I loved Jimmy Stewart - he was a role model for me. Did you know he also had a noted military career and was a World War II and Vietnam War veteran, who rose to the rank of Brigadier General in the United States Air Force Reserve. (Wikipedia)
He wanted to be a pilot. Married for oodles of years to the same women. Had adopted children that never wrote tale all books about him. His dad didn't want him to be a star - never thought it was good enough. Respected his dad - but did it anyway.
So do you accept change gracefully? I have learned to accept change gracefully in many ways - in some things - accepting change gracefully is much harder.
Mine was the loss of my best friend a year ago. Still hard for me to accept. To change plans - no problem. To grow old - hmm, so far so good, but 60 is looming up soon . . .
What about you?
Change is the hardest of all things for me to do. I am so routine minded that any change throws me for a loop. when i learn something, I get all bent out of shape when they change it, like blogging or getting new computers and they change it all, like downloading IE or FireFox and they keep changing it. the only thing i like to change is where i live, but i married a man who plants himself and does not ever move. as for growing old, i really really dislike the changes that are happening daily and moment by moment. aging is no fun at all.
No I did not know this info about Jimmy Stewart. Thanks for telling me....Change is so hard and as I age, I do not want to change
I liked Jimmy Stewart. He is like Bob Hope; they stayed married forever, they raised good kids, etc. A lot different from some of the stars these days that go from relationship to relationship.
LOL, me and change. Definitely don't accept it gracefully; need to work on that.
they say 60 is the new 40, LOL (now if only our bodies would believe that).
I hope you have a good day today, Sandie :)
Some changes are certainly easier than others. But change can be so good!
Change....well it can be bad and it can be good. I know that I've had some huge changes in my life the past two years. Some bad...losing my job and some Great...the birth of my first Grandchild. Add blogging and making new friends..YOU...into the mix and overall it's been a good change in my life.
Stewart was a class act, wasn't he? My parents once met he and his wife (at a doctor's office!!!) and were surprised how nice and gracious were the Stewarts.
But to answer your question, Sandie ... no, I'm not good with change at all. As I grow older, I find a (weird) sense of comfort in Sameness. Maybe it's a "control" thing? (...then again, what can any of us really control besides our attitudes?)
I love Jimmy Stewart,too. Have blogged about him in the past, but maybe it's time again. I think I do a little better with change as I get older, but I know there are some challenging changes to come and I am hopeful I can handle them well. Wishes for a super Saturday.
I sometimes I think I want something to change but have a hard time adjusting when the change actually occurs.
The loss of a friend or loved one is the most difficult change of all.
Change can be good or awful. You and me both, I lost my best friend about two years ago, I spoke her eulogy at the funeral, which we helped arrange, it was hard! I stood in front of everyone and spoke while the tears just poured. That was the end of my fear of public speaking. I still have her voice on my message machine so I can listen to it every now and then.
One of my favorite mottos is "My plans are like jello." I am convinced that change happens for a reason and if we are patient with the change we will end up exactly where we were meant to be. Great blog Chatty!
What I REALLY wanted to tell you was that I love the photo of the open door looking out over the water! My idea of paradise.
Hi Sandie....
Change? Well, I'm not that great at accepting it but I've sure had a lot of it in my life.
What I have discovered is that most change, even if, at the time, it seems bad, is good in the end.
I like the comparison to a pool of water. If a pool of water doesn't have currents, or change, it turns into algae and slime. Guess the same would happen to us in our lives.
I always loved Jimmy Stewart----one of the all time greats.
Hope your day is good today, Sandie. Susan
I am good at accepting what I cannot control, but horrible about not accepting what I think I might be able to control. I didn't know that about Jimmy. But I always really liked him.
I am generally very stoic and accept what comes my way and deal with it as best I can. I heard that if you uncheck the box STAY SIGNED IN on Blogger you can then comment. So, let's ee if that works.
Change happens in spite of yourself so you're much happier just accepting it. That's what grieving is for - to give us an outlet for our pain so we can move on and except what has happened. As far as accepting the passage of time in our own lives, getting old is better than the alternative, in most cases. And there always seem to be compensations to go along with our changes in life status.
Boy did I need to read that quote today! I'm soooo not good with change.
Best get to tryin' while i still can!
Great post!
I've never dealt with change very well. I'm a a huge creature of habit and I'm very stuck in my routines. My husband annoys the heck out me when he constantly tells me last minute that we are doing something. I need advance notice. I keep telling him this. Do you think he listens? NOoooooooooooooooooooooo....lol
Hi Chatty -
"It's A Wonderful Life," is one of my favorite movies. Jimmy Stewart was a class act.
Changes are never easy for me, even the good ones. There's a certain comfort in routine, but I'm learning to embrace the unfamiliar.
Trusting the Lord with all my days helps me to put one foot in front of the other.
Susan :)
I like to think that I accept things gracefully (for the most part) some of which are harder than others, but if you stop and think about the alternative (i.e. about growing old) then it will be easier to gracefully accept our changing bodies for our eyes still see the beauty around us, even if they're not young anymore. I guess it's ok to not always be graceful (right away) and moan and groan and cry about it, but as long as we can manage and get over it and move forward, there's no harm done.
Great post, Sandie! It looks like the ones being okay with change are totally outnumbered by the rest of us! :)
I agree, though, that many changes are for the better, after we realize it. I'm a creature of habit, too, but am trying to change that up a bit.
I always loved Jimmy Stewart, too. What a wonderful man!
Oh, and Sandie, I know how hard it was for you to lose your friend. My thoughts and heart are with you on that.
Love Jimmy Stewart! He was in Hollywood when it was filled with heroes and not like it is now -- filled with hot air.
Did you ever hear him read the poem he wrote about his dog Bo?
It was soooooooo fun to talk to you...the last few days here have been crazy busy...stop by Facebook if you can...see Jalinas new pic(profile) and yes...I made it...LOTS to tell you...hope all is well there...
Funny the post is about change...I do ok with most changes...but more about talking about things that
need to change...you know be..blah...blah...blah...
hugs my
CHATTY friend...love ya!
Change is a real challenge for me. However, I think for the most part, I am aging gracefully.
My husband and I like old people - and we also talk about something that we've noticed. They're either very sweet or very crabby. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground. So, I'm practicing being as nice and kind as I possibly can.
Change can only be negotiated properly with the help of the Unchanging One - the One who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
to be honest,,,,
i am not so sure about CHANGE!
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