Now my friend Susan at Writing Straight From the Heart told me about interesting site and I thought I'd pass it to you. It's called the Cancer Project and what I like is the recipes it has on there. Great recipes and a lot of information. It's a great site to check out.
"Spread the love of God through your life but only use words when necessary."
— Mother Teresa
The video is heartbreaking and way too true............
Oh my goodness ~ tears are running down my face. This video breaks the heart.
xo Catherine
That video was so sad! Wow!b
My connection is wonky and I can't play the video, but I'll try to check back later!
Thought altering video...
Made me cry!
Love the new look of your blog! Catching up on all of the posts of the last week. Was on vacation from work since 7/31 - working vacation...painting. Today I rest.
Love to you Sandie!
Beautiful video - very touching and sad!
So very heart breaking.
Hi Cathy,
Your quote of the week and your Mother Terese quote are priceless.
I have never seen either one before in all of my searching.
My oh my what a powerful video!
The recipes do look good on that website - will have to go back and check them out further!
It is so powerfully heartbreakingly sad...
Oh man, Sandie. That was a powerful video. Do you think that daughter lived? I hope so. She should be so glad she HAS a loving father. Who cares if he's deaf? What a silly girl she was. Brother. Susan
Hi sweet Sandie, I will check out the video, thank you for sharing..
thank you,also, for stopping by with your sweet comments..I always so appreciate them!
Have a blessed day!
Oh this video is so so so sad.......
I hope you have a wonderful week.....
A wonderful video that has brought tears to my eyes!!! I'm glad you posted just this and nothing else, it needs and deserves to stand alone.
Made me cry my heart out...Don't know why it hit me so hard but it did... Can't express my thoughts right now--but I thank you for sharing this with us.
wow, that's some video. How sad.
love that comment by Mother Teresa and try to do it but miss on it a bunch.
sad video, and there is so much of this in our world now.
Wow, so heartbreaking for the dad as well to know what his daughter was going through because of his deafness.
The video tells what we all go through when we try to reject parental love but it remains ours unconditionally.
Thank you, thank you Sandie for the cancer site. I have signed up for the weekly recipes and hope I can find something to challenge Ron's appetite.
Some times we don't realize what we have until it is gone. Great reminder. Thanks for sharing.
No words - just a heart that is incredibly touched.
And the quote by Mother Teresa is really good. Yes, sometimes a loving action can speak a thousand words...
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