"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Animal Tails

I showed this little pooch and my grandson last week - but I just love this picture I'm sharing it again with the newest saga of Disco.

Now this little (ahem) dog was a rescue dog. He had been abused. And left outside for who knows how long. You can tell it from his behavior. He's getting better and better about certain things. But he LIVES for food - but then who doesn't?

We're used to putting everything up when we go out. Well one day I bought the GS some sugar cookies - big round ones - 18 of them. Now he didn't like them - which is no surprise either.
So I asked my daughter if she wanted them for her class at school. She took them put them in her school bag and put her school bag on her chair.

When we got home - well you know - he had pulled her bag off the chair - got to the very bottom of the bag. Dragged all the cookies in the plastic bag into the den. When we got home - he was still eating them!

He had eaten 9 HUGE COOKIES! He looked pregnant. I mean his stomach was huge!

Well the next day he threw up three times and eventually got back to the old Disco. He still might weigh an extra pound!

Maybe he needs to chase this cat!


Thought for the day:

"Adversity is the first path of truth." ~ Lord Byron

Do you think Disco learned his lesson? (I don't).

Have you had any pet troubles?


Jill said...

Bless his little heart. At least they weren't chocolate! Glad he's doing better.

Pondside said...

No - Disco will surely treasure the memory of the bag of cookies and conveniently forget the subsequent illness.
The worst our dog ever did was grab a pound of butter off the counter and try to bury it between the couch cushions. What a mess.....then there was the Easter ham, dragged from the counter by a larger dog....and the birthday cake with a big bit out of the side, by a visiting large dog (don't worry, I made another cake!)

Marti said...

My old dog is so well behaved, but her roommate--my grandson's dog, a two year old yellow lab--is another story. She loves to run through the house full speed for no apparent reason, it looks like she is doing Indy laps. And yes, she has a big back yard to play in. She will put her paws on the kitchen counter and if anything interests her, she owns it. In people years, I guess she is a young teenager, so that tells the story.

Unknown said...

Betcha he'd go back for more if given the chance. Chuckle!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

still smiling, great story. bad dog. our dog Max ate my birthday check from my dad. and Baby ate our water bill, they both love paper and will eat it. i did not know she ate it until we got a double water bill. when the bills come, i put them by the computer to pay them on line, she got it from there, so now i put bills up high. we can leave no food on the counter and both of them would have done the disco cookie thing and they throw up thing. still smiling

Patti said...

Oh, no!! Dogs definitely like to eat, don't they. One day I had gone to the meat store...bought a bunch of ground meat for $4.98 a pound (organic). I left it in the car to run into the cleaners. When I came out, my dog, who had been sleeping in the back seat, had gotten into it...she had eaten close to an entire pound of the meat. I'm glad I wasn't gone any longer, or she would have eaten the whole $25 worth.

I'm so glad things have worked out with allergies so that Disco has been able to remain in y'all's home.

Have a great day.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hard to resist the temptation of cookies!

Lois Christensen said...

No pets in this household! What a mess you must have cleaned! The dog is adorable though. And it is a great picture! Enjoy your day.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Poor Disco...that urge to eat is well know by some of us humans also! Did he learn his lesson? No, of course not. Just glad he is OK!
hugs, Linda

Kim said...

Cute story. But what living creature can resist cookies??

Eat To Live said...

Poor baby.... My Daughter had taken in a dog that was abused and left outside for years. This became one of the sweetest dogs, except you couldn't clean her ears. She passed away recently and will be missed.

Furry Bottoms said...

Haaaa, clever dog! Well, I hope he will remember his stomach ache the next time he is tempted by cookies!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a doggy tale! We have to guard our food very carefully in our house and don't dare leave anything out unattended because the kitty will get into it, as you might imagine! She's a pain sometimes, but we love her anyway.
That's a cute pic of your GS and the dog!

Remington said...

We must all try new things....sometimes it just gets to be too much....I think he would do it all over again....

TexWisGirl said...

yikes. you'd think they'd learn, but they don't. :)

Cheri said...

Nah...when it comes to food these pups don't know when to quit. The smell and taste are just too good to pass up. Disco may have gotten sick but at the time he probably thought he was in yummy food heaven. LOL

The Boston Lady said...

