"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday "Tails"

Good Morning!

I've been going thru some pictures and clearing some out and saving others in different files.

Since it is Tail days - I thought I'd show you our dog sweet Disco at Christmas time. He is looking at the GS opening gifts - wondering what in the world is going on.

Now when Disco gets toys he always bites the heck out of them right away - I guess to get the squeaker out and then I sew them back up and he seems to not be as aggressive with them. But we bought him a pink pig long ago - and he doesn't ruin that one. It is the oddest thing. It is his pacifier. Seriously - he gets it every night to go to bed with. Squeaks it for awhile and then falls asleep. So for Christmas we got him 3 of the same new, but new pigs. That old one stunk! He wouldn't play with the new one - until the GS rubbed them together and got some old stink on the new one.

Now we went to this lake around Christmas - I bet you don't know where this is. But it is a gorgeous park and in the spring (Spring in Atlanta is a blessing not a season) it has flowers and lazes and crate mertals (?) everywhere. And ducks so we always bring bread. This is what we call the poor ugly duckling - he is different then everyone else. He's always there too.

Mom and GS feeding the ducks. They were way over on the other side of the lake, but they come fast to the duck feeding station.

Grandson loves this place - (he was cold and had my coat on).

Such a happy, beautiful place and a sunny day.

Once they flew in on us - it was scary to have about fifty birds flying at you, but it all worked out.

They also have this area - called the Grotto. It is supposed to be Jesus's tomb, the angels, and the stone was rolled away - he had risen. Now in the spring - it is surrounded by pink azaleas and is gorgeous.

Guess you could almost have a gathering here. That is looking in from the parking lot and at the front there is a podium of sorts.

Looking the other direction - the podium top is a stone Bible. Do you know where all this beauty is at?

I hope I don't seem morbid - because I am not! It is a cemetery. A gorgeous cemetery in Sandy Springs, Ga. Where my mom and brother are buried. I'll go there too. It is so lovely and sunny. Filled with such beautiful areas. We always bring flowers, fix up the graves, feed the ducks, and then go to the grotto. Of course I miss them, but I know where their souls are and we do this for respect and honoring their memory. Also I'm trying to show my daughter and grandson that's it's not a sad place at all.


Okay let's go clobber someone with love today!


Jeanie said...

Beautiful pictures of a special place. You are right that a cemetery is a place for memories.

Rebecca Nelson said...

Beautiful! One of my favorite things to do is walk in old cemeteries. I think it's peaceful and I love the old headstones...



Nancy said...

I love your newsy post......isn't it amazing how our pets have their own unique way of treasuring their toys..I always love reading about it....

It looks like you made some special memories in the park....always fun having time with the grandkids.....

Have a great day Sandie....

Shelly said...

What gorgeous pictures and lovely sentiments. I had to laugh at the pink pig toy- even our sweet pets can get very particular!

Melanie said...

What a sweet picture of Disco with his little pig toy! :)
I think it's good that you go to the cemetery and take flowers and care for the graves. I think it does show respect. My mom does that with her parents, and my dad's family.
Hope your week is going well so far. :)

Aarthi said...

Nice post


Rae said...

The grotto looks very peaceful. It would be a nice place to escape for some quiet thinking. The photos of the geese are really nice. We have a number of ponds around our area where we go to feed them. You are right, it can be overwhelming having a big bunch of them rush at you to get a handout.

Cheri said...

Disco is a cutie...we just love our pets, don't we? Funny the habits they will pick up...our Kizzy loves loves loves to unwrap gifts whether they are hers or not. They give us so much happiness. Love that last pic of the lions...so cute.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

You have some lovely real estate there.

Have you ever thought what you may want as an epitaph? Mine will be "I wish I had eaten the LARGE Cinnabon." or "Been There, Done That, but I'm not telling.

Annesphamily said...

My sons big boy dog Smokey carries a red Teletubby around like that! It is his security blanket in life. I love the pigs! Hee Hee! So sweet.
What a beautiful share you have shared with us. I so love knowing you Having a difficult day with a headache hurting my head so this was so sweet to visit!
Love and Blessings

Sally said...

Great post, Sandie. I too love to visit old cemeteries. And, as for the ducks, we had a similar experience not long ago with them running up to us. We all fled, and it wasn't a pretty sight. :)

I hope you have a great day.

Jill said...

How smart of your grandson to rub the old and new pigs together! What a cute story.

The cemetary really is a beautiful place! Lovelier than any I have seen. It's wonderful that you are showing your daughter and gs that it is not all about sadness.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I had to laugh about the pink pig paci.

I have to tell you that your stories of your GS's success in martial arts inspired me to enroll Pierce in a class (it starts in 2 weeks). He had such a rough time in his attempt at soccer - hoping this will go more smoothly.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That Disco is so cute! I think going to a cemetery and paying respect is awesome and also very peaceful. I think they are places to be quiet and feel love for the one's we have lost. hugs, Linda

Lois Christensen said...

Those are really nice pictures of your cemetery! I love the tomb and the statues and the Bible! We don't get to the cemetery where my dad is much anymore. We went once a month for the entire first year he was gone. But it's a long drive, almost 3 hours one way. Your dog is too funny with his toys! Enjoy your Tuesday!

TexWisGirl said...

cemetaries can be peaceful and beautiful places. i like that muscovy duck. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you will already know the clobber photo is my favorite. love it.
but i did o love the trip to see the geese and ugly duckling. that ugly duckling is a mosqubee and i can't spell it, but they are real pest around here, so ugly they are cute. i enjoyed our travel time today very much.

