"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Can you climb to the moon?

I love flowers and so admire people who take pictures of them and them blog about them. Here are some pretty ones sent to me from Jerry.

A Parrot Flower is a flower from Thailand. It's also a protected species and is not allowed to be exported. They do exist as I checked it out on Snopes. I just thought they were amazingly pretty and wanted to share them with you.


There are no more hours in a bad day than in a good one!

What is your favorite flower?



Jill said...

Wow! Those flowers are amazingly beautiful! Just love that shot of the moon too.

Changes in the wind said...

Be still my heart...that flower was captivating! My favorite flower is the stargazer.

Unknown said...

Thanks for another wonderful acknowledgement. I should have been sending flowers long before now.

By the way, if you would like your links to open in a new window, which will save your readers from having to go back and forth, check this out:


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't have a favorite flower, but favorite flowers, that would be all wildflowers including weeds, i love weed flowers. and yellow flowers especially sunflowers. this is an amazing plant, they have one at Selby gardens but i have not gotten a photo like this. amazing photos and video. nothing is a great as God's creations

Anonymous said...

I love flowers too!...and this parrot flower is so different,it is amazing.

Lynn said...

What a great flower! Shame we can't get them here too:@)

Susan said...

OMG. In my entire life, I have never seen anything like that parrot flower. Utterly amazing.

I love most flowers but I think pink roses are my No.1 fave, close on par with stargazer lilies.

Take care, Sandie, and have a wonderful day. Susan

Melanie said...

I like that shot of the moon! I've never heard of parrot flowers. They're beautiful!

Rebecca Nelson said...

I have NEVER seen or HEARD of a Parrot flower. Oh my gosh~


Linda @ A La Carte said...

We have some of the most beautiful orchids in the world here at our Botanical Gardens! It takes my breath away when I visit there! This Parrot flower is lovely!

Remington said...

Beautiful flowers....what is my favorite? Oh, the list would go on and on.... The moon shot is AWESOME!

BeautifulDees said...

Lovely flower's and so parrot like...amazing. I love the ladder to the moon.

TexWisGirl said...

that is one of the coolest blooms i've ever seen - right up there with the bird of paradise!

Liz Mays said...

It definitely looks like a parrot. So lovely.

Buttercup said...

So beautiful. Never saw one on my trips to Thailand. Despite being Buttercup, my favorite flowers are lilacs.

Bev said...

Love that bottom quote!...my favourite flower...hmm that is a hard one!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, they do look like birds!!! Just getting ready for takeoff!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've never seen those parrot flowers before - very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

Marie said...

Wow! They really look like birds, they're beautiful! I love flowers!

sandy said...

Parrot flowers are gorgeous!! Have a great day Sandie.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could climb to the moon - it has always fascinated me. I do love flowers and to take pictures of them. These flowers are beautiful!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, My favorite flower, huh???? Take a guess... You'll get it.. ROSES.... ha (Knew you'd know!)

Interesting Parrot Flower... Looks just like a bird, doesn't it????

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there. I've certainly never heard of that parrot flower before. It's absolutely amazing, and exactly like a parrot. What a wonderful find for us today! So many flowers are so beautiful, but I guess one of my favourites would have to be old-fashioned roses with a gorgeous smell. Peonies are rather wonderful as well.

Patti said...

What gorgeous flowers!! My dear friend Julia has recently moved to Malaysia, quite near the border with Thailand. I will have to mention those flowers to her and ask her if she's seen any.

The moon photo is gorgeous! I always love moon pictures. Truly, God's artistry is amazing.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Sharon said...

Those flowers were so amazing! The colors and shape were fascinating.

I'm partial to carnations. I just love how they're all bunched up into this cute little button of a flower. And I love how they smell.

Flowers have to be one of God's most beautiful creations. And they are a testament to His lesson - a seed planted in the ground can turn into a beautiful blossom. May we never begrudge the seeds He may be planting in our lives...


The Boston Lady said...

I love hydrangeas!!!! Finally am catching up! I have to say I can't agree with your quote at the top - that is the most terrifying moment of my day as I wonder "what the heck will happen today?" LOL. I know you understand that! Ann

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I've never heard of this flower. I'm always amazed at all I don't know and love to learn new things. Thank you for sharing that.

I'm a flower lover too. I would have a hard time picking just one.

Tanna said...

My daughter forwarded a whole series of incredible moon shots. Someone was most patient and creative with their camera! Those flowers are incredible! blessings ~ tanna

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

that moon picture was amazing, loved it. What a great idea for a picture.

Wanda's Wings said...

Beautiful flowers. I love flowers too. I enjoy drawing and painting them too. I think my favorite are daisies and roses.

Sue said...

I love beautiful flowers but always manage to kill them off....But I was gifted yesterday with 2 dozen pink roses as a new house gift from a good friend....They are simply gorgeous....so I will have to say that roses are up there on my list of favorites....

Sush said...

Pansies are my favorite, but daisies rate a close second followed by gardenias.

Pretty pics, thanks!

Sweet Tea said...

Favorite flower? Roses - any color.

Beautiful "Moon" photo.
"Moon" was my Dad's nickname - most people didn't even know his real name.

Terry said...

Howdy Sweetie
Oh my do I have to pick a favorite ?
This is a really tough one there are so many amazing flowers to choose from.
I tend to love yellow roses and precious little white daisys :
Than again I have an Orchid that just amazes me each time it blooms !
Thank you for this delightful post that introduced another new flower to embrace.
Thank you most of all for being you !!!!!
I love the cool moon image and have been humming "Fly Me To The Moon" as sung by Frank Sinatra .
Thank you for making me smile .
Big hugs from Texas
Until Next Time
Happy Trails

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I can fly to the moon in my dreams

Together We Save said...

Oh wow - these flowers are amazing!

Starry Dawn said...

Howdy sweet Sandie,
Wooowww!! I just love this post!!
Yes!! I agree with you. I love flowers in all forms, blooming roses, orchids, lilies, daisies, and the list may go on and on...
About climbing to the moon, I dream with many things, such as touching the sky with the tip of my thumb. Thank you, Sandie for sharing your most unique and superb talent with the world!!
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
God bless you, sweetheart!!
In God's Garden,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Debbie said...

That is so amazing!! I would love to see one in person.

(And I love the quote about the hours in a bad day.)

Desiree said...

INCREDIBLE flowers! Thank you so very much for making me aware of something I'd never seen or heard of before now!