I hope everyone had a great Easter and celebrated the day. I think that this is really the day it's all about - if HE had not risen - think of what the world would be like today - it would sure be different. We watched The Passion Of Christ Sunday - one of our traditions - WHEW! No matter how many times you watch it - it's hard to breathe . . .

Last week we had what we called a Yeah Day here. I used to do it with my own children. I've been in blessed with the fact that both my own children and my GS love school - so they don't fake about being sick or complain about going - they actually want to go! So only if they're sick do they stay home.
Because they had such good attendance - not perfect, but good - at the end of the year I'd let them take a day off to do what they wanted to do. Can't remember what my kids did particularly, but I do know what the GS picked this year.
The GS wanted for us to drive into Atlanta - which is about 25 miles from us - and then head back - if he saw some place he wanted to stop and look at - we'd have to stop - until we got home. We gave him a $20 spending limit - I gave him $10, his mom gave him $10, and he had $10 of his own from his recent birthday. Now this was his idea and I actually thought it was kind of silly - but a promise is a promise. My daughter had a doctor's appointment early that am and took a personal day, but did get home to go with us.
Now out of that $30 he didn't have to pay for lunch.
I was thinking of taking him to Centennial Olympic Park and let him get wet in the "Dancing Waters" - it was a bit too cold though for that so I decided to save it for another day this summer.
I decided to drive to the Decatur Square - I have a friend who lives near there and said it was pretty nice.
It also had a place called The Chocolate Bar. I figured we couldn't go wrong. And I was right!
We parked in the middle of the square and this bench was there made of wood - it was actually curved wood.
See it a bit closer - very unusual.
This man was already there - playing his horn - probably for money.
This was an interesting place - three stores in one - to the right was the little bookstore - in the middle was a little boutique - and on the left was Starbucks.
Of course we had to go in all three. We went in the boutique first where the GS found a $5 turtle for his collection - he collects everything - lol. Then the book store - where yes he managed to spend his money. He bought freeze dried ice cream sandwiches that the astronauts eat. Two little monster figures. Colored cookie dough that looked like play dough to bake cookies in weird designs. And a like a 3d book mark when you moved it back and forth the animals moved. So we had spend the money and I knew the rest of the day would fun - less pressure once that money was spent. teehee
We took a walk to search for the Chocolate Bar and this cute little old bronzed couple was sitting on the bench.
Ah - ha - the Chocolate Bar! We didn't know how to order or what to expect - but we figured we couldn't go to wrong.
My GS ordered eggs - chocolate eggs - with different insides - he picked cupcake flavor - coconut (yuck) - and vanilla. They were $2.50 each!
I ordered Death By Chocolate - $10 - and there was cake, the best chocolate sherbet I had ever tasted or known of - and a chocolate covered strawberry - which my GS is stealing here.
He was tricking me - he doesn't eat strawberries!
Did I mention he is a real joker - at school too (?).
Just me shooting a dessert in the display case.
There were hundreds of eggs in the case.
My daughter had cheesecake which was out of the world - even though they had this chocolate cake - she is not a chocolate gal like her mom.
Now it is a bar too - with all drinks available - chocolate and wine . . .
I ordered the best tasting coffee $$$3.50 a cup - but who needs a drink when you have chocolate. Silly people.
"Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things"
~ Denis Diderot
That particular day - we lived passionately. Have you ever had a day that you didn't plan? What happened in it?
Oh drool, Chatty. That place looks amazing. I think it sounds like such a fun YEAH day. :-)
What a fun thing to do! I love rewarding kids with something like this. The chocolate bar looks amazing. I'm wanting some cheesecake so much!! I do love my chocolate though! GS is so adorable. hugs, Linda
I love your Yeah Day, Sandie! Wonderful tradition and this one with GS and your daughter looked like fun! I would have enjoyed that chocolate bar and would have spent too many calories and too many dollars there I do imagine!!
hope you have a great week ahead!
