"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Give Away Starts Tomorrow


Okay how is this going to work (as easily as possible)?

Leave one answer per comment - you can have up to three comments = three chances a day to win. I will pick a number daily at 10 pm giving every one a chance to leave a comment/comments. First comment is number one and so forth so you can figure your own number out.

Now here is how to get three chances.

1. You get one chance if you are a follower.

2. If you are a follower - in a whole new comment - tell me what you life about blogging - what GOOD have you gotten out of it.

3. You get a third chance if you are a follower and you mention my giveaway on your blog. Just leave another comment and tell me you did it. I mean just a quick sentence - no big deal - that I'm having a giveaway today.

(Okay, okay I'm being honest here - I was trying to drum up a little business for ole Chatty with this Give Away - I thought any nice respectable Chatty would have 300 followers after 6 years, but alas I am close.)

No worries mates as the followers I do have - they are the best followers of all!!! A lot of us are good friends and great supporters of one another. Even prayer warriors. And I do wish I had one for every one.)

Easy Peezee.

I'll post who won the next morning with my daily post and all you'll have to do is send me your address and I'll mail it to you after the 30th.

The comments you leave me on the 25th will be for the prize on the 25th. The comments you leave on the 26th will be for the prize on the 26th. And so forth.

Okay - what are the prizes?

1. A brand new small white hot plate for your candle (or coffee). A couple small candles included.

September 25, 2011

2.Cute reddish pitcher - plastic. Lemonade to make included. September 26, 2011

3. A brand new file box to keep your cards organized from Hallmark. A couple of cards are included and files. September 27, 2011

4. A new Martha Stewart (from Macy's) Bed Pillow. September 28th, 2011 (It's a nice one but just can't use the color and I have no idea how to recover!)

5. A brand new Vera Bradley bag. September 29, 2011. (And it is large like a regular one).

6. And last but not least . . . on Friday September 30th - four glasses and a basket - brand new from Home Goods - bought just for this occasion. And the girls have well endowed girls of their own. Fun glasses for Fun Friday.

If you don't understand or I have made an error - let me know today so I can fix it - for ready or not - we are going to start tomorrow!

Thought for today: The thoughts you choose to think and believe right now are creating your future.

These thoughts form your experiences tomorrow, next week, and next year.

And I am humbling adding this. And in all you thoughts don't forget to have GOD there with you.


betty said...

I can't believe I'm your first commenter, Sandie, for today! Great giveaway with lots of wonderful prizes! I got it, it sounds like it is an easy one too (for us, you'll be busy, LOL).

looking forward to seeing who wins!


Jill said...

Your blog is always so fun and now you add a giveaway! You're awesome, Sandie.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie, Nice post :) what a great idea to have give aways. Have a lovely Day


Eva x

TexWisGirl said...

you're so cute. love those glasses at the end. :) some of the stuff is too domestic and girly for me, but those buxom women remind me of... ME! ha!

Wanda's Wings said...

You have a great blog. The give away prizes are super.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I follow your blog because we both have grandkids. Even if someone does not have kids or grandkids and come from a place where there is care for humanity I would read what they have to say.
What do I get out of writing. It is cathartic for me. I wanted to be a teacher and I think writing is closer to teaching if we write things people can learn from.

CalamityJr said...

This will be fun! Thanks for hosting a giveaway, when your blog is great enough without you having to resort to bribery, tee hee!

sandy said...

Your give away looks great and those glasses are wonderful...

Susan said...

Sounds like fun, Sandie. You are amazing. How will you ever figure it all out? Yikes. That's commendable.

Take care and have a wonderful Saturday. Susan

MadSnapper n Beau said...

lots of fun and lots of work for you. i will join your fun but do not want my name in the giveaways, i am busy getting things OUT of my house and not IN. it is a great idea.

Pondside said...

I think I've got it figured out, and I'll be back to comment tomorrow - what fun!

Buttercup said...

You know I'll be around. Everything looks great and it's a joy to be your friend and follower.

Simply Debbie said...

Happy Fall Sandie,
I am having a simple give away of a parisian tag I made.
My photos do not show up so just click the little square and it will come up.
I will be happy to announce your give away tomorrow.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow Sandie, you are really doing it up BIG!!!! I can't believe all the cool things you are giving away, and the postage you will pay! You are certainly loyal to your followers. What FUN this will be, I have never seen a giveaway lasting this long!!

Mevely317 said...

Woo-hoooo ... I'm looking forward!
All great gifts, and I can sense you're excited, too!
Have yourself a fun day :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a fun giveaway!! I can't wait to start! I am in love with those wine glasses...oh yes, they make me smile! Love you girl!

Marie said...

What fun Sandie! I like the little pitcher and the card organizer. Who doesn't like a Vera bag?! These are all nice girfts. You are so thoughtful and so much fun!

Desiree said...

Hi Sandie. Looks as though you're all geared up for a fun time with your generous giveaway. In answer to your query, no I have not received your email as yet.

Ann said...

What a grand celebration you are having, how fun.

Annesphamily said...

Hi friend! I am sending everyone I know your wa whether they have followedyou ornot! I follow you and you know I will always! Hugs Anne

Annesphamily said...

I will post a button about your giveaway! WOo Hoo!

Annesphamily said...

I love your giveaways! I have been tied upw ith Nick and his darn shingles! Then cross ountry when he is feeling well enough to run! Then work oh well, not everything in lifeis as much fun as good friend and phmaily! Love you! Anne

Anne said...

I love thegiveaways! I have been absent alot lately. Nick and his darn shingles! Cross Country when he is well enough to run! Work, argh...well some things just don't add up o good friend and phamily!You are well loved.

Annesphamily said...

Hey Sandi I am trying to reach 1000 posts, I hit 700 today! I hope you get all the followers you need because I know you are well loved here by all!

Annesphamily said...

I am wired on coca cola and chocolate and cherry from Sonic! HaHa! So I am the one with the chicken in the, oh look I forgot to answer your question! Ha Ha!
I love blogging because I meet incredible people with so many things to offer me. I have lots of friends here and in life but something clicks and when we meet in person it is such a treasure! I treasure all my bloggy friends here. Anne

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I don't want to win anything!!! Then I'd have to pack it!!!...:)JP

Pat MacKenzie said...

You should have your 300 by the end of the week.Congratulations on a successful 6 years.

Sharon said...

What a fun giveaway - you know that I'm kinda partial to the glasses with the chicks and boobs. But, I'll be happy if I win anything - or if I don't.

Just commenting on your blog is prize enough for me.


love you xoxo

Catherine said...

Gosh ~ you are having a lot of fun give-a-ways!

Good luck to everyone!
xo Catherine

Angela said...

Congratulations on 6 years of blogging girl! Wow! I didn't even know blogging existed back then. What a great giveaway you have too!


Belle said...

These are lovely giveaways. Blogging has given me real friends, people who are so wonderful I can't believe my luck in meeting them.

Kathleen said...

That's great!
I am a follower.
I like finding nice people with the same interests I have, and I have met so many!