"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

How to start changing...

My New Year's Resolution

This year I am going to bring out the rose colored glasses of mine and clean them off and see if there are any cracks in them. I'm going to repair them and make sure they are in tip top shape. I don't want to miss anything. My motto is GOD IS EVERYWHERE in EVERYTHING. I'm going to continue to write what I'm grateful for in my grateful journal. If you look for God you will find him in everything - I believe that. Whether it be something as simple as bread or complex as human body. He is there. And you know what - seeing God - having a relationship with him - makes me joyful. I am going to try to be a joyful Christian this year. And I hope to inspire me and I hope to inspire you.

This video doesn't have to do with anything Christianity - but it is about inspiration. I think sometimes we might get down at Christmas or once it's over. They say that Christmas for some is the most depressing holiday of all.

The reason I want to share this video with you is that it shows you what you can do - for yourself - no matter what has happened in your life. You never have to give up. Not everyone can or will do this - BUT you can figure out your own something. For me it was starting my grateful journal - written TO GOD - everyday - five things - for some 20 years now. And while I still do get down and while my life is NOT perfect - I feel joy. I am happy inside. I still have a close relationship to HIM - because I see HIM in everything!

Okay enough - I haven't done enough thinking the last two weeks and I's over dosing in it today.

"Give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still -- the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see."
~ Robert Nathan
(His Enchanted Voyage was adapted for the screen as Wake Up and Dream; The Bishop's Wife (1948, w/Cary Grant), was remade into 1996's The Preacher's Wife (w/ Denzel Washington).)



Whosyergurl said...

Love your slogan: "Trying to be a joyful Christian." Good for you!
xo, Cheryl

p.s. I'm sure we all have stories but Doug works with a woman that NEVER misses church, yet she is an awful example- so hateful. Hasn't spoken to another co-worker for YEARS. tsk tsk.

Jill said...

This made me cry and gave me goosebumps. You and Mary are inspiring. Thank you.

Holly said...

Love it! Leave it on the mat!!

Belle said...

That was an inspiring video. Thanks for sharing. You radiate joy to me from your blog every day. I always feel better for having visited you. I'm sure you will be a joyful Christian all year long.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What an inspiring video! thank you for sharing that. I love it and it gives me courage to change. hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring post today! Every day is filled with so many blessings. I often take many things for granted. Thanks for the reminder today. Stay warm!

Jane said...

Chatty,you always inspire me,and I really appreciated the video,also inspiring! Oh,and the rose colored glasses are cute... And you are so right God ia everywhere in everything,so grateful for that. Blessings Jane

Cheri said...

Love the video, should we be going to lessons with your GS?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie,
Love the video [very inspiring] It's great to keep writing the grateful journal :-) Have a great day my friend.
Big hugs x


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks for sharing this video, Sandie. Very inspiring! I always take away something good when I visit your blog. Whether it's an inspiring story or something that makes me laugh...I love coming here!
Have a wonderful day!

Lost_without_a_Map said...

Oooooo-kay, I will do away with my beer goggles and purchase me some rose tinted glasses, also.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the glasses! Maybe I will start wearing my green ones from Wicked. I will click my heals and say "There's no place like home."

Marti said...

Enjoyed the video, very inspiring. I have to find my rose glasses.

Lois Christensen said...

Love that you've been doing your journal for 20 years! How amazing! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy!

Eat To Live said...

You continue to amaze me.... a journal. how in style you are. I read now that so many are doing this and you have been at it for years. I always seem to be a day late and a dollar short....lol.

Sharon said...

Sandie, you continue to be a friend who pushes me toward optimism, which is not my natural bent. Thank you for pressing me into gratitude - an attitude that I think must be intentional. Otherwise, life just seems to wear us down.

It's all about GOD - in everything, everywhere - just like you said.

Thanks for the reminder.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I kind of like when Christmas is over, just because I like getting the house back to normal and into routines :-)

Lynn said...

Wow!!! I cried with her there at the end.

It's wonderful that you keep a gratitude journal. That's sort of the same thing I was intending when I started my blog - to keep focus on the positive things around me from day to day. And it's worked.

The Boston Lady said...

This is a fantastic video Sandie. She proves that we are never to old to start something new. I too started working out at the gym when I was 45. It was the best thing I ever started doing. I've lost my focus a bit the last 4 months or so, but I am going to get that back. So inspiring. Thank you Sandie for reminding us to always reach high. (Also kicking things is very therapeutic!) Ann

Betty said...

There is so much to be grateful for just living in this country. It sometimes seems as if everyone is forgetting that this is still the best place to live...IMHO. Most of us have clean water, food to eat, a roof over our heads, etc., etc., etc. We tend to take it all for granted.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good luck, you can do it, just like you have done your journal. I have heard several people lately talk about doing the grateful journal and how it helped them, saw one lady on TV. keep on journaling and staying full of JOY

Love Of Quilts said...

Keep to your plan sweetie.

Sweet Tea said...

Absolutely amazing!!!
So glad I saw this today.
Thanks, Sandie!

Susan said...

