"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Okay - because I love you all so much I am going to let you in something that changed my life and I believe my children's too. So I hope you have a big cleansing cry and learn as much as I did. And keep it with you always.

There is a book called, John Newton, The Angry Sailor. It is paperback and cheap. I read to my own children a lot as they grew up and this was one of the stories I read to them. My son and daughter 36 and 33 still remember the book as I do and of course I am going to read this to my GS.

It tells the story of John Newton - who wrote the song Amazing Grace - and his life. He was a bad dude - and it will go to show you that there is hope for all of us.

And this is the most beautiful song by Andrea (thanks Becky P.) you will ever hear!

And this is the song played on all black keys.

Video from KarmaTube


"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."
Saint Augustine




Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I can't believe I've never even that book! I'll look for it.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Saing "Thanks" is one big prayer.

Changes in the wind said...

Loved the quote and will check out the book:)

Anonymous said...

wow, thats amazing, just amazing post, thankyou for sharing this,

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Sandie! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing Grace ~ What we never knew about it ~ Thank you Sandie....

betty said...

I'll have to look into the book, Sandie. I know his story, but had never read a book about it. (I like your signature line, had to write that before I forgot, LOL).

I am so thankful for God's amazing grace! I like the quote from Augustine. Reminds me of Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Got to have that faith in God!


Pondside said...

That was so interesting - I didn't know. I remember learning this as a little girl, and being told that it was my grandfather's favorite - across the generations it has endured.

Michaele said...

LOVE that last video!! Pentatonic scale. Cool!

Desiree said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I saw that movie but never read the book. I will look for it. hugs, Linda

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I saw that movie but never read the book. I will look for it. hugs, Linda

Eat To Live said...

I do a lot of reading but have never heard of that book. I may even have it in my stash of books... gonna have to look and see. If not, I will be looking for it.

Wanda's Wings said...

I'll have to look for the book. Thank you is a powerful prayer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

in my dad's baptist church, this song was song every week, there were 3 services and it was sung at one of those. i can play it in black notes and did in church for them to sing too. bocelli can sing the phone book, his voice is like the voice of an angel

Belle said...

I saw the movie 'Amazing Grace' and it was wonderful. It is beautiful how God touches the lives of people. I will look for that book, The Angry Sailor. Thanks!

CalamityJr said...

I haven't read the book, but will have to now! I love the way Wintley Phipps explains the song; his voice is heard often in our home. Thanks for sharing; I'm thankful for you!

Jill said...

I loved this movie. Such a fantastic story.

Marie said...

Love this quote. I will have to look for this book on ebay.
Happy Sunday Sandie!

Love Of Quilts said...

Yes I have heard all these and they are very good. Trish

Sally Wessely said...

I've not read the book either. I will read it.

Thanks for your post.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It IS really an amazing story! Years ago, we got the movie to show at church, but after previewing it, decided it was just too rough for general viewing! And after we had told everyone we would have a movie night, too!

Sally said...

Can't watch video's, but love the premise of this post. Yes, "thank you" is such a powerful prayer. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful story and song.
Thank you!

Unknown said...

Beautiful share, Sandie. I cry thru Amazing Grace no matter what but Andrea Bocelli puts me over the edge.

Doing even better today, just having those dizzy spells. TY for your constant friendship.

Hope you had a fabulous holiday celebration with the family. Be safe on the road, sweetie.

Have a beautiful week ~

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Chatty. Hope you are well. I absolutely love that quote at the end about if you only say one prayer. Wonderful! I read a lot as well, but have certainly never heard of that book. I am certainly going to look it up. Thank you for telling us about it.

Patti said...

You know that I rarely watch movies made after 1960...rarer still that I really love them. But I do love Amazing Grace. We own it, and I've watched it at least a dozen times. It never fails to bring tears to my eyes!!!

Andrea Bocelli has an amazing voice!!

Thanks for sharing,

theconstantwalker said...

A lovely moving post Sandie... xx

The Boston Lady said...

Will have to look for that - I know they made a movie about him that was excellent! Looking forward to hearing about GS #2! Ann

Sharon said...

The story behind "Amazing Grace" is truly amazing. It is amazing what God can do with a person when they turn to Him in repentance. What's even more amazing to me is that God gives us the chance in the first place.

Yes, His love saved even a wretch like me...

Thank you, Lord - thank you.


Debbie said...

Years ago, my students were doing a wax museum as part of a school program. One boy did John Newton and told his story. I was so interested in his story that I began to learn more about him.

Truly. Amazing. Grace.

I've been absent enjoying daughters for the better part of a week. I see you have been a chatty little chrone and I've missed several posts. I have already jumped to the buy American post (excellent!) I'll have to take my time and see what else I missed.

Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

Elaine said...

Thanks for sharing this info. I have never heard of the book and now i want to read it.. I wonder if my library has it. Hugs Elaine

Michelle My Bell said...

Sandie- What a goosebumps kinda feeling your post gave me. An absolutely beautiful way to end my Sunday. Peace be with you (((hugs)))

Grandma Bonnie said...

Thank you for sharing. I will look for this book.

Bev said...

Seen the movie...will look for the book! Great Post!

Linda O'Connell said...


Tanna said...

Oh, when I started reading this I was so excited to tell you about the Witney video! And, you, OF COURSE, already had it! LOL! This is one AMAZING song that has probably changed more lives that we could ever imagine... God is AMAZING in the way He works. blessings ~ Tanna

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, We are home from our trip. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Amazing Grace will bring tears to my eyes, no matter who sings it... It will always be a favorite.


Remington said...

Great post! I will look for the book, thanks, my friend!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I love the song, "Amazing Grace."
One of the best performance of that song, I think, it is the one by Andrea Bocelli, the Italian Opera singer. Thank you for sharing it, Sandie!!
God bless!!
Poet Starry.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

No matter your religion or no religion, this song remains one of the most beautiful ever written.

It, however, is always played at funerals and therefore, it brings tears to my eyes when I hear it.

BECKY said...

Hi Sandie! I've never heard of John Newton, so thank you for the info. Loved the video of Andrea singing, BTW! (Thanks for the mention!) When he sang that on Jay Leno last week, he held the final note SO LONG that I had to rewind it....thank goodness for DVRs...and I counted...and he held it for about 20 seconds. He hadn't even taken a deep breath or looked out of breath when he stopped. Amazing!

Betty said...

Such an interesting post. I've never heard of John Newton and the history behind the song. I especially enjoyed the last video about the black keys and where the melody is believed to have come from.