"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday's GIft


Thought for the day.

It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out--it's the grain of sand in your shoe.
-Robert Service

HAVE A HAPPY SUNDAY. My advice to ALL of us - let's take the grain of sand out of our shoe!

And I want to thank my two newest followers that are not showing up on my list. (Is anyone else having this problem?)
If you send me an email and let me know - I'll go to yours!



Jill said...

Blessing you today and always, Sandie.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Very nice post Sandie. My kids learned this from PBS.
My blog does not show any of my followers at all. So I periodicall ydo thank them on my blog. Have a blessed Sunday.

Granny Annie said...

Oh that video was awesome. Happy Sunday to you Sandie.

Marti said...

I am so glad that I am unique in God's eyes, that I am His special child, even though I am so unworthy.

Changes in the wind said...

Amazing isn't it that there are no finger prints the same....

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Happy Sunday to you... Loved the video.

I never pay one bit of attention to my followers' list ---so am not sure whether it's working right or not... Sorry!

Pondside said...

Blogger has been silly all weekend. I don't know what's going on, but I'm always afraid of the sort of 'improvement' that will wreak havoc with my blog!
I love Robert Service. There is a cairn about 40 minutes from here commemorating the time he lived and taught school near Cowichan Bay.

Wanda's Wings said...

Have a great Sunday.

Rick Watson said...

I've gotten new followers but when I click on them, their blogs don't appear so that I can follow them.
Not sure what's causing that.

TexWisGirl said...

i've notice the GFC block resetting on occasion - sometimes showing older followers, then resetting and showing the newest. weird.

Eat To Live said...

Amen to that!!! I would rather walk with no sand grains.

Hope you are having a wonderful day.

Michaele said...

I just loved this video Chatty. A beautiful gift this Sunday morning.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, Blessings for a beautiful Sunday, Catherine xo

theconstantwalker said...

Have a lovely Sunday.. the weather has been kind over here..

Patti said...

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to take the grain of sand out of our shoe. (I am looking at your serenity prayer banner as I type this.) Sometimes we don't take the grain of sand out because it is part of the things we cannot change that we haven't yet accepted. And the more we struggle to change that thing over which we have no control, the more agonizing it is. (I know what I'm talking about here after 17 years of fertility struggles.)

Anyhow, I think the followers section is a continual messed-up thing for most of us. I'm not sure why it's continually broken, but it seems like it's been on again/off again for many months now...mostly off again.

Have a wonderful day.


betty said...

I like your advice about the grain of sand, Sandie! I don't check my follower's list, but what I do know this past week is that all my blogs that I follow are not showing up on my Dashboard and blogs that I stopped following a bit ago are showing up. Driving me crazy trying to sort if all out, LOL.

Sunny day here, off to church soon; enjoy the day!


Sue McPeak said...

Wonderful video presentation! My head is Spinning...I hope it's at least in the right number sequence.

Knock on Wood, my Followers is for once working...I guess! Have a Great Sunday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't see your follow me thing on your side bar. it is missing. like if iwere new and wanted to follow you there is nothing to click on. not sure how you know they are following you if you can't see them. email me

Leontien said...

I try to get me vitamine C in but i think i am doing better with the funny TV! haha

Thank you so much for your sweet comment and yes Sandra is a wonderful lady!

big hugs

Southhamsdarling said...

You always manage to come up with something special for us my friend. Lovely post for this Sunday. Take care.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your quote about the sand. I wonder why I have never heard of the number guy before? Interesting stuff.

Belle said...

Thank you for this video. How marvelous are the works of God, "In wisdom he has made them all." This was new info for me. Have a lovely Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Interesting movie :)
Hope you're having a nice Sunday my friend.
Nice post today as usual.

Hugs x

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is truly amazing. Have a perfect Sunday.

Ann said...

I'm dumping that sand out of my shoe right now :)
I don't pay much attention to my followers list since most of those people never leave a comment any way

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Sandie,
Sorry, I don't know anything about the followers list except sometimes I have a new follower and can't tell by looking at it who they are. Hope you're having a good weekend!

Sharon said...

OK, that is one of the most fascinating things I've ever watched. Knew, of course, about the fingerprints. But the spiral thing?? WOW - who can say that there's no God???

Yup, as you know, my followers gadget has been all messed up. Shows up fine, then doesn't show up at all, then doesn't show the last two newest followers. Oh, sometimes I really hate Blogger...

I'm gonna look for God's fingerprints this week...


The Boston Lady said...

Is that not the truth!?!? I have a grain of sand in my shoe that showed up today - I hope to shake it out and then go forward. How interesting about the fingerprints. Are you really with the FBI? C'mon, admit it, you are or you are at least a genius and REALLY deep! You never disappoint Sandie. Thanks. Ann

The Boston Lady said...

Oh, and I've pirated your quote by Mr. Service to put on my chalkboard that didn't sell and I'm glad it didn't because then I can steal your quotes and inspire my friends and family every day! (is that ok?) I always love them. Ann

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

True about the grain of sand in your shoe. I am having problems with my whole Followers list. At times they don't show up?? xxxx

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Missing you Sandie and hoping you had a great day! Love this quote!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....
It IS amazing how we all have different prints, isn't it?

As for that grain of sand in my shoe, OUT! OUT! grain of sand. Get the heck outta there and leave me alone.
Take care. Hope you had a super Sunday. Susan

Tanna said...

Yep, problems for sure. LOL! We are so spoiled to having our blog stuff work just like we like it to. I was about crazed yesterday. Could be that they are followers who don't have a photo on their name. You can go across on your dashboard to see those names. Just a thought. blessings to you, Sandie! tanna

Michelle My Bell said...

Beautiful inspiration :) Much Peace and many blessings to you~

Jim said...

Because I don't regularly go to the mountain that it doesn't wear me out. Other wise it would be as bad or worse, heart beating too fast, than the pebble in m shoe. I can shake it out.

Good one! This is similar to the log in my eye and the splinter in yours story.

Jim said...

I forgot. I'm a new follower and I got on somehow. I could post my face contortion that I had to go through if you'd wish.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Sunday.

Lois Christensen said...

It is a miracle! And it's nice to see that there is proof all around us that Someone was involved in creation. Great video. I have a few followers who don't have their links on their profile, nor an email address. So I have no way to get to their blog either. Hope you had a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

6.5 billion, imagine,, what a cool video,, thanks fo sharing this,

Marie said...

I'm trying! :) Have a wonderful week Sandie!