"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday - Some Public Service Information:

It takes a minute to load
Big Brother is alive and well. This is not a joke. Try it.
This is truly amazing ... and could be useful. Or is it Too Much Information?
Enter your address, and up comes a map of your area...and a list of all neighbors and their land line phone numbers! No matter which state you live in.
Thank you Jerry.

Thought for the day:

Don't you think that is a great quote to repeat to yourself over and over and over. To teach our children this too. (Okay, Okay - I needed this for myself today too - but it is a good one - right? lol)



Jane said...

Hello Chatty,yes that is a very good quote...And the white pages thing,was more than scary!!! I wonder why they think we are so important,I could live without this,scary indeed...Blessings Jane

CalamityJr said...

Big brother indeed. And isn't that a Winnie the Pooh quote? He is such a smart character, and shares characteristics with the velveteen rabbit, I believe.

TexWisGirl said...

wow! cool and scary at the same time!

Love Of Quilts said...

I will have to check this out thnaks.

Love Of Quilts said...

Didn't work for me!

deb said...

I've seen this link before. It's frustrating becasue it says you can claim your profile and change any incorrect info. But when you get there, there isn't any more information. I'd like to remove "his" name, ya know?

Interesting but scary, I agree

Terra said...

I will think about this; I don't want to give them my street address, so I may make up an address, just to test it. Big Bro is here, sadly.

Lynn said...

I tried the WP link and my name and address were listed, but not my phone number. I guess because I'm on the no call list.

It does list a neighbor who has been dead for five years. And gives his phone number!

Marti said...

Wow, that neighbor thing is mind boggling. Love the quote. Have a good weekend.

Knitty said...

We have an unlisted phone number so ours doesn't show up. The rest of the info is public info and can be found through other sources (tax rolls, a reverse address search, etc) but not as quickly for someone unaccustomed to looking for the info.

Some of the info for my street is out of date or just plain incorrect. My neighbor's daughter-in-law never lived there but her name shows up for some reason.

Winnie the Pooh (or was it Christopher Robin's quote?)was a wise ole bear.

Southhamsdarling said...

Your little pink header is very pretty. Well done Madsnapper! I also loved the quote. You always come up with some good ones! Enjoy your weekend my friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This doesn't surprise me. Facebook is now making it mandatory for everyone to do their new timeline thing, I think they are organizing the Facebook Police now! I LOVE your yesterday's post with the froggie and iPhone and the workplace commercial!!! Frog is the BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie, I like your new header image - it's nicely done. I like the quote today ^_^ I think I am reading posts backwards today [hehe] Have a nice and relaxing day my friend! Big hugs


Angela said...

Since my address is a route number it won't bring it up. It did bring up the area where my mom lives in the city but they didn't have any information for her at all. The map they are using is at least 5 or more years old for that area too. It reminds me of Spokeo but it shows exactly where you live and what your house would look like! Did you find yours on there?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love that link! The information is kind of old as they are showing our house under construction which was over 5 years ago but they have names right!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Great quote! I need that today also. I know Big Brother is out there...hey with the internet there isn't much privacy anymore. love you, Linda

Eat To Live said...

Wow Sandie,
This is kind of scary. They can zooom right in on us can't they?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just popped over there to look at it, it is a social page, like pinterest and facebook, they want people to make friends on it. all that info is out there in white pages and in reverse phone pages and in public records, all they do is pull it together with a browser. i would not suggest going on it since you have to register with info.

Nancy said...

I think I'll stay away from that site -- there's no privacy any more, anywhere.

Debbie said...

That kind of creeps me out about the neighbors thing. I entered my neighbor's address to see what they said about my address. They list every person living in the house. That's just creepy.

And I love that quote, too.

Elaine said...

Indeed this is creepy.. I received it from a friend recently... Too much of our personal info out there.

Jill said...

I do love that quote!

Belle said...

That is a good quote! Thanks, Sandie.

Bev said...

Great quote... I've been away it seems...but I am still here... internet is sparactic...down here...so I don't get alot of time to check out blogs...take care!

Ann said...

I got that white pages email from Jerry too. That really is something isn't it.
I love the quote, it's perfect

Nancy's Notes said...

Thanks for that link, can't believe it is out there! What a wonderful quote, it's a great daily affirmation!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....Imagine seeing all the neighbors' names and numbers! I was SHOCKED.

Great quote. So true, too. Susan

Sally said...

Yeah, I'm not liking that! Glad I have an unlisted phone #. :)

Love the quote!

Shug said...

I agree...a quote that we all need to repeat over and over again.
That is a neat website..I had to take a second look..almost thought I saw myself through the window..

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

Thanks for the good words, as usual. And that's a bit scary about the neighbor info. Makes me glad we'll be on the move in the RV!

Kerrie said...

Hi Sandie, Woah - The White Pages website is awfully scary!!! I tried it first for Australia, but that didn't work. Next, I tried a friend in the States, oh my!!! I would be very upset if we had something like that here. Since it even lists all the residents of a household I wonder if they get that information of a Census? I really don't think personal information should be online for all to see without your knowledge or consent.

A lovely thought for this rainy Sunday here in Oz.

BIG Hugs!!!

Together We Save said...

Yeah I think this is a little to much info!!

JeanMac said...

Hi Chatty - web site is cool I'm going to try it for Canada. Sending love.

Jim said...

I like this saying on your picture. Yes, brave, strong, and smart. I've let down on the strong.

In fact, Sandie, at that Kroger place here I park in a Handicap place unless there is a close up regular one. But I have started walking now after my two surgeries though still not a lot though. Inside that giant store is about all I can handel.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I do think Big Brother is getting to big for his britches.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Big brother needs to mind his own business. Why doesn't he go look for crimnals or something?

Unknown said...

Thank you for another very honorable mention!

Granny Annie said...

Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive! I cannot leave the white pages link. Love it...hate it!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well, there's really no hiding, is there?

Buttercup said...

I love your new header. What a great thought to live by!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Privacy is a thing of the past. I'm concerned about how such information could be used.

Sharon said...

Love the new header!!

I am continually scared by the information that pops up on my computer. I particularly hate how there are ads above my gmail dashboard - ads geared to what I've talked about in my email!! You should have seen the stuff when I was emailing you about your knee surgery!

Big Brother is alive and well. Nosy guy.

ocmist said...

That is scary. It brought us up and the one neighbor that is within 1/4 mile of us. Love the quote, too!

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I say a mini-facelift won't suck the soul out! ha...now if only I could afford it!!

I've been living here nearly 16 years...I sometimes wondered who my neighbors were. It's old information, though, because a lady built a house directly across from mine about three years ago, and it's not even showing there's a house there.

I think the only way to make it difficult for someone to find me is to get a PO Box and an unlisted number. I googled my name the other day, and without having to click on a link I could see my address and phone number. Ain't likin' it.