They never learn.... everyday my dogs think they are being sneaky. When I leave the room or go out of the house, they jump up on the small table that I put the cat food on for Bumby. How many times have I come back to a bowed head and smacking lips? Countless! Including this morning! Disco is so handsome! As is GS of course! Ann

Denise said...

Thanks for making me smile.

Clint said...

If you've had a pet, you've had e troubles. Ha. My favorite story was the time we were invited to dinner at a neighbor's home---theyhad a Schnauzer that jumped up on the dining room table just before we arrived and snatched the just-cooked pork roast off and drug in in the den to eat it. Made a helluva mess. And you shoulda' heard our hostess yell and I learned a few words. But when we got home, we died laffin'....

Anonymous said...

aww, the poor little guy,, probably had a belly ache too, thats such a great photo, ,

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Ah he is beautiful and will be a wonderful companion for Andy.
I left a cooked chicken up high on the kitchen bench when living in TN. I had no idea that the dogs could reach it. I went out and came home a couple of hours later and it was mysteriously gone, the plastic casing around it and all. No mess no nothing. Daffled I went down stairs and there the casing was, torn but nice and clean, with two innocent dogs looking on LOL. I learnt my lesson..
I will be away for a while Sandie. So God bless and keep you safe in His care. xxxx

Knitty said...

Awww, Disco must have heard this mantra somewhere:

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

Debbie said...

nah... I don't think he learned his lesson. I only say that because I speak from experience.

Personal experience.
Lots of sugar cookie and tight pants experience.

Anonymous said...

I doubt very much that he has learned his lesson. Used to have dogs and cats in the past...and they never learned lol!

Nice post

Bev said...

We had a beagle when our kids were little. At Christmas I made homemade turtles!! I put them in the basement in the cold room to harden. That crazy dog...pryed the door opened and eat half of them!!! I was 'not happy'...she didn't even get sick...she ate anything and everything!!!...

Belle said...

I love doggy tales and that is a great one! I liked reading the other stories in the comments too.

Sush said...

My oldest son's dog can sniff out food faster than rabbits can get preggers! She will grab food out of the grands hands. It's getting worse as she ages not better, unfortunately. She gets relegated to the bedroom with the door closed when company is visiting. Otherwise she'd be attacking anyone with a napkin or cup in hand!

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my, poor doggy! Great photograph!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, and he even opened the plastic? Hope he didn't ingest any of THAT! Do you have to keep all food up and away? Guess you can't put out candy dishes or anything...

Susan said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha That was a good one, Sandie.

Just wait til Disco takes a bite of your chocolate chip cookies! WATCH OUT! Woo hoo

Take care and have a great day. And Disco, too. Smart doggie. He knows what's good. ha ha hahahha Susan

BECKY said...

Sandie, like I told you before, you really need to submit this photo in a contest. It is just adorable! I have a story about our first dog, Rocky, and some of his crazy eating binges. I swear, that dog had the stomach of a goat! The stories are too long to tell here!

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Dulee is a perfect guy UNTIL we are not around - then he gets into anything that smells of food and also loves to tear up the trash if he can get to it. He, like Disco, is a rescued dog. Could it be a rescued dog syndrome?

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Nope, he knows good eatin' when he sees it. Heeehehehe!

It made for some great blog~fodder though.

God bless and enjoy your day sweetie!!! :o)

Lynn said...

Nope, no lesson learned... My beagle LOVED bread, any time she could steal it:@)

Angela said...

That is a great picture of Disco! I love it! He knows what he wants and knows how to get it! lol I doubt it he learned his lesson though.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am glad he is okay but that is just so funny!

Kelly said...

That is hilarious! Guess he changed his mind after the house got all quiet and the temptation just became too much. Don't you wish you could've been a fly on the wall watching him getting into her bag?

Sharon said...

Love posts about Disco!

Betty said...

And he probably didn't even learn his lesson. He'd do the same thing again without a second thought.

Last Christmas we rushed our dog to the Animal Emergency Clinic when she got up on a kitchen chair, climbed onto the table, and ate a box of Godiva Chocolate. Fortunately, it was a small box. She did get sick, but fortunately she didn't eat enough to harm her. Chocolate is really bad for dogs.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I shouldn't laugh ... I really shouldn't. :(
Poor guy! Gotta admire his determination! Don't you wonder, sometimes, what really goes on in their doggie heads?

