"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, December 30, 2011

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends . . .

Oh thank you George, thank you so much! Love, chatty

Something to decide for the upcoming year!
My answer is NO! lol

Okay - I don't get it - where's the mouse? Okay I went back and looked again - now I know where the mouse is! Dah!

Okay - now listen the chatty theory - I don't say to you - go shopping every day and buy the shoes. But I do say to you - that every once in awhile - treat yourself - buy the shoes! Every once it awhile it will help the attitude.

Look at the picture before you read the caption at the bottom.

It's that awkward moment ..............
when you realize that your friend's fat arm makes you look naked in the office party photo.

(Wouldn't that be horrible???)

Jerry as the crackerhead crumbles

Dear God,
My prayer for 2012 is for A FAT bank account & a THIN body.
Please, don't mix these up like you did last year.

Thank you Linda B.


I thought Google Earth was good, but this is even more precise. Check it out, pretty scary to know they can find you anywhere!

I'm not surprised to learn that such technology exists. It uses your IP address and finds the exact location of any Internet user in seconds. It uses a sophisticated time based algorithm to do so. Try it and find your PRECISE location on the earth, then watch your screen as the system briefly analyzes your data...then displays your PRECISE location...Your location will pop up in a new window in about 10 seconds or so.

Click on the link below....
Thank you Sharon.


Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can. ~ john Wesley


Nancy said...

You are so funny girlfriend....These are a hoot and I am still laughing at some of them.....Thanks for giving us a chuckle....

Have a great day...

Eat To Live said...

LOL... I tried to click off that You have been online for one year,... What a ditz I am.

Love George!!

Jeanie said...

The office photo is hilarious, and I fully agree....buy the shoes.

Jill said...

Lot's of giggles here this morning, thanks to you! :)

Susan said...

HA HA HA HA HA "Fun-knee." Loved the office photo. Oooooo, that would be terrible if it really happened! Ooo weeee

Take care, Sandie, and have a good Friday. Susan

Sally said...

You got me on the office! LOL

Have a great day!

Lois Christensen said...

These are hysterical! Especially the office picture. I already shared that with my daughter! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! A funny post today [again] I liked the mouse one - hilarious. funny photo's. Have a great day my friend! And Happy New Year! Big hugs x

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, good golly miss molly you make me laugh so hard, Garry and I read your blog together because you are just the best,
I wish for you the best new year possible!

TexWisGirl said...

thanks, always, for the laughs! and thanks, george! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yup, I'm the type that would click on 'remind me again next year'.

I had to LOL on the cat that ate the mouse! Funny stuff today :-)

sandy said...

hahah, i love the fat arm naked pic...

Lynn said...

That John Wesley was a wise man. I loved all of these and couldn't agree more on just sometimes you've got to buy the shoes. :)

Happy New Year, my new friend!

Kim said...

Hahaha, the office pic made me lose it. That would happen to me trying to hide behind someone. Lol

Belle said...

These are so funny. I like the fat arm-naked lady one the best. I think we have entered the era of Big Brother. We cannot hide!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my head is spinning from all this geeky techy stuff you have here. the cat who ate the mouse is cute and NO is my answer to log off, and not remind me next year because it will still be no.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to mention the naked lady and that looks like MY arm so don't stand behind me

Sally Wessely said...

You made my day. Wherever do you find these photos? I love the fat arm- naked lady photo. I think everyone did.

Happy New Year. Thanks for the smiles!

Rae said...

LOL That was great. I enjoyed all of them.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy New Year Sandie! And thanks for the year's worth of laughs. I look forward to your Friday posts.

Gotta' tell you that I thought that warning on the top (do you want to get a life?) was the real thing, I really did at first. you know what that says about me.

Michaele said...

Oh my! That office photo was a good one! Working for the state, I have learned how to find people also, and that I can be found : ) Nothing is secret anymore.

Michaele said...

AND George Clooney and I are getting married someday. I will let you know when : )

Ginny Hartzler said...

Funny stuff today, Sandie!! I love the fat arm picture, my arm could cover TWO friends!!!

Whosyergurl said...

Happy New Year sweet friend! One of my new years resolutions is to buy nice (comfortable) shoes! I can scrimp on other stuff! I'm to the point where if my feet hurt, well, forget it!
Am going to see the zoo movie tomorrow. I've heard good things.
xo, Cheryl

Linda O'Connell said...

