I am going to tell you of our experience yesterday at school number 3. The called at 11am to tell us the principal of headmaster was sick, but since everyone had taken the day off to bring the GS on in for testing. It was on reading, math, and writing. It was going to take an half and a half. He takes the test. He comes out and are asked to come on Friday at 3 and we will get the results. So no answers.
She did say about his writing that he was quite a unique speller - lol - we knew that. But this is the thing she told us. Now remember he is not quite finished with 5th - but they are looking for a test score to be in the 7th grade range - yes 7th grade in 5th grade!
I can't fathom why they want him to test out to 7th grade. She said the public school is a year behind private schools. And they want to make sure the student is not frustrated. She mentioned sometimes they suggest repeating the grade.
Now GS has never made a D in school and rarely a C - even in writing and spelling.. And if there was a C, it was in those subjects. So basically he is an A/B student and no discipline issues. And he is behind the private schools by a year???!!! At least that is what I think he will tell us Friday.
So I'm asking myself what is God telling us. There is one school left to hear from. Doesn't God want him to go to a Christian school? Does he want him to go to the public school? What's up God? I really don't get this. I'm not really upset - I'm just turning it over to God. And venting to you! Thanks for listening.
Our dog Disco is a funny ... here he is thinking he is in trouble. He's never been in trouble - teehee - not here anyway! But he's always just a little bit worried - I think he tries to be a perfectionist because of his past. Once abused I think it always stays with him just a little bit.

So when we go to the pet store - we were trying some clothes on him. Now this is the thing - when you put anything on him - he stops moving - it is like he is in a straight jacket or something. We wanted to buy him a sweater because he is a freezy butt! He is always shaking - but he won't wear it - he'd rather shake. We all love this guy so much. We must have been stressed last night - he squeaked that dang toy for an hour!

She did say about his writing that he was quite a unique speller - lol - we knew that. But this is the thing she told us. Now remember he is not quite finished with 5th - but they are looking for a test score to be in the 7th grade range - yes 7th grade in 5th grade!
I can't fathom why they want him to test out to 7th grade. She said the public school is a year behind private schools. And they want to make sure the student is not frustrated. She mentioned sometimes they suggest repeating the grade.
Now GS has never made a D in school and rarely a C - even in writing and spelling.. And if there was a C, it was in those subjects. So basically he is an A/B student and no discipline issues. And he is behind the private schools by a year???!!! At least that is what I think he will tell us Friday.
So I'm asking myself what is God telling us. There is one school left to hear from. Doesn't God want him to go to a Christian school? Does he want him to go to the public school? What's up God? I really don't get this. I'm not really upset - I'm just turning it over to God. And venting to you! Thanks for listening.
Thank you angel girl Jean.
Our dog Disco is a funny ... here he is thinking he is in trouble. He's never been in trouble - teehee - not here anyway! But he's always just a little bit worried - I think he tries to be a perfectionist because of his past. Once abused I think it always stays with him just a little bit.
So when we go to the pet store - we were trying some clothes on him. Now this is the thing - when you put anything on him - he stops moving - it is like he is in a straight jacket or something. We wanted to buy him a sweater because he is a freezy butt! He is always shaking - but he won't wear it - he'd rather shake. We all love this guy so much. We must have been stressed last night - he squeaked that dang toy for an hour!
Go Dogs! We love UGA!
Who Let The Dogs Out?
A belated Happy Birthday from up here! I don't know how I missed that!...worked late last night and didn't get to visit all my favorites,I guess.
It sounds like you have the school thing figured out - or at least how you feel about it. Fingers crossed here though, that your GS will get into the desired school.
Actually I do understand how Disco feels in not wanting to wear clothes. He can get away with it but I can't.
As far as schools go---and all that testing that is the latest rage---I don't understand schools any more. Man, with all the crap they throw at kids it's a wonder they can think at all.
The things we do for your animals - I think Disco looks pretty cute in that sweater.
