"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday's Thought to you . . .

You know the value of prayer: it is precious beyond all price. Never, never neglect it.

- Sir Thomas Buxton

Praying will change your life! Chatty Crone


betty said...

I totally agree Sandie!! It is the greatest privilege we have to be able to talk to our Creator, yet sometimes we don't take it as seriously as we should and rely on our ownself.

enjoy Sunday!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Prayer has saved my life!

Mevely317 said...

Like the song says, "What a privilege"! Lovely post, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Nice post, I like it a lot.
To pray is our opportunity to open our hearts to our Cerator. Have a lovely Sunday my friend.


Anonymous said...

Yep I got this one down. Thanks for the reminder though!

Tanna said...

Amen, Sister!! Amen.

Ann said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Doris Sturm said...

In my last ditch effort to contact you, I'm writing you here since obviously you are not receiving my e-mails. I've been carrying on a one-way conversation with myself for the past week or so in an attempt to reach you.
Can you please check your junk mail filter? My e-mails are not reaching you and I misplaced your phone number.
I don't know what else to do.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Amen to that!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the reminder, i believe it to

Barb Hodges said...

I agree wholeheartedly and it's good to be reminded. Thanks, Sandie.

Patti said...

Happy Sunday, my friend. I hope all is well in your little corner of the world.

I am not sure where I would be without prayer...SO thankful I don't have to live without it.


Susan said...

My Mom used to say, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dream of" and "prayer can move mountains."

And you know what, Sandie? She was right! Susan

Rebecca Nelson said...

Prayer is my daily focus. I fall short sometimes and I always end up feeling lonely inside when I do...

Blessings sweet (and new!) friend~


Sharon said...

Thinking along the same lines, Sandie. My post yesterday was about prayer. There is nothing sweeter or more powerful than conversation with God.


Granny Annie said...

Well said.

. said...

Hello, I come by your blog via another Blogging Buddie, and I just wanted to stop by and introduce my self.. My name is Karen, co~author of http://heartofthehome-blog.blogspot.com/ my friend Missy and I recently started a new womens ministry , God has put on our hearts to encourage women, wives, mothers, etc...So I hope you will get a chance to swing by and visit Heart of the Home.. and say Hi..
I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to becoming Blogging Buddies with you as well..
God Bless,

mo said...

What a beautiful sentiment. Everyone should be reading your post because it is true!

(Your animation at the top cracks me up.)

