"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday's Gift to you . . .

I've been looking at things via the Internet that would be interesting for you. I just heard about “Truth Be Told,” a romantic comedy the whole family can enjoy together. Tune in on Saturday, April 16th at 8/7c on FOX for a night of honest to goodness fun. But before you do, check out this site for ways to get your family talking!

This is going to be a new television show on Saturday nights - it is a family movie - with great topics - that you and your family can talk about.

I will be there.

I tried and I tried to get this embedded and Chatty no can do. But it is The Skit Boys - on the meaning of:

G R A C E !

It's excellent. If you can get videos take a look and if you can't - I'm sorry.


Now a good thought for this Sunday.

Accept as good whatever happens to you or affects you, knowing that nothing happens without God. -The Didache

I have had to do this in my own life. Not all good things are going to happen to good people or bad people. We all have to take what God allows in our life. It is what we do with what he gives us - that is important. I find that I have had to trust and obey - many times - while waiting for an answer. Some times I have been given the answer and sometimes the answer has been no.

What about you?



Anonymous said...

I love Fox,I'll be checking it out.
And yes sometimes we do get "no",but "HE",knows best!

Have a blessed Sunday and an awesome week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am back. i just read all three of your post that i missed.
love love love the singing puppy whisperer...
the senior sign made me hysterical and the one of the itchy bitchy ME the only one on it not me is sleepy.
I have gotten the answer no many times, and i have come to think i thought good things would happen because i am a Christian. that is not true. good and bad happens to good and bad people.
God wanted us to make a choice to follow him and if we do follow and all good things happen to us, it would make others decide to follow because good things would happen. hope i said that right

Susan said...

Hi Sandie: Happy Sunday to you! Yup, I've definitely had to wait and wait and wait for God to answer some requests. Then, at times the answer has been a resounding "NO." That takes acceptance and patience...two things I'm learning to be better at. But He knows what's best for us and He is a God of abundance.

Take care and have a wonderful day. Susan

Rae said...

Thanks for your Sunday words and gifts. It's a beautiful day. I hope you have a lovely day too.

Sharon said...

Oh, I have trouble with this one.

I often just want God to fix things, to make them better, to do whatever it takes to make my fears go away. He, on the other hand, wants to work on my character...

Trust and obey - hand in hand, they are the key to knowing God and living your life for Him. I'm working on them!

GOD BLESS you on this Sunday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

We don't know what's best for us because we can't see ahead and we can't see the big picture. Just like little kids don't know what's best for them, they have to rely on their parents, because we know. It lt looks like this will be a different movie every week? Great!

The Boston Lady said...

I have found that sometimes the reason behind an event or circumstance can take years to be revealed, but usually time has brought an answer to me. Sometimes it can be quite painful waiting for that answer, but when I've gotten it, I usually feel better. Of course, something may never have an answer. I feel those may be revealed to me later, after I'm re-united with my parents and other loved ones. Until then.... life is mysterious.

Sorry I've been AWOL. Studying some stuff for insurance license. UGH. Hope to be more connected this week. THanks for the tip on the movie. Ann

Jeanie said...

Thanks for the tip on the movie. I'll try to check it out. Fortunately I have a family that is pretty, well, chatty.

Sally said...

This is my first visit, and I really like your post today. Sometimes, I've tried to take things in my own hands only to realize I need to give it up to the Lord! He's never let me down! :)

Buttercup said...

Sometimes, it's yes and sometimes it's no, but as it says in Job, "It rains on the just and the unjust" and it is all G-d's to give.

Wishes for a great week!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I came and took some time to look at all the new stuff on your side bar..
It all looks so nice.
Happy Sunday

deb said...

Happy Sunday! Great post. Nice to meet you too!

Love Of Quilts said...

You have it right.... what god allows....I beleive you have to ask him for things you don't want him to allow...sometimes we get unanswered prayers. Trish

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hiya beautiful, I am home..and a little bruised. Hey, I didn't know about this God Tube, I am wrapped!!! so great.. I will check it our more tomorrow.
And to Trust and Obey, is truely the answer my darling friend..I love you. xxx

Unknown said...

Sandi, your latest post is taking me to a place that says "Chatty Crone's page doesn't exist"... thought you'd like to know.

Melanie said...

Someone at church yesterday was talking about the skit guys.
I'm going to have to look them up. :)

ocmist said...

I SOOOOO know what you are talking about! God IS always in control, but learning patience, self-control, etc. IS hard. No and "Wait" are just the hardest things to hear for me. Each time He DOES take me through a rough spot helps my faith to grow and that's a GOOD thing... Right? It's friends like you that get me through! :)