"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Can you believe we are all just getting up - I've been running around with so much to do - have to leave at 2pm today for an all day service for my nephew.

We went to the 21st Annual Marietta Greek Festival yesterday and spent from about 2 to 9 there. We weren't used to all that outdoor air. It was wonderful out there, but I guess it made us tired!

So I need one of these today:

I will visit and answer my emails - probably tomorrow! Love y'all.

"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, but only saps today of its strength."

– A. J. Cronin

So no worries about getting things done today - I'll just go do them.



Susan said...

Oh, Sandie, have a great Saturday. Glad you got some needed rest! Susan

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sounds like you had fun yesterday, now do the same today! Hugs, Linda

betty said...

glad you were outside enjoying some fresh air and time together as a family!! blogs can always wait I always say!! that was a cute video with the dog; had seen it before, amazing someone trained him to do all that!!

hope the rest of the day goes well!


Jeanie said...

I've been trying to get our dog, Dodger, to watch that useful dog tricks video hoping he might learn something. So far he is having none of it, but I am going to keep trying.

Love Of Quilts said...

Have a good day with your nephew. Trish

Terra said...

The day spent at the festival outdoors sounds like fun, but rest is needed the next day, I agree.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

train Disco to do all this, put that on your TO DO list... ha ha
glad you had a fun day off

Wanda's Wings said...

Try to get some rest. The dog in the video can do all the work today. lol

Patti said...

Wow, 7 hours at a Greek festival!! Sounds like a fabulous time!! Did you eat any baklava? YUM!!

A wonderful weekend to you.


Shanda said...

It's nice to have days just to have fun, get up late, and enjoy animals!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Rest, girl rest...fresh air soothes the soul!...:)JP

Shanae Branham said...

I love the dog tricks! I hope you had a marvelous weekend!

Angela said...

That video of the dog was too cute! Wish I had a good helper like that! lol I'm glad you got to spend some time outside yesterday! We've been outside most all of the day today. Sneeze! Sneeze! Sneeze! Lots of pollen in the air! lol


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am already extremely fatigued from watching this little jack russel! Get some rest and forget the computer for awhile, hope you have a great weekend!

Ann said...

a day of fun in the great outdoors always makes me sleep like a baby. Enjoy your weekend. I think I'm going to have a talk with Duke about learning some of those tricks. He's definitely not pulling his weight around here.

Tanna said...

Hope you have enjoyed your day!! and, a little rest is a good thing...

Starry Dawn said...

Howdy Sandie,
Oh!! How cute is the dog on the video!! It is amazing how animals can help all sort of people with disabilities, the lonely ones, the unloved, the homeless, the elderly, the children and so on.
I hope you have a wonderful day with your dear family and loved ones, Sandie. I visit you this day.
God bless you, sweetheart!!
Much Friendship Love,
Poet Starry.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I bet there is yummy food at greek festivals!

Donna B. said...

Love the Zac Brown. He is playing at the Hollywood Bowl soon. My brother plans on seeing him...

Loved little Jack Russel. My girlfriend sent it to me and so did my Mom...wouldn't that be nice to have our dogs help us like he does??

Enjoy your trip...talk with you soon.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope you'll post about the Greek festival with pics and descriptions of food - I love Greek food!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is a scream. I want that pup....and so glad you had a great time at the festival....sounds like it was great. Hope this weekend you're kicking back and relaxing.

Michaele said...

Tell us all about the Greek festival - whenever you are rested up that is.

nanniepannie said...

Hi Chatty, sounds like you're staying busy.

Annesphamily said...

You seem to have a lot of fun! I like that in my friends! Anne