"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Woes can turn into joy - hopefully!

This is what is going on in Chatty's life today - plus the weather report calls for the worst thunderstorms in history (?) complete with tornado's! So guess what I am feeling today!

Poor guy can't get any rest with all the noise.

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Hopefully I will have a new floor in the office that looks good!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

That's a good one for today. How's your day going - what are you doing on hump day?



Southhamsdarling said...

Hopefully all the chaos will be worth it when you've got your nice new floor. Your poor little pooch is probably wondering what on earth is going on!!

BECKY said...

Hey Sandie! Watch out for those storms! I don't know what's going on with all this crazy weather....but it will just make us all stronger, right?! Your doggie looks so pitiful and cute, both! Congrats on getting a new office floor! Hugs!

Annesphamily said...

Love ya Sandie! You made me cry with that beautiful video and I think your new floor will be terrific. Be safe and stay happy! Hugs Anne

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh a new floor in the office! You will love it. I am a huge fan of wood floors. hugs, Linda

LADY JANE said...

Oh Man...as DORA would say! Yes...lol...I said DORA! And if you know anything about Dora...you know about SWIPER...and if I were not a WoNdErFul (giggle) friend to Chatty...I would swipe-her man and have a beautiful new office floor...hmmmmm...I know he combats squirrels too Sandie...does he Garden and do windows? Giggles and Hugs and safety from the storms for you and yours!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, I hope those storms stay away from you. Sandie! I just prayed for you and your property as well as your family. Keep us posted. And it looks like you are going to have a neat new floor! YEA!


Sheila :-)

betty said...

The floor will look great, but lots of work to get there! Looking forward to seeing a picture of the final result! Stay safe in the storms, so many of them lately; be listening to the radio or TV about those tornado warnings!! Are the kids in school today? That would worry me too, as I'm sure it is worrying you!

I'm working today :)


Knitty said...

I recognize that look of joyful enthusiasm for a project! Do ALL husbands learn that as soon as they say "I do"?

I hope bad weather misses everyone. I woke up to a lightning and a loud clap of thunder that was almost simultaneous, lighting up our bedroom. Fortunately nothing worse than that occurred but we are forecast for rain all day.

Quack, quack, waddle, waddle.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...We had thunderstorms last night that made me want to disappear under the covers. Scary thunder crashed through the heavens just after midnight.

As for your floors upstairs, ALL THE HASSLE WILL BE WORTH IT! Good luck with all the mess, etc. You'll LOVE them when they're done. Susan

Debbie said...

Stay safe!! I just warned the husband since he's Atlanta bound.

I just know that the new floor will make all the turmoil worth it.

Let's just hope and pray that the weather doesn't do any creative floor removal of its own.

Encouraging, aren't I?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was dying to get to the end of the post to see what the heck was going on, I thought you were packing up before a tornado came, or maybe one already came. ha ha. hope the floor is beautiful when done. Chaos with a big C for sure.

Shanae Branham said...

What a beautiful post. I will pray for your peace and serenity during the thunder storms and tornadoes. I can't wait to see your beautiful new floor.

Thanks for the encouraging words about my fitness goal. They lifted my spirits. Cheers!

Shanae Branham said...

Back again...with many thanks of gratitude for always being there with comments on my blog. I totally agree with your thoughts about Niki. It was good hearing from you about her kidos. God bless you for your example and the wonderful way you bless so many peoples lives with your blog!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I could not figure out what you were doing in these pictures!! I finally decided that you were taking everything out of a large walk-in closet so you could huddle in there if a tornado came. Wrong!! No prize for me! We have the same weather report and are getting the flashlights ready. They are telling us here not to go to sleep tonight because we could miss the warning. Overnight tornados are bad because people sleep throough the warnings and don't take cover.

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie I think you and Disco need to hatch an escape plan! The end result will be worth all the effort and discomfort. It will look wonderful! Deep breaths! Ann

And stay safe with the storms, we (the country) have been hammered!

Love Of Quilts said...

What I'm doing this hump-day is watching the weather to see where the the thunder storms and tornadoes are going to be.... one hit 8 miles north of us this morning around five thirty...I wouldn't have known about it but the school called and woke me up....to cancel school.lol I would have still been sleeping good. Trish

Liz Mays said...

Oh boy....in the end it will be absolutely worth it though! :)

ocmist said...

HATE the remodeling time, but it's usually worth it when it's done. If Gizmo was a corgi, he wouldn't be laying in bed out of the way, he would be right in the middle of things! They are CRAZY that way! LOL

I'm doing catchup and heard today (Fri.) that a lot of tornadoes went through GA too. I hope they didn't put you and yours in an danger!