This is what I'm doing this week and my husband is helping me. Next week is the last week before school is out and things will be changing here again. There's so much stuff here! My GS and daughter save everything. Hubby is pretty good and I try not to be a saver and if I do save - I usually file somewhere. The thing I'm always losing are my receipts - from the store to home - where do they go - I think I have a hole in my purse.
The following article is from:
"We all have clutter in our lives. Take time today to toss out some of the junk. Free up closet and drawer space by getting a box of clothes ready to donate to charity. Clean up your office files. Follow the good old F-A-T system: file, act, or toss.
As the poet Alexander Pope once said, "Order is heaven's first law."
Come on, you can do it. Close your eyes and dump. I will if you will. Get rid of those items you plan to use "some day." You will feel so much better and lighter! And you may find some buried treasure, some precious "lost" heirloom, hidden under all the clutter.
"Art is order," wrote Nobel Laureate Saul Bellow, "made out of the chaos of life."
In her book, Lighten Up!: Free Yourself from Clutter, consultant Michelle Passoff explained that once you tackle clutter, "Life is more effective and productive and spontaneous and creative. You have more peace of mind, and you'll be looking for the clutter rather than avoiding it."
As Albert Einstein's Three Rules of Work stated, "Number one: out of clutter, find simplicity. Number two: From discord, find harmony. And number three: In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Clean for Creative Transformation!
"Creativity is a gift. It doesn't come through if the air is cluttered." ~ John Lennon"
I thought the above was a great article! And so off I go this week to clean and declutter!
Now this has nothing to do with the above - but it is a fantastic video for moms or grandmas with let's say middle school children - you may want to save it. My GS is going to see this. It was sent from my friend Jean who got it from her church youth minister - I think. Something like that.
I DON'T Drink Beer!
Okay - a bit random today - but so what! Right?
That video is so funny! Tim Hawkins is crazy! :)
Have fun clearing the clutter.
What a great collection of quotes! I really like the John Lennon one.
I'm in the clutter free zone with you, Sandie! I love the quotes, especially the one by John Lennon.
And that video is cute!
I am looking forward to a real CLEAN OUT when I return from visiting with my daughter this summer... I have set that time as my DEBUNK time! LOL! blessings ~ tanna
random is good, do what YOU want to, that is good to. good luck with the declutter, it sure does build up quickly. i am not a hoarder or collector and throw away any and everything twice a year, i end up sometimes thinking, why did i get rid of that, now i need it. but i can't stand clutter so anything not in use is gone. it helps that i don't collect or get attached to things i can't part with. for instance, if i get a birthday card, i look at it and lay it on the counter for one day and it goes in the trash. i could walk out of this house in 15 minutes with what i would take with me. in fact i would like to take the dogs and hubby and walk out and start over somewhere, new everything. the only thing i would take is the silver box of important papers.
Love the quotes and the video....but it is so true clutter just clouds allot of things...but I am doing the same as you but only with my computer at the moment. Thanks for visiting me...have a wonderful day.
I really needed this one today! I sort of lack organizational skills in general. I file. And I do a lot of tossing. I just don't do as much acting as I should. I set those pesky 'to do' things aside and they build up and make me crazy. But now I'm inspired to get on it. Thanks for sharing!
Just finished cleaning out my closet and it feels wonderful!
Great post! Love it!
Oh, Lord, Sandie. Every single room here in thishouse could use some element of de-cluttering. Inspiration from your post! Yeah! Susan
apologies that I haven't been around for a while, I've had several health issues to contend with and then there were the problems with blogger.
A great post, I'm a bit of a hoarder and yet my motto is a place for everything and everything in its place.
I de-clutter everytime we move, which has been very often in the last 40 years, but still it builds up. Feels good when it's done though.
The drinking beer video was cute.
Me again. I have to ask how how did you go about getting your signature? Its so cute.
I agree, how did you go about getting that signature thing - it's brilliant! I loved your quotes today and the video was really good too! You are good to us, coming up with all these goodies! I'm with you on the de-cluttering.
I usually don't have a problem with clutter...it my hubby that does! Love Tim Hawkins!!
My recipe for getting rid of clutter: sell your big house where you raised four kids and move into a fifth-wheel trailer. That worked for us! My mom was still living when we started our full-time travel life and I was able to tell her that -- at last -- I was following her advice, which was "a place for everything and everything in its place." ;>)))
F-A-T system: file, act, or toss.
