"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, January 02, 2012

Good Morning 2012

(And who else but Jerry would send this to me) I think he thinks it looked like me!!!!!!!!!!

Thought for the day:
Scatter confetti over the floor, sweep an old year out the door!

~ Myra Conn Livingston

DAY TWO OF A BRAND NEW YEAR! What are we going to do with it today?
Okay one of things I'm going to do is throw this snowball at you! Pass it along...



Bev said...

I don't think I've wished you Happy New Year...And throwing confetti is exactly what my daughter does every New Years!! Have a great week!

Lois Christensen said...

Cute picture! We're heading to my mom's today, all of 3 houses down! My brother and his family are coming and my sister and her family are coming. We weren't able to get together with my brother over Christmas,so we're doing it today! Enjoy your day!

Starry Dawn said...

Good Morning, dear friend, Sandie!!

Good Morning, New Year 2012!!
I hope you have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year with all your loved ones, Sandie dear.
May you have joy, peace, health, love and showers of blessings on your way, sweetheart!!
Thank you so much for inspiring the world with your wisdom!!
Thank you also for visiting my blog and offering your loving comments there!!
You are an awesome friend, Sandie.
God may bless you all!!
All the best on your way,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Eat To Live said...

Hope you are having a GREAT New Year Sandie,
My Grandson learned how to throw snowballs in his daycare.

They throw cotton balls. For next year, I bought him a bag of pom poms to throw.

Susan said...

Love the quotes, Sandie. Soooo nice.

I saved the one about a kind word warming three winter months! Loved it.

Hope your day is super. Susan

Sweet Tea said...

Good morning, Ms. Sandie!
Gurl, I don't need to throw confetti on the floor to have something to sweep away. Mr. Has been on vacation and so have I so I have been quite lax around the house. This is our last vacation day, then tomorrow it is sweep, clean, and back to the regulat routine! Enjoy your Monday!!

Buttercup said...

Good morning! So enjoying my blog visits today. Have a bright and blessed day.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Today I watch the Rose Parade on TV and take down the Christmas tree. It's one of my New Year's Traditions! hugs, Linda

Holly said...

Happy Happy NEw YEar! So excited to get the last one behind me. Looking forwrd to what awaits ahead of me.

Cheri said...

Started my journal yesterday and my resolution is to be more positive.

Knitty said...

Put your tooth back in and change your mittens and this won't look like you at all. Much.


Lost_without_a_Map said...

Thady, I return to work. Seems like I've been away for so long. I wonder if the will re-train me =?

TexWisGirl said...

i think i have to return to prayer more often. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sandie!
A new year is here with new challenges and possibilities! This will be a great year!
Big hugs x

Shug said...

Good, happy morning Sandie.... I sure love that thought for today.
Have a great day...

Debbie said...

I'm thinking that confetti idea might work just fine with the dead pine needles I have around here. Serves me right for decorating with the real stuff and then leaving town, doesn't it.

So... off to sweep the yukky 2011 out the door.

sandy said...

YEAH FOR 2012...

Have a happy one~!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I ducked and your snowball missed ;-)

Jill said...

Missed me! MIssed me! Now ya gotta kiss me! ha!

Jim said...

Happy New Year, Sandie!

Today Mrs. Jim will take down our Christmas tree and go to the mall.

Both of us will meet our granddaughter at the MacDonald's on the Interstate on her way back to work. She is buying a new car to take back to Oklahoma with her.

Southhamsdarling said...

Loved that quote by William Arthur Ward. By the way, the snowball missed me. Hee Hee!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't think that snowball will reach me, it will be all melted unless it waits until tomorrow and it will be cold enough it might get all the way

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jill, missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me!
Its always a happy place to visit this is!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Happy New Year...I like that phrase

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's not nice to throw snowballs!
Hope your have a great day.

Lynn said...

Happy 2012, Sandie!

Belle said...

Great poem! We took the cat to the vet today. She got hit by a car but she is okay. We are happy about that! If we could only keep her in the house this year! She's a sly one.

Anonymous said...

I've have not giggled today, and that is when I realized I have not stopped to visit my Chatty Crone ...now I giggle..thanks Sandie

Ann said...

Well you missed me with the snowball but it landed all over the place and let me tell you that was one huge snowball. I think parts of it are still falling out of the sky :)

Red Rose Alley said...

LOVE the Confetti quote. I hope the New Year shines a bright face on you. Be back to visit again soon.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

After one month of constant cleaning, cooking, sweeping up, and trying to make everybody happy, I don't think I could handle the thought of any confetti on my floor. I will pass on that suggestion.

Marie said...

I wish we could have snowballs here. :)
Have a great week Sandie!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hope you all did have a great day, Sandie... We have extremely cold weather now --temps in the 20's and going down into the teens tonight... Brrrrrrrrr... We've had snow flurries --but not enough to make a snowball to send back to you..

Grandma Bonnie said...

I would love to throw some snow balls with the grand children that would bring in my New year just right. Have a great start to your New Year.

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I love reading your post so sweet.
Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Tablescape for New Year Eve dinner.
I hope you have a wonderful 2012 New Year with your family.
XXOO Diane

betty said...

LOL with the confetti; I'd be so neurotic I would have to clean it up the minute I threw it! A snowball though, on the other hand would melt.....before it had to be picked up!


deb said...

LOL Love it!
Happy New year!

Unknown said...

Thank you for another very honorable mention!

Debbie said...

This brought a big smile to my face!

Nancy said...

Love your sense of humor. Great way to start my mornings! :)