Anonymous said...

What a nice trip that seems to have been, beautiful photos. GS seems to enjoy it a lot. I like the photo's of Disco :) Enjoyed the photo's very much!
Big hugs x


Lynn said...

Cemeteries are so peaceful, aren't they? My father is buried at the beautiful Veterans' Cemetery in Milledgeville, Georgia and I visit his grave whenever I am there.

Love your dog with the pink pig - very cute. It's his baby.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...You shared so many good things on today's post. Loved the photos. Would like to see that grotto again when the pink azaleas are out. Okay? Don't forget.

And that ugly duckling definitely IS ugly. Oooo weeeee.

Disco with his little piggy was a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e. Wasn't that a good idea to get the old one and put it near the new one, to get the same scene? Smart GS!

Take care, and have a super Tuesday. Susan

Sweet Tea said...

I could not imagine a city park which would allow the lovely symbols of Christianity so when you said it was a cemetary it made sense. It is a beautiful place and wonderful if you can go there and not be overcome with sadness. I personally, still have problems with cemetaries where my loved ones rest, but can go where "I don't know anyone". Strange, I know. LOL

Southhamsdarling said...

Loved the story about Disco and his pacifier! That cemetery is an beautiful place, and not morbid at all. I get a real sense of peace and tranquility from it, which is lovely, with all the souls that are laid to rest there.

Unknown said...

Love Disco and his paci. The cemetary is just beautiful too!

The Boston Lady said...

I think cemeteries are the most wonderfully tranquil and beautiful places you can rest in peace or while you are still on this side of the grass. They are meant for the living, I think, so they have a beautiful place to visit their lost loved ones. The one in your pictures is so nice! Where my parents rest we have peacocks! It takes the sadness out of the visit and makes it special. Love Disco's woobie. Our tough Panda must have one every night to help her settle down and sleep. Ann

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I am a cemetary fan as well. There is some beautiful art in cemetaries. I loved the angels by the tomb. Plus, there is such history there.

Those Canadian geese are pretty to look at, but they are the poopiest fowl around. Be careful where you step.

Eat To Live said...

Animals are so funny... So silly that your GS had to make it stinky before he liked it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the new pink streamlined look of your blog, Sandie!!! I think this one is much more like YOU than than other one was. Your GS was so smart to rub the old pig on the new one. When you said about the bible, I then realized it is a cemetery!!! I like wandering around them, too. But we have none like this!! By the way, your duck with the red on the head, it's a Muscovy Duck.

Ann said...

It's funny how our furry little ones have their own quirky ways. That's funny about Disco and the pink pigs.
Love the pictures from the cemetery. The one where my dad is buried isn't quite so grand but I love going there because it's so peaceful

GrammyK said...

Beautiful cemetery!! That looks like a place that would be very neat to see even if you didn't have friends or family to "visit". :-)

Our youngest Dachshund will not go to sleep without a blanket in his mouth. Cute but gross. And our dogs try to tear out the squeakers too--it's probably a universal dog thing. :-)

Hope your week is going great! <3

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the story about Disco and his toys. Clever GS to think about rubbing the new toy with the old one!
The cemetery you visited is a beautiful place. Beautiful photos!
Take care and have a wonderful Wednesday!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

Disco is very cute!

That is one of the prettiest cemetery I've ever seen. How sweet to also get a chance to feed the ducks and geese. :-)


Michaele said...

Wow! Thanks for taking us along. I love it when you throw in personal posts every now and then. Love you too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Neat cemetery, Sandie... I would never have guessed that that was a cemetery until you told us... Gorgeous place!

Strange how pets sometimes love one toy over another. Just like us humans I guess...haha

Great set of pictures. I always enjoy blogs who show family pictures.

Angela said...

That is a beautiful park Sandie! Beautiful cemetery too! Love that Disco! He is spoiled rotten and you know it! hehehe But that is the way he should be!


Tanna said...

Such a beautiful cemetery, Sandie!! I love the quiet, sacred feel of walking among the tombstones. This one is particularly beautiful. blesings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Skye goes right for the squeaker to. Then she loves to take out all the stuffing. I get her the stuffing free toys now. Amber's dog Charlie doesn't destroy his toys at all. I saw a duck like that at my dads last year! Lots of very nice pictures. I love walking through a cemetery.

BECKY said...

Lovely, Sandie! Here's clobbering back at ya!! Hugs! xoxo

DaCraftyLady said...

Lovely cemetery...was great to go along too..:)

Marie said...

My Roxanne does the same thing with her toys. She loves to get that squeeker out! Love your new header! Madsnapper (Sandra) is awesome!
Nice stories and photos today Sandie. :)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Our dog makes it her mission to see how quickly she can destroy stuffies ... so we've given up on giving her any toys. :-(

Granny Annie said...

Slim ignored a dozen toys until we came home with just the right one. It is a thick rope with two knots. She will chew on it and bring it to you to play. Then for some reason she drops it behind the couch until someone asks, "Where's your toy?". She cannot get to it but she knows right where it is and will lean over the back of the couch until we retrieve it for her. We don't ask where it is often because Slim demands a long game that follows.

Anonymous said...

We've never given our dogs squeeky toys, for that exact reason. We usually give them things like plastic balls or rubber sticks. Our Kira is tough on her toys.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I like the idea of making a cemetery a place to enjoy when you visit.

Unknown said...

The Grotto sure looks like a beautiful place to spend some time in quiet contemplation.