One I hadn't heard....good advice.
Have a good hump day. Trish
I have worked on taking photos and then storing some of my recent thrift shop finds! It can pile up so fast on me! I know you will feel better once you get some of the clutter gone! hugs, Linda
i love that video! that should be shown in schools every day. cute AND funny AND true!
I am CONSTANTLY working to get rid of clutter! And I always have two bags going- one for goodwill and one for my favorite donation shop. It is difficult, but I press on! xo, Cheryl
I am CONSTANTLY working to get rid of clutter! And I always have two bags going- one for goodwill and one for my favorite donation shop. It is difficult, but I press on! xo, Cheryl
My clutter is clothes. The ones I "might" wear if I loose 10 lbs. The ones I "would" wear if I ever, ever needed to dress up. The ones that were a "gift" (can't get rid of those). I would much rather do just about anything than sort through clothes.
I liked your random post.
How did you know that I needed a little pep talk about doing that decluttering job I've been talking about forever? I have the next 4 days off and it's supposed to rain so it'll be a good time to get started if I don't get distracted yet again
I had great plans of getting my house decluttered and organized when school first started! School will be out in 3 weeks and I'm still working on it!
Good luck!
Thank you for giving me a good laugh!!!
Love "Creativity is a gift. It doesn't come through if the air is cluttered." ~ John Lennon"
Speaking of CLUTTER, our Computer Room is our messy room. I'm not a really good house-keeper --but I do like 'order' and organization. Clutter bothers me... SO--in January, I cleaned 'my' side of this room... My hubby doesn't mind clutter --so I have to stay away from HIS side... ha ha
Love the clutter article, boy do I need it. MY office is a mess as I Ebay and so it all gets piled in here. I have made a decision to take what is left and garage sale it and then give whats left to goodwill there is just too much and I am overwhelmed with it all..thanks too for the "I don't drink Beer" I loved it I may borrow that one for one of my blogs..let me know how your clutter clean up goes... Debb
I have to work on my clutter tomorrow or I am in REAL BIG trouble!
You are such a delight, my friend.
Have a beautiful eve.
you go girl with that clutter!! You toss and you get rid of!! I envy you that you can do this!! I like the F-A-T; good acronym indeed! Maybe you should get a little vinyl envelope or something similar to keep in your purse to put receipts in?
cute video, imaginative!
I imagine it is with mixed feelings you are approaching summer......
I forgot to say, I love your signature!! too cute!
I have been attempting to DE-CLUTTER since last winter! I was hoping to be finished by Spring...
Thank you for the motivation and inspiration though...and PLEASE, give me some easy directions so I can get my Gif-mania signature on my blog...
I was in a de-clutter mood today and tossed out a LARGE and I mean HUGE bag of stuff, mostly junk, boxes that I do not need, old stuff not used and no one would want. I cleaned out the fridge, the pantry, it felt good to de-clutter!!!I try and do this 2 or 3 times per year!!!
School is out....not here, they go year around, so the 2nd week of June is last day!!!Then 6 weeks off and they are back to school!!!
Have a great weekend
I need a clutter free zone. I have my H help me declutter. He can throw things away and not think about it. Love the quotes.
Whew...lol...just cleared some of the Granchild clutter to get to the computer...and am finally catching up with a comment on my clutter free friends bloggies...SO when are you coming to de-clutter my house...giggleing...will there be room for my DD and dearer GD to go home with you? I love the John Lennon quote...he MUST have known me to have come up with that one...
Hugs for today...off to church this morning for dome decorating and to set up for the golf outing fundraiser...MAYBE I will declutter later...IF...lol...I can find a spot to put the de-clutter! Grrrrrrrrr.....toys...toys...toys..did you know that stepping on a Weeble is not half as painful as sitting on a Lego! THATS IT...I draw the line now Sista...you have inspired me to declutter...randomly!
I need to declutter and organize. I have too much stuff for the size of this house. I've promised myself that I'm going to get busy, but so far nothings been done! What I really want to do is organize all the old photographs and write on the back who the people are because in some cases I'm the only one that knows!
Random conviction - ah, nothing better.
OK, OK - I'll clean up. And I'll start with the coffee table in front of me. With the carefully piled stack of books and magazines that is threatening to fall over.
"The Hub" thanks you...
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