A lot of people are experiences colds right now - at least here. I think maybe (?) the weather is warm one day cold the next and our bodies can't keep up.
I read Dr. Mercola every day and he is a real MD, but with a natural health type flair. And this was one of his suggestions:
Hydrogen Peroxide: A Simple Trick to Beat a Cold
I don't advise over-the-counter medications, but one simple treatment you can try that is surprisingly effective against upper respiratory infections is hydrogen peroxide.
Many patients at my Natural Health Center have had remarkable results in curing colds and flu within 12 to 14 hours when administering a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each ear. You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation.
Wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 percent solution is available at any drug store for a couple of dollars or less. It is simply amazing how many people respond to this simple, inexpensive treatment.
And wash your hands a lot.
Thought for the day:
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
- Epictetus
We used hydrogen peroxide that way when I was a kid, but I'd forgotten all about it. Right now I'd like to be the "receiving" squirrel, haha.
A fella I once dated made me do that ....
Whoa! Sounded just like an amped-up geiger counter going off in my head.
But... darn if it didn't work!
Those squirrels are very interesting.
I hadn't heard of the hydrogen peroxide cure but I would be willing to try it.
I might have to try the hydrogen peroxide thing...I've used it in my ears before but it's been a long time. Love those squirrels! Hope you are having a great Saturday!
Great post - Some nice cold tips there. I got some manuka honey today, which is suppose to be good for you for many things really :) It feels nice to put in some hot water to drink, and it's like balm for my sore throat.
Have a lovely Saturday my friend! Hugs x
I hope I remember where I read this tip,, have you tried it,,you come up with best stuff,,great post!
Happy Saturday Sandie Sweetie...
Love that squirrel photo. So darn cute. It suits this post just beautifully.
We all need a little pampering. I haven't heard about hydrogen peroxide usage in this way before. Sounds like others have tried and had success in the past. I will have to add it to my box with tips filed under colds. How fun is that?
You are always so much fun to read and see what words of wisdom you have to share for each day. Thank you for the smiles sweetie.
Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Seriously! Wow I have plenty of bottle of hydrogen peroxide ... I will try this out ...wow ..Happy Saturday the5th day of November
I subscribe to Dr. Mercola's e-mails, too!!! He has some wild things on there, and many accusations, but I love it! Dr. Oz even had him on his show and said that his mom reads Mercola every day!
Love the squirrels!!! My husband and daughter have soar throats and coughs. I pray I don't get it because it goes right to my lungs!!
Thanks for the cold tip.
Never heard of the cold cure before, truly amazing if it works! Happy Saturday:@)
Love the squirrels!
Great info about the peroxide.
I've never heard of ot before. I'll have to mention it to my Grandma. Hope your weekend is wonderful Sandie!
I've tried the hydrogen peroxide before when I've had ear infections. I don't know if it really worked, but for the few minutes it was bubbling around in my ear made my ear feel much better. The squirrels are cute! How did you do that??? Hope you have a great Sunday!
I use hydrogen peroxide all the time. It is great for all sorts of owies.
Your squirrels are cute.
Hi Sandie! I work for an ENT and he recommends getting ear wax out or at least getting it loosened up by putting equal parts of Hydrogen Peroxide and water in each ear and let it set with a cotton ball. It does work! I also use it to rinse my mouth if I feel a cold sore coming on. HP is a natural remedy. I should look up that list of its miracle cures and post it on the blog. Happy day to you! Anne
My grannie used to use H2O2 in the ears. Love the squirrels. Have a nice weekend.
I would if it would be safe to use in a dogs ears to clean them out. I use it for other things. Trish
Hi Sandie, I am lucky since I was in the hospital twice---and neither George nor I came home with a cold...
One of the rooms we were in (in the emergency room) was so cold that we were both shivering... It's a wonder we didn't get sick...
Thanks be to God for that.
i have heard of this for ear infections but not the cold. it sure is worth a try. sweet little squirrel masseuse, send her on down my way, my back hurts. I love Proverbs 17:22
Love the squirrels. I can't see how peroxide in the ears can help a cold, but the next time I get one, I'll be sure to try it.
Knock on wood, I won't. ( Now I know that won't help.)
The squirrels are so cute...I do not have many colds?? but sounds like a good treatment
Love the squirrels!
I've heard of using the hydrogen peroxide to clean ear wax out but never for the common cold. Might have to try that.
Have a great weekend!!
Gosh, I'm not sure that I would want to try that hydrogen peroxide, but I suppose it wouldn't do any harm if done properly! Love the squirrel giving the other squirrel a massage - wonderful!
Those squirrels made our whole day.
You have so many cute things on your bloggy.
Sounds interesting! When I feel a cold coming I put a HUGE drop of Oil or Oregano under my tongue...Hubby swears by it?
Yes a time to grieve and a time to dance... I was just thinking today of how I have been blessed...yet a week ago... I was grieving....For me...I have to learn to trust...when the grieving comes.
Have a wonderful weekend too Sandi!
I'm gonna try that right now; have the creepy crud. blah!!!!
About twice a year Mister and I clean our ears with peroxide but I had no idea it was helpful when fighting colds. Good info.
Love the squirrels!!
Hi Sandie!
So nice stopping by to visit with you! Fun place you have here :) Lots to see and learn. I have enjoyed perusing several of your posts!
Kindly, Lorraine
Oh, those squirrels crack me up!!! LOL! How cute is that massage??? LOL!
And, the quote is right on... you are right too... sometimes we have to grieve... and then decide to move on. ;) blessings ~ tanna
Hi Sandie...Oh my gosh, sure never heard of the peroxide for colds. Used to use it to dye my hair when I was a teenager. ha ha ha
Take care and have a wonderful Sunday. Susan
I liked the squirrel giving the other squirrel a massage, too funny! I hadn't heard about the hydrogen peroxide, but I am a firm believer in taking lots of vitamin C if I feel a cold coming on. I hope your day was a good one Sandie!
I'll have to remember the peroxide fix. Sounds like a winner!
I don't like squirrels but those are too funny! That ear remedy is going to be an interesting experiment in our house.
I've heard of using peroxide in the ears but not for a cold. How interesting and easy enough to try.
I want to be that squirrel....lol
I've had the sniffles and a scratchy throat all week. I do think the weather has something to do with it. I think it was Wednesday that I sat outside in shorts and a tank top and was so hot I had to come inside. Last night it was down into the 40's. Today, it was pouring rain and windy and really cold.
Weather makes me sick...I think perhaps literally.
I've also heard that gargling with hydrogen peroxide (diluted with water) is good for a sore throat. I think it makes your teeth whiter, too!
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