And I hope your grandson tests out well enough to be in that school - this process sounds incredibly hard to go through.
So hoping and praying that the best situation for your GS works out. Disco is darling!
I'm sorry to hear you don't have a good feeling about the school you visited yesterday. I know you're frustrated.
keep your chin up. things will go as planned...
Happy Belated birthday!! So sorry I'm late.
I can't understand these schools. They make it so difficult on everyone. What kind of message are they sending your GS? I sure hope he isn't feeling bad about himself. AND you know what? if they don't want them you don't want him going there either.
Leave it to God. He has a plan.
Loving Disco!!
All will work out, my friend....
Sandie, it surely is hard to read what they are trying to tell you isn't it? I know with God's help you will do the best you can and so will GS.
One of our GS's was home schooled. They put him public school for a year and he was sooooo bored as he was way ahead of the public school class. He came home to stay for the rest.
Only thing, for some reason he didn't like to sit in college classes either and so he has no college.
That is neat about the butterflies. Dogs really don't know what color they are either so I'm told.
Yes, keep your chin up; all will be well I'm sure. Sometimes the things we worry about the most turn out to be what we should have done the least. I'm saying a little prayer for God's will to be done.
Cute little doggie. :)
I am not a fan of animals in clothes so if disco doesn't want a sweater let him go naked. LOL. i would not wear clothes if i could get by with it, maybe he feels in a sweater like i do in the dreaded hated confounded bra.
as for the schools, ditto what everyone else said, just hang in there and wait and see what the plan is. it might be something better.
Believing all will work out with the thing. Dogs love to go naked.
My daughters went to a Christian school for elementary. I wanted my youngest girl, when she was a teen, to go to a Christian high school. She wanted to go also. I prayed for the money to pay for it, but it never came. She went to a public high school and did very well. She didn't have any trouble there, although she was offered drugs. She didn't even understand what the boy was trying to sell to her. I guess I should have warned her.
I believe with all the prayer on your grandson's behalf, the Lord is working and will help you all. Perhaps there is a reason he may have to go to public school. There may be someone there he and your family can help.
Hi Sandie! I imagine you are getting weary with the private schools. Sometimes it's not easy to see where God is leading us when we've been praying for the outcome that we think is best. He has the perfect plan in place for your GS and I know you know this. Hang in there, your GS has been making excellent grades and will do fine wherever God places him!
Hugs, Cheryl
Happy Birthday again!
I know God has a plan for GS...He always has a plan. We can't imagine that He wouldn't want him in a private school, but there are things we don't know, and may never know.
You've placed it in His hands, and we know He is faithful.
This school does not sound like a good fit. It will come to you. Wishing you well.
The school thing, I can see why you are confused. BUT I know with prayer that God will show you which one, even if it is at the last minute! And we also know that God's ways are not our ways. So anything goes. He continues to surprise. Now there could be many reasons God might not want him in a certain Christian school, I can think of a million! But go with what is made clear to you.
Can imagine Disco doesn't like wearing a sweater ;)
It's always good to vent with friends. I hope that you will have an answer from one of the schools soon.
Have a lovely day my friend! Big hugs
Happy "B" Day Hugs...sent your way...schools make it difficult to enter these days fingers crossed for the right one to come your the dog
Public schools really are okay in my opinion. I went to a private Christian boarding school when I was in high school and it wasn't what my parents thought they were paying for. I put a nice new sweater on my German shorthair when she was a pup and it was the most humiliating experience she ever had or has had since. Dogs are so emotional.
I loved seeing you today! I will keep GS in my prayers that God will show you all the way for him to go. So frustrating! Love you, Linda
I'm shooting up prayers for your g/s, and hoping he's accepted in the best school for him....
Your dog is so cute..... mine wouldn't be caught dead in any type of clothing.
the school issue just sounds so frustrating. I'm sure that however it turns out all of you will make the best of it.
