"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog Giveaway and What a Difference A Day Makes . . .

"9-11 E-mail"

"There was an email message that began making the rounds in the days right after 9-11. There were different versions. Here is the main one: (Remember 9-11 was a Tuesday.)

On Monday, we e-mailed jokes. On Tuesday we did not.
On Monday, we were fussing about praying in school. On Tuesday, we would have been hard-pressed to find a school where someone was not praying.
On Monday, our heroes were celebrities and athletes. On Tuesday, we relearned who real heroes are.
On Monday, there were people trying to separate us by race, sex, color, and creed. On Tuesday, we were all holding hands.
On Monday we were irritated that our rebate checks had not arrived. On Tuesday we gave money away gladly to people we had never met.
On Monday we were upset that we had to wait five minutes in a fast-food line. On Tuesday we stood in line for three to five hours to give blood for the dying.
On Monday we argued with our kids to clean up their rooms. On Tuesday we couldn’t get home fast enough to hug our kids.
On Monday we went to work as usual. On Tuesday we went to work, but some of us didn’t come home.
On Monday we had families. On Tuesday we had orphans, widows and widowers.
On Monday, September 10, life felt routine. On Tuesday, September 11, it did not.

What a difference a day makes. Amen."

So very true isn't it - our life might be more in perspective today . . .


So it's Monday the beginning of a new week. This Friday I will celebrate my 6th year blog anniversary. That is almost 2000 posts for me.

That's a long time! I thank my friend D who started me on this path. I've grown and I've changed. I've learned so many new things. The best gift of all are my followers. I've met so many great people - that I consider friends. I've cried and I've laughed. I've felt joy and I've mourned over loss.

I've made friends who don't give up on you. Friends who write back and forth with me. Friends who take time for me. Friends who I have prayed for and friends who have prayed for me. So many things I can't even remember them all - but I have a great - no fantastic group of friends. I've even met about ten of my blog friends or more. And I've talked to a few on the phone. Oh yes there is a great bunch of people here at Chatty Crone.

I want to do something for them - so I've been thinking about a celebration. Six years - six gifts. The last six days of September I'll pick - from the 24th on to the 30th.

You have to be a follower to celebrate with me.

Okay how is this going to work as easy as possible?

Leave one answer per comment - you can have up to three comments = three chances a day to win. I will pick daily at around 10 pm giving every one a chance to leave a comment.

How I will pick will be to number the comments from 1 to whatever. I'll have the numbers in a hat and have someone here to pick it out. I will also have someone check I numbered them correctly. And of course you can go back and check me out too.

I'll post who won the next morning and all you'll have to do is send me your address and I'll mail it to you after the 30th.

Oh and the comments on the 25th will be for the prize on the 25th, the comments on the 26th will be for the prize on the 26th, and so forth.

Now here is how to get three chances.

1. You get one chance if you are a follower and leave me one comment you would like the particular item on the specific date it is being offered. For example 0n the 24th - I am Chatty Crone and I would like the hot plate.

2. You get one chance if you are a follower and tell me what good thing you get from blogging. Leave a whole new comment.

3. You get a third chance if you are a follower and you mention my give away on your blog. Just leave another comment and tell me you did it. Okay to be honest I am trying to get to 300 followers - a personal goal for six years.

Okay - what are the prizes?

1. A brand new small white hot plate for your candle (or coffee). A couple small candles included.

September 25, 2011

2.Cute reddish pitcher - plastic. Lemonade to make included. September 26, 2011

3. A brand new file box to keep your cards organized from Hallmark. A couple of cards are included. September 27, 2011

4. A new Martha Stewart (from Macy's) Bed Pillow. September 28th, 2011

5. A brand new Vera Bradley bag. September 29, 2011.

6. And last but not least . . . on Friday September 30th - four glasses and a basket - new from Home Goods.


Starting in October look for some blog changes.

“Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast in the pool where you least expect it; there will be a fish.”

Ovid (43-18);

Roman poet



Susan said...

Good Monday to you, Sandie! Wow, 6 years blogging and 2000 posts? That is one impressive record. GOOD GOOD GOOD for you!

Hope your day is great today. Susan

Jill said...

Congratultions on 6 years, Sandi. What a milestone. I'm so glad I found your blog! I enjoy it so much. Have a great day!

Knitty said...

Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!

What you posted today is so true. People come together in a crisis. We forgive and forget the family feuds. We hug our children and each other. The little things don't matter much. We need to try to live with the spirit we all shared after 9-11, the one-ness of being Americans rather than the 'me' versus 'them' thinking that often prevails.

Tanna said...

Oh, Sandie. You know I'm a follower!

Tanna said...

I LOVE the red pitcher!!! Congratulations on 6 years! That is pretty amazing! I'm so glad to have met you in blogland. blessings ~ tanna

Cheri said...

Wow 6 years...congrats. I love the message at the beginning of your post...I have never seen that and it is so true.

Remington said...

WOWZERS! That sounds really cool! 2000 posts! I don't think I could do that! Bravo, my friend!

Kim said...

This was a post full of truths. The words on 9-11, so very true. It is a little sad that we had to experience something so horrific to realize what is important.
The giveaway sounds fun too. I could never have imagined the blessings I would receive from writing a crazy blog myself!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto on the blogger friends for me also. and i like that first email, it is so true, it did change our perspective in a blink of an eye.
6 years, wow, i have only been 2 years now. congrats on sticking with blogging that long.

Bev said...

Wow 6 years! I never really heard about blogging until about 2 years ago...

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I agree that we have forggoten how warm and comforting we can be to each other. We were united then and I hope the anniversary brings that back.

Congratulations on 6 years. Wow, that's a lot of posts. I look forward to many more.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Wow Chatty, 6 years is a long time.

I'm only starting off but hope that my blog will one day be as good as yours.