Wow, Sandie....very inspiring. Of course I'm crying now, too. That woman was very amazing and so are you!

I love being filled with gratitude, too. It makes a HUGE difference in one's live, doesn't it?

By the way, love your new header, too. Susan

Ann said...

The year of the rose colored glasses. I like the sound of that

Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

Bests Wishes for 2012 Sandie Wish we could leave our Christmas season background up the whole year love yours.

Southhamsdarling said...

First of all, I love that quote by Edith Lovejoy Pearce. Isn't it wonderful?! I think we should all wear our rose-tinted spectacles throughout this year, and make it a positive and happy one all round. It's quite surprising how so many of my bloggy friends really do feel that 2012 is going to be a great year. I always look for God in everything as well. I have a quote in one of my books that goes something along the lines of, do not always look for God in the big things. For it is in the little things that He may be found, and I do believe that to be true. I have started a journal this year, in which I write of the blessings that have occurred each day. They are surely there, if we look for them. Thanks for a great post, as always my friend.

Hootin Anni said...

Having a positive attitude throughout your life, no matter if you have religion or not ---it brings out the best in you.

I LOVE the Pierce Quote!!

A walk along OSO BAY

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

What a beautiful inspiring story. You would feel like giving up after loosing your little son, I admire her, good on her. God Bless you also for sharing.
Love crystal xxx

Kerrie said...

Love your motto!

Wow - 20 years writing down 5 things everyday in a gratitude journal, that is some accomplishment!

Praise God for EVERYTHING and for being EVERYWHERE!!!

Michaele said...

This just shows us there is always something out there - for everyone. Just seek LIFE with PASSION! Thank you again Chatty.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

You are so right. God is every where and in every thing.

Shug said...

Well....you've got me singing "Those rose colored glasses"
Your post are always joyful and full of inspiration...

GrammyK said...

Very encouraging words!! People often get frustrated with me since I perpetually wear my rose colored glasses. My nickname should be "Pollyanna". No matter how horrible things are, there is some good in it somehow--even if I cannot see it at the moment.

One of the things that I am grateful for is that the Holy Spirit taught me early in my Christian life to "practice the presence of God"--to know that He is ever near and sees all that I do. Everything that happens to me is filtered through His fingers of love and for my good. Even in the hard times I feel cherished because I know He feels I'm up for a little testing. :-)

I love the snow covered bridge. Wish I could transport myself to the picture--but first I'd like to put on my mittens and coat!! Ha Ha!! Thanks for posting!! <3

DaCraftyLady said...

great video.. :) Love the thoughts...I will be putting on my rose color glasses too. Debb

Marie said...

I love your blog! Thank you Sandie!

Marsha Young said...

Well, Chatty - while you are busy trying to be a joyful Christian, I am going to work on avoiding being a "trying Christian" - as I am pretty sure I can be a bit of a pain from time to time. :)

Good luck to you - and wish me luck on my endeavor. :)...Marsha

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Inspiring post today, Sandie...

Great video... YES---we don't ever need to give up.. When life gets rough, we still need to keep on pushing ahead!!! Life does bring challenges... God is our help in times of need.

Thanks, Sandie.

betty said...

First of all, Sandie, love the picture on your blog header! Is that close to where you are at? I agree with Christmas being a depressing holiday; I heard a pastor say this past Christmas that Christmas is a high effort holiday, we have to do a lot for it, buy presents, wrap them, put up decorations, etc. It is not like Memorial Day or Labor Day etc with the effort we put into Christmas so we expect a lot out of it. We say it is about family, love, peace, joy. And I think we associate emotions with it that if it doesn't live up to our expectations, it is disappointing and then depressing. I follow a blog of a girl who was depressed because this year she couldn't give her children the type of Christmas they had given to them before (gift wise). So I can see why people would be depressed this time of year.

However, I like your attitude of gratitude and you looking for God in anything and everything this new year!


AudreyO said...

Cheers to you for really working at seeing the light spots instead of the dark ones and for smiling when it requires a bit of effort. Make you smile when you fall asleep and smile when you wake up :)

Bev said...

okay...where did you get that snowy picture...I'm sure it's not where you live??

Grandma Bonnie said...

She is a great inspiration to all of use. I need to start thinking like that.

Tanna said...

oh. my. goodness! She is phenomenal, Sandie!! Thank you so much for sharing her story.

I think anyone can see the benefits of 20 years of gratitude in your life!! YOU are an inspiration, too! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Awesome! And I agree the LORD can be found, seen in all things! If you are seeking to see and find him....Happy Thursday

Nancy said...

Inspiring video. Life is indeed a wonderful thing.

PS -- I don't like snow, but we need the precip. I may have to water our trees today (supposed to be in the mid-60s.)

Beansieleigh said...

LOVE this video, Chatty!! (It made me cry... and made me smile) Thanks and have a great day! ((hugs)) ~tina

Debbie said...

Amen, Sandie. My resolve is very much the same. I'm going to look for the light to chase away the darkness.

I'll come back and click the video in a while. I'm having a bear of a time with my computer tonight. I'll be grateful if this comment posts.

Here goes...