeanie said...

As a fellow baby boomer I share your concern about Alzheimer's as the scourge of our generation. For those that are dealing with a family member with Alzheimer's I would recommend a book called "The 36 Hour Day."

Mevely317 said...

Thank God you're feeling better, Sandie!!! I'm so dang remiss about logging in, I didn're realize you'd yet another hurdle to overcome. :(
Now!, I'm really indebted to you for calling more attention to Alzheimer's. This strikes so close to home. Truth be told, I'm knock-kneed nervous, whether it's heritary; and being a burden to my son. Arrrrrgh!
PS - Do ya suppose this is a "new" thing -- When we were kids I recall hearing "addled" or "senile" ... never Alzheimers. Ugly sounding name for an ugly affliction.

Angela said...

I'm glad that you are getting better Sandie! I will get the shot hopefully before I get the shingles. I had the chicken pox twice as a kid! Once when I was a baby and again when I was 5 or 6.


Tanna said...

It seems every where you turn you hear of someone else with Alzheimer's. It is scary.

SOOOOOO glad you are feeling better and that you were able to attend the last Passion play with GS. Somehow, it really makes me sad that this was the last one.

blessings~ tanna

Knitty said...

I try to challenge my mind not only to ward off Alzheimers, but because it is easier exercise for me than all than sweaty stuff. ;-)

Seriously though, I do an online jigsaw puzzle and Sudoku daily. I miss doing a daily crossword, but can you believe we don't have a daily newspaper in Detroit now? I don't mind other puzzles online but still like using a pencil on a crossword.

I hope the shingles leave you soon. I've heard horrible stories about how painful they can be.

Thanks for the chicken clip. I have a friend in FL who just built a coop for her three little chicks. She soooooo deserves this clip! :-D