Happy Monday

Lynn said...

Six years, that is amazing! Congrats and thanks for the inspiration:@)

Desiree said...

That certainly is a great achievement, to have been blogging diligently for six years! 2,000 posts is an impressive record! Wow! I haven't even reached a full year yet, so I have a very long way to go before I hit your milestone! Well done, Sandi! I love the email you shared here!

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday my friend. And happy 6th year blogging. I always enjoy reading your posts :)
I really appreciate your friendship.
Enjoy your Day


Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Chatty! wOW! 6 years of blogging. That's quite an achievement my friend. That's a wonderful giveaway(s) you have coming up.I shall look forward to them, and also the changes to your blog. It would be interesting to see what your blog was like when you first started out! I'm wondering if it has changed very much.

TexWisGirl said...

wow! congrats on 6 years! awesome!!!

and i like the perspectives you shared...

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Congrats on the 6 years, Sandie. Woohoo!
A happy Monday to you xxxx

CalamityJr said...

I hadn't seen that post, but, oh how true! Your giveaway looks fun. I'm looking forward especially to a couple of those days!

Patti said...

Six years is an amazing amount of time to be blogging! Congratulations on being committed to doing it!!

That "day after" email, which I had never seen before, really puts things in perspective, doesn't it? Sadly, though, it didn't take long for us to get back to our pre-9/11 ways.

Have a wonderful day.


Michaele said...

Six years and 2000 posts! No wonder you are such a blogging goddess!

Wanda's Wings said...

WOW six years. Way to go. I enjoy reading your blog.

Pat MacKenzie said...

Congratulations Sandie. That's quite an accomplishment.

Your giveaway sounds exciting. I'll be checking in daily.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Six years! Holy crap! I won't make that...:)JP

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie congrats on 6 years of blogging. I am so glad you are a blogger or we would never have met and become the amazing friends that we have! Love all your giveaways! hugs, Linda

Rebecca Nelson said...

Love your blog girly. SIX YEARS? I didn't even know there were blogs six years ago! HAHAHAHH


Buttercup said...

Two thousand posts and six years! Blessings for the next two thousand and the next six years. So glad to be part of Chatty's world.

Karen Lange said...

I agree, a day can make such a difference! Thanks for helping us keep perspective.

Congrats on the upcoming blogoversary! What a milestone, and what a great way to celebrate. :)

Blessings and hugs,

Jeanie said...

I had seen that e-mail a long time ago, but it was good to think about it again. Most of what was news on Sept. 10 lost all importance on the 11th.
Kudos on the 6 years.

Debbie said...

First, I remember that email! It is wonderful and is totally worth repeating!

And second, SIX YEARS? REALLY? I am so impressed. I can't imagine how you have stayed so creative for so long. You need a crown or something.

Shanda said...

Wow...six years is a long time to keep coming up with new ideas!!! I haven't even reached a years! Congratulations.

Mevely317 said...

OK, I'm officially EXCITED re. the give-away! (Oops, I'm not supposed to say anything yet?)

...And, of course, in total awe of your figure (hee, hee)! Seriously, I suspect some people put less effort into their jobs!

Hope I can meet you face-to-face one of these days!

betty said...

wow, Sandie, you have been prolific in those six years! 2000 posts! I just crossed 300 and I've had this blog for about three years! Good for you!

What a cute giveaway and wonderful gifts! I look forward to commenting for it come the 25th!!


betty said...

wow, Sandie, you have been prolific in those six years! 2000 posts! I just crossed 300 and I've had this blog for about three years! Good for you!

What a cute giveaway and wonderful gifts! I look forward to commenting for it come the 25th!!


deb said...

Congrats on your Anniversary!!
6 yrs and 2000 posts...way to go!!

Marie said...

Way to go Sandie! I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad I started following your blog! I'm looking forward to one day meeting you. :)
love, Marie

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I am floored that you've been blogging for 6 years. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

Lois Christensen said...

Congratulations!!! I love the poem about 9/11!

Granny Annie said...

Your 9/11 e-mail is the most poignant thing I have read about that day. Thank you for sharing.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow! 6 years, I have almost made 3 years....You have some good giveaways also!

Thena said...

2000 posts, WOW. That's almost one a day. You have some great giveaways coming up. Congrats!!!

Sharon said...

Loved the 9/11 E-mail thing. My first thought - Oh Lord, make me a "Tuesday" person!

And yes, I'll be around to try to win one of those goodies. Loved your choices. Especially the glasses with the women painted on them. Did you notice their B - OO - b 's??


Betty said...

What a difference ten years can make. Sadly, I think some of that has been forgotten.

2,000 posts! I might reach 2,000 if I live another 20 years or so.

Retired Knitter said...

Thank you so much for sharing that 9/11 piece. I had never hear that before.

DaCraftyLady said...

wow I can't wait..I love those glasses...what a great give away...I have been swamped with getting ready for a garage sale. grrrrr...so haven't posted lately...Debb

Anonymous said...

WOW!...my friend you have a wonderful giveaway and I'm re-posting this to my blog,hugs to you I've enjoyed reading for some time now.

Unknown said...

So Sad and so true. That really tells the story, doesn't it. I just came over from Jo's. Thanks for sharing this with everyone.

Happy Anniversary and that's a really generous giveaway! Hugs...Tracy :)

P.S. I'm having a giveaway for a cute cupcake kit here:
http://cottonpickincute.blogspot.com/2011/09/betty-crocker-fun-da-middles-cupcake.html. I'd love you to stop by and enter.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wow--2000 posts! Congratulations on your 6 year blog anniversary!

I'm also glad to read your 9-11 tribute. I do remember this e-mail forward that went around and it was good to read it and remember how priorities changed then ( and should still be the same now) 10 years later!