Duke loves wearing clothes and always gets excited when I pull out one of his sweaters
I would take the statement about the public schools being behind the private schools by a year with a grain of seems like a pretty broad generalization.
I don't believe our dog would like wearing any kind of clothes no matter how cute we thought he looked.
I don't get the 7th grade thing either. And everything is about tests nowadays. Even when my kids were in school. They were always busy getting them ready for the next state test. There's so much pressure put on the kids and the teachers.
Our shivering and shaking Dachschunds do exactly the opposite of Disco. If you put any sort of clothing on them they writhe about on the floor in a death struggle with said clothing until they GET IT OFF!!! :-) Took them forever to get used to their collars!!
Sometimes we don't understand the Lord. We think that He desires something but it doesn't go as planned. All I know is that "Man makes his plans but the Lord orders his steps". I pray that the Lord would open only the doors He would have you to walk through--no matter how strange it might seem. :-)
Praying that you have an excellent week! <3
I like your thought for the day! Too true!
xo Catherine
Well, Thank you for finding me! You had me at your Ralph Waldo Emerson quote! I think after reading your profile we are a lot alike and, yes ma'am...we is agonna be friends!
Happy Belated Birthday to you and I hope things work out for your grandson with the schooling. Blessings- Diana
Hi Sandie...
Loved the post. Got a real hoot out of the Baja Boys rendition of "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Can't say as I've ever seen anything like it! ha ha ha ha ha
Don't worry about Andy. I'm with DeanO. I think God will let him end up exactly where He wants him to be! Susan
Oh Sandie! I would not want him to repeat a grade just to go to that school. That would be a deal breaker for me for sure.
Your new header looks like it could be a picture from Canaan Valley, West Virginia! So beautiful!
That Disco is so darn cute! I will say that my chihuahua I had years ago would shake to and that is just in their nature. She wasn't cold. They are just naturally nervous. I will say though Spunky loved to be dressed up but back then they didn't have the clothes for her.
his plan b always seems to outdo our plan a, doesn't it?!!
Wouldn't it be nice if you could wake up and see that God took care of everything?
Disco is so adorable. I don't think you could ever be mad at him he looks so sweet!
Your little puppy is so cute!
And I hope things work out for your grandson as you wish them to. :)
Your dog is too cute! Such a frustrating situation with your grandson and his schooling! Crazy that private schools want him to test 2 years higher!!! I hope it works out and the right school opens up for you! Enjoy your day!
Let us be careful not to limit our God...he can do wonders in Public schools as well as Christian schools and he hears Grandma's prayers.
Disco is adorable without clothes! I only have sweaters for my doggies just in case it's actually cold in Florida. THH!
Your concerns with the school are understandable. I so hope for your GS to be an a caring and encouraging enviroment. He's doing very well with his grades! :)
I love the thought for the day!
Praying that your GS tested well and will get into the school.
Hi Sandie,
Wow! I can't believe how hard it is for your grandson to get into a Christian school. I know they can be hard to get into but this is ridiculous. Are they Christians or what?? That is what I would be asking them.
This Georgia Dawg will join you in the Go Dawgs!
And on the school, don't call defeat too soon. You might be very surprised at how well he does apart from the spelling. I say this carefully because I taught in a Christian school for years, sent my girls to one, and am very supportive of them. However, one thing I noticed over the years is the way private and Christian school administrators love to tell everyone how far above grade level their students are. I don't know whether it is to intimidate or justify, but they love to do it.
Let's wait until Friday and see what happens. I really am sorry for all your frustration in this!
Hi Sandie dear,
I just love your dog, Disco.
He is so cute.
I hope all goes well and works out just fine with the School for your dear grandson, Sandie.
Have a great day!!
Poet Starry.
You know, I've just got to say one thing - when did we stop letting kids be kids?? I can remember YEARS ago when my boys were in school. The pressure and the competition was brutal. From what you're saying, it's gotten even worse.
Love your faith, Sandie. And yes, God will put GS just where HE wants him to be.
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