"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Gosh, 'TIME' - that is a huge issue for all of us. At least me. The funniest thing is when someone asks me what I've been doing - I stammer out an answer that I feel is kind of silly - yet I know I'm always busy! My time is precious to me and I want to spend it well. I want to be as happy as I can be. I try to see God in everything I look at and I really do try to love people.
Do I always succeed - are you kidding?
But I do try.


You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings. Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize those blessings. Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere.



Marti said...

Great inspirational thoughts. I especially like being busy loving people.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Challenges keep me going.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Isn't it funny how sometimes you feel like you've gotten nothing done, even though you've been so busy all day?

Ann said...

Well said today. Thanks for commenting on my Blog Book. The company is SharedBook and you can google the company. My book this year cost about 70.00. Have a great day.

Melanie said...

What a great quote, Sandie. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when my perspective gets out of whack, i look at a homeless person or a person that is ill or one that is ina wheel chair, and put my life back in perspective. the best way to get back on track is to help someone else.

Betty said...

I guess it's like everything else...it's the direction you choose to look. You can always find people with more money, bigger houses, etc., but there are many, many more with less if you look in that direction.

Jill said...

Fantastic quote!

Nancy said...

What an inspiring post and such good advice.....

I love the quote......

Eat To Live said...

That is going to be my thought of the day Sandie!!

It seems the older I get the less time I have. Where does it go anyway?

Lady Jane said...

Good reminder post. I try very hard to love more but I am such a great failure at it. Note to self... Try harder. LJ

Pondside said...

Too true - I'm trying to remember to be thankful for five things every day - when I remember!

Anonymous said...

Great message today. Enjoy your day.

Aarthi said...

very nice thoughts


Jim said...

Hi Sandie ~~ God keeps us busy, doesn't He? Seems that you are busier than most people should be. (So is Mrs. Jim.)

I had never heard of Gosh time. Google had 'about' 162,000 results. A lot of them had the 'flies' after. That would be a good name for your post. That or 'Productive Time Management..
I did think of my granddaughter when I read those two words. Seems that she picked up from Mrs. Jim or me the words, "Oh Gosh!

When our daughter (Mom) had an accident after their Christmas holiday here, the granddaughter uttered, "Oh Gosh!

She's on my blog today, the "Little Blog".

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

I think we live longer when there is no hate.
What's the saying "Love The One Your With!" ♥


Kim said...

That is a great quote. We all seem to be busy lately. What happened to the January rest period?

Bev said...

How try...with all our blessings...how can we ever complain!?

Sally said...

So many, many blessings!

Have a wonderful day! :)

TexWisGirl said...

that's a sweet message.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful words and quote today, Sandie. So true!
Blessings to you my friend!

Belle said...

Thanks Sandie, I always find help through your posts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the inspiring words today! Sometimes we are so busy seeing our challenges that we miss all those small blessings that are around us! I like the "because I'm too busy loving people who love me" - very nice! Here's my thought for today:

"What you think about expands!"

Have a lovely day my friend! Big hugs xx


Starry Dawn said...

Hi dear Sandie,
Your blog is getting better and better all the time. I love it!!
I see some thought provoking words of wisdom that make me pause and think deeper...
I am glad to have found you in Blogland, Sandie.
I can't find Eva's blog. I wish to follow her, but I don't see it anywhere. I sent an Email to you, but you haven't replied yet.
Thank you for visiting my blog, and posting your lovely comments!!
It's very hot in Summer Time in my corner of the world. I'm still struggling with health issues.
I make plans to travel to New York by the Spring of 2012, for a family reunion, if that is God's will. I must lose some weight...
Have a blessed day with the Lord!
All the best,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Amen to this, Sandie! It is a shame when we waste wonderful time with resentment and mulling old wounds over in our mind. We need to use every moment in a positive way. Helping others, building them up, laughing, praying, looking around us for beauty, and being thankful!!!

Ann said...

When someone asks me what I've been doing I have to try and make wasting time sound like something productive....lol

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Yup, that is SO TRUE that we must concentrate on the GOOD things happening and in our lives, rather than look at the negative. It's true that our attitude determines our altitude!

Take care and have a "positive" day! Susan

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful thought for the day..
I will do my best to give it a try.

Take care xx

Southhamsdarling said...

Loved the inspiring words today my friend. x

Lois Christensen said...

I feel the same way sometimes. People often wonder what I do all day and some days I barely have enough time to get everything done! Love your post from yesterday and the blogging manifesto. Very nice! Enjoy!

Lois Christensen said...

Hey, did you friend me on Facebook? Lois Behr Christensen!!! I sent a request to you, so don't ignore me! HA!

Marie said...

I always try to remember when something not so great is going on in my life that someone else is having the same experience or worse.
I know that's so true that's why on my blog,"Womentalkaboutlife", under the title it reads "no matter what your situation is you're not alone".

Very inspirational Sandie. :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie you find the best quotes! I am so blessed and you are part of that for me! Hugs, Linda

The Boston Lady said...

As always you have made my day and inspired me! I always have people asking me "what do you do"? I may not have a "real" job, but somehow each day is sucked up and I guess I don't have much to show for it. Each day seems to whiz by! Today was supposed to be my relax, get over chest cold day, but I nevertheless ended up running around doing stuff for BIL and whoever. NOW I am sitting down and catching up with my blogging friends - and resting! Ann, trying on those rose-colored glasses...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Blessings aplenty- I love your thought for the day-

Sharon said...

I have to agree that gratitude is an ATTITUDE that has to be chosen and cultivated.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your thought for the day, Sandie.... Thanks!

Rick Watson said...

Life is way too short to get bogged down in the minutia.
You're on the right track.

forgetmenot said...

Such a good thought to remember--thanks. Mickie ;)

Love Of Quilts said...

I don't know where the times goes...I don't seem to get anything done I want too...its terrible!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You always find wisdom for us.....
thank you

BlueShell said...

Yes, That is true!
Wise words, here. And I agree with everyting you say!

I 'll keep trying...
Hope to do my best!


BECKY said...

Love that quote!! So glad I was privileged to meet you in person, Sandie!! Next visit, I hope to stay longer.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a good one!

Anonymous said...

I used to get so hung up over people liking me or not liking me. I'm learning to stop letting it bother me as much.

Kerrie said...

G'day Sandie :)

Like you, I think time is precious and I want to spend my time well.

Time, it's a funny thing, when you want it to go fast - it never does, and when you want it to go slow - it never does.

I think we appreciate the value of time as we get older.

Love the quote and inspiring words from your thought for the day.

Hugs, Kerrie