"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak! (Matthew 26:41).

Easter Flash Mob! 2000 Christians! - Inspirational Videos - GodTube http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=FB1B9CNU

Resurrection Sunday Dance, Budapest, Hungary - Music Videos - GodTube http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=90091MNU

Most people know the Good Friday story - there would be no Easter Sunday without it. At the Passion Play it was so sad. When that scene was over - it was so moving you felt wiped out - my grandson asked is it over? In a way he was hoping it would be - but we said NO! The best part the most important part is yet to come - it is what that Good Friday happened for! The only reason.

So then the GS asked - was the pain real? He used to us telling him that it's not real - like on television - but this time - while the actor did not actually get hurt - we told him Jesus DID go through that actual pain and he was shocked and you could tell he hurt for Him.

Now these two songs are about rejoicing - it is the same song - once in Texas and once in Budapest. And it will move you - I promise!

Good Friday.
Love, Chatty


Jane said...

Thank you Sandie for posting this,as usual you inspire me! Yes Jesus is the reason for good friday,we are so blessed indeed! Blessings jane

Nikki (Sarah) said...

HOpe your Easter is wonderful....just like you.... ☺☺

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie these videos are so inspiring. You can feel the joy and power of Jesus in them! Thank you for reminding me what today is really about. Much love to you and your family this Easter. Linda

Melanie said...

Those videos were wonderful, Sandie!
They're great reminders of what this time of year is all about.
Happy Easter. ♥

Annesphamily said...

Have a beautiful and blessed Easter Sandie! Your GS is going to be one fine young man. Blessings to you from me! Anne

Linda O'Connell said...

Thank you Sandie. Have a blessed Easter.

betty said...

I watched the Texas one and a little bit of the Hungary one; wow! Powerful presentation! I kept thinking what a wonderful way to go out and worship Jesus like that and the shoes left at the end brought tears to my eyes. I also liked that there were people of all ages in that video and it amazed me whoever orchestrated it all; truly an act of love for others and Jesus!!

You are truly right, without Good Friday we wouldn't have Easter. I am so thankful Jesus was willing to die for me!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is The Best Good Friday blog today. as i watched the video from Hungary i started to cry. these videos say there is still HOPE... thanks for sharing them, i am passing them on to others.

Jeanie said...

What a great experience you had with you grandson.
Have a wonderful Easter with family and friends.

sandy said...

COOL VIDEO - have a wonderful Easter.

Doris Sturm said...

Have a blessed Good Friday today and a good Earth Day as well...it's an exciting time of year, that's for sure!

I'm glad we get to relive the journey every year to help us remember...

With Love,
Doris :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are really good! I had seen the Texas one on another blog, but didn't know a thing about it! So when I went to your link, there was the story of it, YES!! About Seond Baptist and the shoes, so cool, Sandie! Why am I never around when these flash mobs show up, ha ha!!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Those were very upbeat and inspirational. Thanks for sharing them. Hope you are having a good day. Getting a lot done around here, peacefully and quietly. So good to have an "at home"day. Susan

Anonymous said...

Love this!...I borrowed the 2000 Christians celebrating the resurrection,and put it on my facebook page,going to try and get it on my blog.
We are so blessed!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sandie Sweetie...
A beautiful, heart touching share today. I love this post. Thank you, thank you.

I also love the share about your grandson, while their hearts are still tender we teach them. You taught him well sweet friend.

You asked about today and it being my birthday. It is as Sis wrote my birthday weekend, but the official date is Monday, April 25th. She just SO wanted to post my love for cherries and the cherry fairy for Pink Saturday and surprise me. She is a keeper.

Love ya. Happy Easter sweet friend. Much love and many hugs, Sherry

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, you are special new friend. I love the use of flash mobs and think they always get their point across in a big way. Thanks for sharing all of this. May your family have a wonderful Easter. I appreciate you always checking on things here. Ann

Liz Mays said...

Thank you so much! My life has been nothing but chaos lately so it was wonderful to take a moment to sit, reflect, and rejoice. :)

Sharon said...

I am moved.

I think it's so wonderful that the GS is old enough to begin to grasp the FULL story of the crucifixion. As I talked about earlier this week on my blog, when you finally comprehend the shame, and pain, and horror - that's when you finally realize what He REALLY suffered for us. And that's when you can finally fall on your face in gratitude for His gracious gift of forgiveness and salvation!

Amen?? AMEN!