"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesdays Tail - Did you know small turtles like strawberries?

Just thought you might like to know that. I had no idea they ate strawberries. Isn't he or she cute?

Thought for the day -

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

- William Faulkner

Or another way you can look at it - the turtle who climbs the mountains begins to eat it!



Buttercup said...

This is new to me! Thinking of you and sending hugs.

Tanna said...

That is TOOOO cute!! They will be giving Thanks for their strawberry!! blessings ~ tanna

Desiree said...

Great thought for today! What a cute baby turtle!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so ever thankful you finally answered my concern, Does Turtles like Strawberries! I have thought and thought and just did not know such vital information...now then If I ever buy me a pet turtle I know to give him Strawberries! LOL ...isn't the little turtle tooo cute! I like the comment about climbing mountains and moving stones.
two more days and the Big Turkey Day will be..gobble gobble

Catherine said...

I did not know that ~ cute!
xo Catherine

Cheri said...

Did not know about turtles and strawberries, now that you answered that for me I'll be able to sleep at night, thanks Sandie...LOL (it is a cute pic)

Did you know that 40 beagles rescued from a Lab in Spain are being flown to a lady in CA? She read this on FB and got everything together in less than a month to rescue them and has 20 foster families waiting. Now this is a wonderful in charge lady for sure.

Jill said...

That's amazing. I had no idea!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks more like they like to LAY on them than eat them. adorable. and i am to old to start moving a mountain, even stone by stone. i am thankful i am sliding down the mountain at my age and not just starting the climb.
happy thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

oh thats so cute and you know the DO eat them.

Patti said...

When I was about 8 years old, I had a turtle...but he/she died within a couple months of getting it. Now I know why...we were not feeding him/her strawberries!!

A blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Marti said...

Looks like they are playing to me. They are on a slippery slope. It's all downhill from here on.

Debbie said...

Who knew??
That's such a cute picture. I love the way it tackles the task by getting right on top of it. Yes another life lesson.

Or maybe a call to go and sit on a piece of pie...

Granny Annie said...

Big turtles like strawberries too and it isn't fun when you are trying to raise strawberries. Big turtles also eat every fish they can find in your pond.

Talk about loving your food...those little turtles take it to a whole new level. LOL

Thanks Sandie for sharing.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It doesn't surprise me - strawberries are good!

Kim said...

Adorable! I bet they would like some whipped cream with that berry....

Remington said...

Very cute pics!

TexWisGirl said...

we had a couple of box turtles years ago. they love raw hamburger, cooked chicken, cantalope, berries, lettuce, corn and all sorts of stuff!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I think he looks more like stuck on that strawberry then eating it...lol. Kinda how I feel! hugs, Linda

Belle said...

What a little cutie-pie. It is amazing how small they are compared to a strawberry!

Sue said...

cute and creepy all at the same time.....

Knitty said...

Hmmmmm....eating the hurdles in our lives...interesting idea. I bet with chocolate or caramel sauce, it would be possible!

Shug said...

Interesting..I guess I have never taken enough time to understand the eating habits of turtles...who would think of a strawberry being food for a turtle?

Marie said...

These turtles are adorable! And they're so tiny!
Some days I feel like I've been carrying very heavy stones. lol
You have to start somewhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Gosh they are so cute! Never knew they'd like strawberries :)

Southhamsdarling said...

In the second photo, it looks to me as if that little turtle is trying to do something naughty to that strawberry! But that's just me!! No, I didn't know that they eat strawberries. Hope you are all prepared for Thanksgiving!

Bev said...

The strawberry looks delicious... hmm ya I guess that turtle is cute on top of the strawberry...but yuke...now I can't eat the strawberry:)

Lois Christensen said...

Such cute pictures! I didn't know that either. Enjoy your day!

Eat To Live said...

I had no idea they ate strawberries either.

Carol............. said...

What adorable tiny turtles!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Now that's about the cutest little strawberry toppin' I've ever seen!

God bless ya sweetie and have a marvelous Thanksgiving!

Pop over if ya get a chance for my giveaway! :o)

Ann said...

well isn't that just the cutest. Now I'm wondering though how many turtles had laid on the last strawberry I ate :)

Love Of Quilts said...

Nope! Have a good Thanksgiving. Trish

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Those pictures are so cute...I wonder how they got them?
And that thought, so true...we sometimes stand and look at the mountain instead of hurrying in to clear it, stone by small stone. xxxxx CM

Betty said...

I knew they liked ground beef and fresh lettuce, but I never thought about strawberries. As a child we used to get baby turtles in Florida. The poor things didn't live very long and it was probably because they painted their shells and wrote St. Petersburg, Florida on their backs. We never learned and every year when we went back we'd beg for another turtle.

Another way of putting it is..."The longest journey begins with the first step."

betty said...

How cute with the small turtle and the strawberry, Sandie! I didn't know that!

Here's hoping everything is going well with your preparations for Thanksgiving!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I had a turtle for like 10 years, if I had know this I would have given him some!

Michelle My Bell said...

LOVE the quote of the week! We have 2 African Spurthies- hubby says they"ll get as big as our tires! LOL They LOVE their fruit :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You don't suppose it's a "he" turtle and thinks it's a "she" turtle in a red dress?? LOL
NOW that was TERRIBLE!!
Happy Thanksgiving...and forgive me. LOL

Sharon said...

Cute turtle! Do you really think they ate those strawberries? I wonder...

Loved that quote so much that I'm adding it to my Quips and Quotes page on my blog. I have to remember that - that when I get overwhelmed with things, it's just one small step at a time.

Like a turtle - one small bite, and before you know it, it's done!!

xo :)

Wanda's Wings said...

Such a cutie. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving day.

Annesphamily said...

What a sweet photo!