Janie Fox said...

Hew is adorable. I could eat my =weight in cookies...just sayin. Save some for me Disco.

Tanna said...

LOL! Disco was having a party right up until he got caught... and then ill. But, I'll be he only remembers the good!! ;) blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

I think every single dog in our family has eaten at least ONE thing that they weren't suppose to. It's a right of passage I think....

But when my youngest sister was in high school she would bake a giant cookie cake anytime one of her friends had a birthday. So one night she made one of the giant cookies and put it on the dining room table to cool. Then our little Bichon somehow managed to jump up on a chair, climb up on the table and ate a good portion of the cake. He definitely did not feel well after that!

Marie said...

I'm glad Disco is all better. But I'm pretty sure if you left some sugar cookies out he'd eat'em again. LOL! They don't learn! My doggies have eaten ink pens, tennis balls, shoes, socks and a lot of other stuff! Got a love them!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, What a funny story... That poor puppy was just making up for all of the time he was abused and didn't get to enjoy cookies!!!!! ha ha...Glad he has a great home now.

Love Of Quilts said...


betty said...

Too cute with Disco! I'm surprised it took him that long to throw up if he had eaten that many! I bet the other end probably had some interesting surprises too until everything cleared out of his system!!

Really, Koda would have done the same thing if we didn't crate him when we leave and he could smell the food; they do seem to indeed live for food!


Red Nomad OZ said...

Pet troubles?? Well ... sheep are known for their recalcitrance, right??!!

I remember way back in high school, a friend and I ate a whole box of chocolates between us deliberately to get sick so we'd lose the craving.

Sadly, it didn't work!!

Catherine said...

Haha ~ dogs ~ they are so funny! And they all love sticking their head out the window on a car drive. Too cute!

xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sandie I do have ONE HUGE PET PROBLEM....and I do not know how to get Abby Girl from "licking" you know where...I hate it ...I hate the slurping sound of it ....any advise? Seriously....

Ann said...

aw Disco has a sweet tooth. I had a dog that used to be like that. You couldn't leave anything in reach of him or it was going to be his the minute you weren't looking.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I think its hard to 'unlearn' what it feels like to be starved in the true sense.

Wishing your puppy healing of all his emotions... even those ones....

What a blessing to have him in your life... even if he does throw up after all those cookies.

Sharon said...

OK, I know I shouldn't be laughing at this - but I am!

No, I don't think Disco learned his lesson. But I think maybe you guys learned a lesson - everything must go OUT OF THE DOG'S REACH!!

Any pet troubles?? Oh yeah. Marty is a beagle, and beagles are canine garbage disposals. In his first year, I think we had him in the emergency room three or four times for eating something. Blue painter's tape, a whole section of rug, a plastic pen...

The worst incident was when my son left him in his crate early one morning with his collar and one of those plastic cones on because he had some medicine on one of his feet. Well, I showed up about 2 hours later to babysit him. There he was - "naked" - sitting in the crate. The collar was in shreds, and the plastic cone was a thing of the past. I tried to put it all together like a jigsaw puzzle to see if any pieces were missing. I didn't think so. Well, 48 hours later, those "missing pieces" came barfing up...

Love dogs, but they are often like impish toddlers!!

Thanks for sharing these adorable pictures again. They just get a big "Awww..." out of me!

Dogmom Diva said...

Sandie, I have been a bad friend and poster, I have lost my mojo and trying to get it back! I read all your wonderful posts though and promise to comment more often, you are such a lovely friend!
Ok, animal stories, well I AM the Dogmom, I have plenty..all three of my dogs are chow hounds, none were strays and have always had plenty to eat, so I don't know if it's just competition with each other or what...anyway, aside from the loaf of bread I 'lost' last week (lol) the worst was two Christmases ago. We had received a box of goodies from my daughter in love's dad and stepmom in OK..I did not know what was in the box so set it under the tree. Carl and I went somewhere and when we came home, we discovered it was a big box of FUDGE. Well, half of it was gone and Halo the doxie was burping chocolate. I know chocolate is serious trouble, but he barfed at least 3 times so I watched him all night long and he was ok the next day..otherwise it would have been a trip to the vet. The fudge that was left in the little container looked real good too, alas..but it had to get trashed..now I open all mailing boxes and sniff stuff first!

hugs xo