"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday - My gift to you

Okay - don't know if you have heard of this man. A Christian. And a football player.

Tim Tebow

He's a relatively new football player. A lot of people don't like him - I think it's because of his beliefs.

This is from Wikepedia:

"The Tebow Rule"

"In 2010, a new rule for the next NCAA football season, dubbed "The Tebow Rule" by media because it would have affected him, banned messages on eye paint. During his college football career, Tebow frequently wore biblical verses on his eye black. In the 2009 BCS Championship Game, he wore John 3:16 on his eye paint, and as a result, 92 million people searched "John 3:16" on Google during or shortly after the game. Additionally, later, when Tebow switched to another verse, there were 3.43 million searches of "Tim Tebow" and "Proverbs 3:5-6" together. Tebow stated of the searches "It just goes to show you the influence and the platform that you have as a student-athlete and as a quarterback at Florida".

The NFL already has a rule like this in prohibiting players from wearing messages on eye black; so, Tebow would not be able to continue the practice in the NFL. Despite the media labeling it as the Tebow rule, the NCAA denies the rule was influenced by Tebow particularly, since many other notable players (Reggie Bush and Terrelle Pryor for example) wear or have worn messages on eye black. An NCAA spokesman said "When this rule was proposed the committee did not focus on any one team or student athlete. That measure reinforces what the intended use of eye black is, which is to shade the eyes from the sun."

Superbowl 2011

A nationwide controversy surrounded Tebow's decision to appear in an ad funded by the socially conservative organization Focus on the Family that was broadcast during Super Bowl XLIV on CBS.[112][113] There were two 30-second commercials, which included Tebow's personal story as part of an overall pro-life stance. The abortion issue was not specifically mentioned in the ad.[114] Pro-choice groups condemned the ad, while pro-life groups rallied around Tebow.

It's 12 minutes long - so you can watch some of it or not - I know it is a busy weekend.

This is a man who takes whatever people dish out - in spite of his belief - for his belief.

Kind of cool. No amazing.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

- Ambrose Redmoon



Anonymous said...

Dear Sandie,
Thank you so much for charing this interview. I love to see when people stand up for their beliefs and doesn't "bend" for the surrounded pressure. He definitely know who he is in Christ! Love it!!! Have a lovely Sunday my friend! Hugs xo

Jill said...

What an amazing man! Thank you for sharing this, Sandie.

Helen said...

Tim has been admired in our household for as long as we've been watching him play football in Gator Land. An awesome young man.

Jojo said...

I had no idea. He is a rebel in his own way. Very cool.

L.J. Kentowski said...

I had not heard of any of this. Great for him! It's nice to see someone not backing down for their beliefs. Lately it seems none of us can wear our hearts on our sleeves even though we have our "freedom".

betty said...

I truly admire his convictions and his willingness to stand up for his beliefs and his faith, despite it all! And he's doing pretty good for Denver this year! He's helping them win some games! God is bleesing his life and will continue to bless it!

I hope you have a great Sunday, Sandie!


Shug said...

Good Morning Sandie...Thanks for sharing this video...since our family is huge into football, I knew about this. I think He is a great guy and I admire any athlete that will stand up to people when it comes to proclaiming their love for the Lord...
Hope you have an awesome day...
Way to go Tim Tebow..

Anonymous said...

what a geat story, standing up for his beliefs this way, amazing,

Jeanie said...

Since I live in Colorado I am definitely aware of Tim Tebow. He has created quite a stir around here. There is a lot to admire about this young man.

Marti said...

Tebow is an example of what good an athlete can do. He is a role model, which there are few of in professional sports.

Pondside said...

I'd never heard of this, not being a football fan at all. That's quite a testament, and a wonderful influence for the kids who look up to him.

Eat To Live said...

It is so refreshing to have a player who will stick up for his beliefs. Thanks Sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't watch football and have never even heard of him, but this is a good thing he is doing. we need more to stand up for their beliefs.

The Boston Lady said...

Tim Tebow is a wonderful young man and a former Florida Gator!!! We loved following his college career and catch him every so often in the NFL. He was made fun of all throughout college for being a "goody two shoes". The press here in Orlando wasn't always kind to him. He is the real deal and almost seems too good to be true. Now, how can I get him to meet my daughter??!?!?!? Ann

The Boston Lady said...

Not too mention he's movie star handsome! lol

Betty Manousos said...

what a brilliant man!

powerful post, thanks so much for sharing.

Sweet Tea said...

Great post, Sandie.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

When I heard of the Tebow Rule, I admired him...still do

Cheryl @ TFD said...

He is a wonderful Christian young man and a wonderful role model for the young people. Nice post!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Janie Fox said...

one word...love. okay well three words but I still love it.

Lois Christensen said...

I love how he stands up for what he believes in!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Yes! i love the quote you squeezed in at the bottom! Inspiring.

Marie said...

I am familiar with Tim and I completely admire him. What a wonderful role model for everyone! Great post Sandie! Hope you've had a fantastic weekend!

Bev said...

What if...more Christians live what they really believed?

Ginny Hartzler said...

This young man is amazing! Haven't finished watching it yet, but have watched quite a bit and will finish before bedtime, I'm also having Phil watch it! See you on Thursday after I'm back, hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, Sandie!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Standing up for one's beliefs is so important and for this young man and athletic to do so publicly is amazing and inspiring. hugs, Linda

Tanna said...

Character. Just character. Gotta love him. blessings ~ tanna

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Sandie, I want to watch this video but will have to wait till Ray gets off his puter, so that I can. How can I do that??? He is always stucK to it like glue. He gets up around 5am and runs there, face glued. About 10am he will eat breakfast, then he wants to go down the street. When he gets home, guess where he goes? Then its sleep time, and "hey Crystal whats for dinner"..LOL I don't know if I am mother or lover, wife or maid?
Anyhow, I will steal his puter when I can disconnect him from it. xxx

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Wow, that was amazing. Hope you have a great Monday. Susan

Debbie said...

I actually saw that interview. I have a great (read GREAT) deal of respect for him and the way he expresses his faith. His story is amazing, but I shouldn't be surprised. His God is even more amazing.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

amazing guy....very cool. hope today you shine

larkswing said...

Wow! Glad you shared this. I have heard/seen headlines here and there but not an actual interview until this one. Very nice!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very interesting post. Thank you.

Roxey Lucey said...

Interesting about the google searches. Too many want to do what ever they want, but they don't understand it is a privilage being in the limelight and there is a moral responsiblity. Don't get me started!

Sharon said...

I have totally heard about Tim Tebow. He is a wonderful Christian, and bold about his faith. Good for him. He's also written a book about his football career and his strong belief in Jesus Christ.

In my mind, this is the kind of athlete that is a true HERO!