"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, May 16, 2011

Greek Festival

The article is from the Marietta Daily Journal
- The Pictures are from Google

Pa'me na fa'me! Translation: Let's go eat!

"The 21st Marietta Greek Festival begins Friday at Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, located at 3431 Trickum Road. Attendees will be able to experience Greek culture through sites, sounds and a variety of traditional dishes.

The festival began in 1990 at the Cobb Civic Center. The current location features Byzantine architecture, including an authentic Greek amphitheater. This year's event is sponsored by the Marietta Daily Journal and AM 640 WGST.

Festival hours are Friday from 3 to 11 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The event will be held rain or shine.

Cost for adults is $3 daily, but a weekend pass is available for $5. Each adult admission will also give the attendee a chance to win two round-trip tickets to Greece.

As part of an opening day special, admission is free on Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. Children 12 and younger are admitted free daily.

What cultural celebration would be complete with out the food? Gyros, souvlaki and other traditional appetizers and pastries will be available for purchase. Niko's Taverna will give festival-goers a chance to sample Greek wine, liquors and other beverages.

In addition to the cuisine, the Agora (marketplace) will feature more than 20 vendors selling items such as jewelry, handmade linens, hip scarves and art. There will also be live music and children's games.

A church lecture, "Holy Icons: Windows to Heaven," led by Fr. Panayiotis Papageorgiou, Ph.D., is Saturday at 6 p.m. Church tours will also be offered throughout the weekend. Each tour is 10 minutes.

The Hellenic Dance Program Dancers will provide entertainment. The dancers are part of one of the top Greek dance programs in the Southeast."

Now Chatty and Family went Friday - getting in free. We had coupons for buy one get one free meals with two beverages. So we were set. Being the good blogger I brought my camera.

Okay so when we got to the bus stop everyone hopped out of the car as the bus was already there and I forgot the camera. Once we (I) got to the festival - I decided not to go back and get it. The pictures below are the same Greek Festival and food - just another year!

This is the Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church of Marietta - isn't the architecture unique?

Fr. Panayiotis Papageorgiou, Ph.D.

And there was Greek Dancing . . . it's called Hellenic Dancing.

Of all ages.

There was live music by Geroge Karras - who has been playing for more than 30 years. And

with Strati Papageorgiou - he dances too.

This is the stage area where anyone could dance and you could sit and watch -

at the southeast's largest amphitheater.

Of course there was food everywhere. Pastries galore.

Greek Salads

Gyros - my favorite.

There were also 20 shops or tents with different Greek Items to purchase. And for the kids they had about 5 jumpers - and for $10 they could jump to their hearts content. GS also made some colorful sand filled jars.

So while the adults sat and watched the music to one side we watched the GS jump on the other side and ate great food. The weather was awesome - perfect. We managed to stay 8 hours and all overslept on Saturday morning!

"I learn by going where I have to go." – Theodore Roethke

Me too! I learn something new everyday.



Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yum yum yum! I think ours has already passed - we missed it this year!

The Boston Lady said...

That sounds wonderful, fun and absolutely delicious! I love Greek food and just the culture in general. I'd say that if you stayed for 8 hours you definitely got your money's worth (which was a bargain to begin with!). Ann

Debbie said...

This sounds so fun to me and like the kind of thing that my family loves to do.

We don't do enough of it anymore, either. Your post reminded me of that.

Susan said...

Oh, Sandie, that sounded like a fabulous festival. Wonderful! What a great experience for GS and for everyone in your family, including YOU! Thanks for sharing. Susan

Melanie said...

Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for taking pictures for us. :)
Those gyros look yummy!

Tanna said...

Now that sounds like one FUN day!! Glad you enjoyed it and shared it with us! blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i looked at the Hellenic dancers i thought i could hear the music, la la la la lala lala

sandy said...

ohhh this looks so fun. we went to a festival at a local church this weekend and i had the best tri tip...the smells are always so good at these events.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Chatty. I love the Leo Rosten quote. Great post about the Green Festival and it sounds like such fun. Shame about the camera, but I did exactly the same thing yesterday. Going into the Garden & Flower Shop, I realized that I had left my camera on the coach. DOH! I was so disappointed, but there you are! Can you believe that I'd even left my phone on the coach as well, so I couldn't even use the camera on the phone!

Bev said...

Don't you hate that when you forget your camera?!! Sounds like fun and I absolutely LOVE Greek Food!!!

Kimberly Krey said...

Looks amazing! Many of those made me HUNGRY! :)

Beansieleigh said...

Oh, I'm sure you had a great time! We do have a Greek Festival and an Italian Festival and a Dutch Fair that all take place around here, every year... And when I get the chance to GO, we really do enjoy the events!.. It is just a little unfortunate that I am IRISH, and never get to go to an IRISH festival! LOL! It's just too far away, and I just can't organize/schedule a group of us to go!.. Oh well.. If distance is such an issue, I'm still good with what festivals we have here! I agree. They ARE a lot of fun, and oh yes, the food is delicious!! ~tina

Karen Lange said...

Looks like a wonderful event! I am hungry now for some reason...:)

Doris Sturm said...

Sounds like a fun day! I love Greek food!...but why did you make the photos so small?

I hope you'll have a wonderful week, Sandie, and take care. I hope your knee is doing well.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

That's my motto too, to learn something new every day. Great post, Sandie!
Have a wonderful start to the new week o xx o

Carol............. said...

Take me with you next time!

What fun!

DaCraftyLady said...

That sounds like loads of fun and yummy stuff!!! I just had some Greek type food at the Bunko I wnet to last Friday...very good. Debb

Ann said...

There is a Greek Fesival not far from here every year. I've never gone to it though. Free admission and coupons, how could you pass that up, nothing better than that. I love gyros, I'm hungry for one now

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh that looks like fun! The food sounds yummy also! hugs, Linda

Michaele said...

What a deal for $3! One of my most favorite foods is a good Greek salad. Preferably one I make myself. What fun!

Anonymous said...

our greek festival is in Sept. it's not as big as yours but it is fun. and the food.....

Mevely317 said...

Ooooh, now my "spit" is spouting! I've not had good Greek food since leaving Florida. (Did you know, Tarpon Springs - where I lived - has the largest Greek population in the US?)
For some reason, this makes me think of Mama Mia ... I really want to watch it again (and again)!
Thanks for sharing your adventure!

Angela said...

Wow! That looks like a lot of fun Sandie! Glad you went!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Looks like you all had a fabulous day at the Greek Festival. That Greek Orthodox Church is gorgeous.... I'd love the dancing --and of course, the FOOD..... ha

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh wow, what a place to be! Everything looks like so much fun and of course the food, delicious looking!


Cindy Caudle said...

Looks like fun. All I can say is yum for all the food.

betty said...

this looks like a lot of fun! I can imagine spending that many hours there! I think I would enjoyed watching the dancing!! Good too that they had kid activities like the bouncing things and making the sand creations; I'm sure that helped keep GS's interest!


tweedles said...

holy smokies,, that was a REAL festival