"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, April 04, 2011

Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament ...I am now a grandmother to a Knight!

"The pageantry and thrills of an authentic medieval tournament come to life inside the walls of the King's 11th century-style castle. Six armor-clad Knights on valiant horses seek the title of Champion amidst the clashing of lance and shield and heart- pounding combat!"

This is how we spent last Saturday. We left around 2:30 to get to Medieval Times in Lawrenceville, GA - it was at Discovery Mills Mall - for a 5 o'clock show. We arrived around 4 and when we went in we were transported to medieval times . . . Lots of souvenirs and people dressed up. Drinks were available. The show started promptly at 5 and it was run impeccably!

"It was a four course feast and we watched the incredible Andalusian stallions perform feats of equine skill. The Knights of the Realm competed in thrilling games on horseback. And cheers of the King's noble guests filled the arena."

We had oven-roasted chicken - garlic bread- tomato bisque soup - herb roasted potato - spare rib - apple pastry - tea - and coffee. It was quite a spread and I have to say they had things down to a science. It was wonderful - far better then my expectations.

It was out first time there and I have to tell you - if there is one near you - go - it was a lot of fun. My grandson could yell - move - wave - scream - eat - etc and no one cared in fact they were doing it too.

We were lucky and found half price tickets. It's the GS real birthday Tuesday - so we bought him a birthday package - he received a sword - he was Knighted by the king - and his name was announced by the king in front of the whole entire audience. He was so proud and so excited. Now for some pictures:

The horses performing.

The good Knight.

The prince who was captured.

We were on the red Knight's side.

We had a really great time. Hope you enjoyed the tour.

"Troubles are a blessing that force you to change, to believe." ~ Maya Angelou

Love, Chatty


Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

looks like you had a fun time, so happy that GS had such an exciting Birthday, it will be a memory he carries for a life time.
Hope all is well with you.
DH is doing better is blood Pressure is stablizing and the sugar is still going up and down but we are staying on is diet and walking so hopefully before he goes back in 2 weeks it is down enough they won't put him on meds.
He has an appointment with heart dr on the 19th...
Love and miss everyone but DH and I are spending more time together and working on his menus, it makes it easier to get him to stay on it if he helps plan it. Which is time consuming.

Pat MacKenzie said...

What a fun birthday for DS.

Tanna said...

I love that you can enjoy so many special and fun times with your grandson, Sandie! I took MY kids a million years ago and it was just as you said, better than expected! Glad you all had such a wonderful birthday experience! Happy Birthday to your sweet GS!! blessings ~ tanna

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Your GS looks like he is having a ball. What a fun Birthday treat! His smile says it all. hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandie, WOW!, yall had some fun! Love these photo's of your sweet family.
Me and Mr went to "THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS" in Orlando, we really enjoyed,that was several years ago, we need to go back and enjoy this fun again, and the meals are "good" too.
Lazy on Loblolly

Changes in the wind said...

Have been to a show in Las Vegas but think this might top it....

Melanie said...

What a nice birthday treat for your GS!! So glad he had fun!
I've heard of Medieval Times, but I've never been there before. You got some great pictures!
The food sounds very good! :)

Knitty said...

That is a celebration you will all remember forever!

Susan said...

Oh Sandie, that looked like a blast. Great photos, too. GREAT JOB! Knight Andy looks quite handsome and happy. Fabulous. Susan

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE it, Sandie! And you got some excellent pictures! The meal sounds just divine!! We don't have anything like that here, but once in a while a Renaissance Fair will come by. This was just a PERFECT birthday gift for a boy that age!!!

Cheri said...

We had done that a few months back and I had posted about it, it was lots of fun and something different to do. Glad to hear you had a good time.

I agree...everyone should try to go at least once and experience it if they can.

Southhamsdarling said...

That looks like a fantastic experience Chatty for all of you, but especially your young grandson I suspect! (He of the amazing smile!!!). Gorgeous food as well by the sound of it. Really enjoyed seeing the photos as well, as they really brought it all to life.

Terra said...

What a fabulous place, especially since I love horses and chivalry. Your grandson is glowing with happiness, he is at a wonderful age. Gee I would like to find a place like that near us!

Liz Mays said...

I love Medieval Times. I've been there about 4 times so far. I once went to a knock-off dinner show tournament and it was HORRIBLE! Nobody does it like Medieval Times!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is my most favorite post you have done since i have been following you. love the photos and the story and the grandson knight. i love movies and stories about knights and horses, this looks like something i would love.

Anonymous said...

OH what FUN! Everything about it sounded fun! You have a sweet Grandson. Cutie!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That picture is a trip!

I've never been to a Medieval Times - sounds fun though.

Jelena said...

hehe, looks like you had great time :) great pictures, too!:)

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

Hi Sandie, what a fund day you must have had. We have one near us and we go as often as our budget will allow. It's always a thrill and my boys know to wear their red bandanas on their head so that we will be seated in the red side. We like to cheer for the red because that's the one we were assigned to our very first time. Sure wish we could go more often.
HOpe your having a wonderful day! and happy birthday to the young knight.

Rae said...

Fantastic photos. Did you also eat without utensils? I've been to one before and in the old tradition you had to eat with your fingers. It is a fun event.

Love Of Quilts said...

That will be a day to remember for all great birthday present. I really enjoy your trip myself. Trish

Unknown said...

What an incredible birthday present for GS Sandi... well done!
I have to remind my daughter to take the grandkids there, if she hasn't already.

Cindy Caudle said...

I went to one in Las Vegas a few years back. I really enjoyed it. Had to eat with our fingers, there was no utensils. Every year we a have Renaissance fair that last for a week. It's quite interesting to go to. They have mock battles and every thing.

Barb Hodges said...

Sandie, you and your family find such interesting and fun things to do. What a wonderful birthday present. GS has the most "fabtabulous" grandmother!!

Debbie said...

Sandie, I didn't even know there was one in Lawrenceville. I knew about the one near Orland. My sister has been and said it was so fun.

I think Lawrenceville is more doable for us.

Yet another thing for the wish list. I need to stay away from blogland.

Sharon said...

I've been to a Medieval Times out here - and you're right, it's great fun!

I enjoyed the food - did you get to eat with your hands? Our Medieval Times has you eat with your hands ala the way they used to do it! Messy, but fun...

Your GS is such a kick - I just smile when I see pictures of him. His smile is infectious.

Were you officially crowned Queen Chatty???


betty said...

Happy birthday to GS!! I am with Sharon, want to know if you had to eat with your hands as that is how we have to eat here! Looked like a great time for all!


Jelena said...

Oh, those pictures are not taken by me (photographer is Andrea Klarin), and that's not me. I thought that it would be nice to show you those pictures and outfits, 'cause I think it looks amazing :)
xoxo Jelena

The Quintessential Magpie said...

What fun, Sandie... looks like an absolute blast! And you have a mighty gallant knight, there.


Sheila :-)