One was funnier than the other, thanks for the laughs, Sandie.

The Quintessential Magpie said...


That almost nekked picture is the funniest thing I've ever seen! LOL! Oh, how I have missed you!

I got the 'puter back, and I'm trying to play catch up. It took me one whole day to do my post. Boy, am I rusty or what???

Anyhow, I have missed you and want you to know that I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2012 will treat you with the kid glove treatment you so richly deserve.

Love you...


Sheila :-)

Lost_without_a_Map said...

I had to put some clothes on before I pushed the locator button...

A Lady's Life said...

Good ol George Wonder who will get him in the end lol
The office party was fun lol and yes its scary . They can see you from the sky miles away.

Knitty said...

I don't mind that you changed George's greeting even though he was speaking directly to me. You might want to explain George and my relationship to Michaele. I hate to see a friend of yours pining away futilely. LOL!

Shug said...

You crack me up....everyday!

Marie said...

It's always good to see George!
You always have me laughing on Fridays! Ty!
The IP stuff can get somewhat scary.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Pondside said...

Good heavens, that office party picture would be a nightmare!!

Lynn said...

Well now... the office party photo may the the last bit of incentive I need to stop stuffing my pie hole!!! And the groundhog is just too cute. Happy New Year Sandie, and if you happen to run into George, please be sure to give him my address:@)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Love it...as always, Kiddo!...:)JP

Sweet Tea said...

I think George is the cause for Global Warming - works for me!!

Mental note: Never stand behind anyone with fat arms in a photo.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Funny post, but you had me at George! Um, um, good!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

LOL!! I had to look twice at the photo with the fat arms. Good lesson there.
Don't tell my hubby, but I've got a crush on George! He's so darn good looking! Whew!
Have a great weekend, Sandie!

Bev said...

Great Post... George has too much hair to be handsome:).... Loved the locater...it got me:0..

Have a wonderful New Year dear Blogger Friend!!

Tanna said...

I'm with the squirrel!! LOL! And, it just scares me too much to see myself get located so quickly to even try that website! LOL! Still want to bury my head in the sand. ;) thanks for the chuckles, Sandie! blessings ~ tanna

MunirGhiasuddin said...

You always make me laugh at the end of a tiring day. LOL. Keep doing the good job my friend.
Happy New Year !

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well George was a nice treat. Thank you for all the laughs and it's good to know I am right here!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Good heavens, you're a Pisces! NO wonder I love your blog. I have this thing about Pisces people.
You've brightened my life!

g!oW said...

Chatty, you have the bestest blog ever!!
I truely enjoy it!!
Loved the picture of the office party group. Too funny!

Thank you for visiting my Blog and leaving a comment.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
gloW :-)

Janie Fox said...

These are all great. Happy New Year my friend!!

Love Of Quilts said...

WOW! What a shame to be behind someone that makes you look naked in a photo. Good reading. Blessing Trish

Kerrie said...

Happy New Year Sandie!!!

Oh my - it's hard to type a comment at the moment - seriously funny stuff!!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Aaaw, shucks George, thank you SO much!! Hi Chatty. Brilliant post, as always. I don't know where you come up with everything for us to smile at, but please keep on doing it in 2012. We can all do with a smile in our lives, and we know that we can always rely on you my friend. Happy new year to you and all your family Sandie. Let's hope that 2012 will be a good one for all of us. Hugs.

Ann said...

well you certainly caught my attention leading off with George :)

Catherine said...

Haha - you are sending the year out with a good laugh!
xo Catherine

Sharon said...

Sandie, the office photo was a LOL moment! That's hysterical. The worst part is being the "naked" girl. The second worst part is being the woman with the fat arms.

Oh, how awkward we human beings can be. Oh, how much we love to laugh at other human being's awkwardness!!


Melanie said...

The office party photo is way too funny!! Happy New Year! :-)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Thanks for the good laughs ... great way to start off the new year (ok, so I'm a little behind in my blog reading).

I really laughed at the fat arm photo ... because I've been a victim of similar photo goofs (not where I look naked, but I look huge!).

Wishing you a truly blessed 2012!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Thanks for the good laughs ... great way to start off the new year (ok, so I'm a little behind in my blog reading).

I really laughed at the fat arm photo ... because I've been a victim of similar photo goofs (not where I look naked, but I look huge!).

Wishing you a truly blessed 2012!