What a fun day!!! I loved the chocolate bar,and that strawberry looked so good! soon we will be buying our berries from a local grower,I always put some in the freezer. Blessings jane
I love chocolate with a PASSION, does that count? i want to go there... wow a whole place full of chocolate. you know i have not had any for a long time, now my addiction is screaming at me. what a fun and wonderful day. family and food and a chocolate bar. drooling now
I think the unplanned excursions are great fun, Sandie. Sounds like you all had a day I'd love! Thanks for sharing all your happiness. Susan
I say again, your grandson is just soooo cute!! Glad you had a lovely day out. I'm with you on the chocolate - Mmmm!
Thanks for taking me along with you, Sandie!! I had such a fun day that my feet are hurting now, but it was worth it, he he!! Only ONE thing missing, a pic of your Death By Chocolate! The coffee price is very reasonable, not even as high as Starbucks! Hey by the way, I know now that you would LOVE Starbucks new cocoa cappucino, you really must try it!!!! What interests me is what he bought in a bookstore!! All that cool stuff in s BOOKSTORE? Some of the best times are just wandering around to see what you can see. Life is not about the destination, it's about the journey!!
What a memorable day! Love the couple on the park bench.
I'm nuts about this post! I love the name Yeah Day and the spontaneous idea behind it. Personally, I think your grandson's idea was inspired. I can see my younger daughter wanting to do something exactly like this.
When I'm a grandma, I'm going to try to be like you.
Sandie, you should write a book for grandparents, Having Fun With Your Grandchild. I love your excursions. Wow, you are a cool Grandma.
Great pictures, Sandie, of a very special "Yeah Day." What a fun idea.
The Chocolate Bar...what a great sounding place judging from your description!...:)JP
Looks like a fun day! 10 dollars for one serving of D by C? wow!
We love that kind of unplanned day. Its easier to do that in a big city isn't it? Always something to do and/or discover.
Oh, I want a "YEAH!" day, too! You may have just started a revolution across Blog-land, Sandie!
I'm not particularly fond of chocolate (gasp!) and I don't/won't do fruit ... but like your daughter, I'd do cartwheels for cheesecake.
Like so many of your sharings, you've given this old broad :) something to think about ... you see, I'm definitely "spontaneous" challenged ... Life's too short, right? Thanks for the nudge!
it looks like you had soooooooo much fun. what wonderful memories you are creating! you sound like the perfect grandma to me!
Hi Sandi,
I love the picture of him holding the chocolate covered strawberry.
What a character he is!
What a fun unplanned day..And after all that talk about chocolate and all those revealing photos I had to go and eat some out of my basket.. tee hee....glad you all got to have a "yeah" day.. Debb
I forgot to wish you a HAppy Easter!!
So glad GS got to take a YEAH day!!HOW Fun it that!!
Your day out in Atlanta sounds so fun!!
I will remember to dot his with Miss C when she starts school!!!
what a day and he will remember with fondness forever!!!
Cheesecake outranks everything for me too, but chocolate comes next!
I love your fun GS and his playful attitude. What a fun day you all had!
But coconut eggs??? Ick is right!
Oh boy - I'm so jealous! I want to come along next time! HOW FUN!
A chocolate coffee drink - is there anything better? Not for me...well, maybe a chocolate coffee drink with one of those yummy chocolate eggs.
A recent unplanned day? After a doctor's visit, instead of going home, I spent the day with my youngest. We went out to breakfast, took a long walk by the ocean, and played Scrabble in the afternoon. It was perfect -
And yes, that scamp beat me 3 games in a row - and I'm the English major...GRRR!
What a fun day. I am glad I got to go along with you. I especially liked the picture of the bronze couple on the bench. Your grandkids looked so happy.
I'm glad you liked Meri's post.
Sounds like a WONDERFUL day and way to make memories with GS! If I was on one of my chocolate craving days, THAT would be the place to be! I LOVE statuary... the carved bench, and the elderly couple would be really neat to see! So glad you had fun!
The Passion is a HARD movie to watch. The love that God had for us to allow HIS SON to go through that is just amazing... Truly "Amazing Grace" has been shown to us!
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