Now I am speaking only for myself here - but I love this - it makes me feel good and loved. We have so many struggles in life - I know we all do - sometimes we feel knocked down - ask ourselves why did it happen to me? I learned a long time a go an answer for me. Why not me? I am no more special than anyone else AND I am no worse then anyone else according to God.
When the bad times roll and they will - DON'T LET YOUR HEART GET HARDENED - for it may be right then God is molding your heart for a reason you can't see yet. If you learn anything from me this is crucial.
I'm just saying we go to God in the bad times - we need to go to him in the good times too and be thankful and grateful. There is joy in being a Christian AND sadness too. It's called life. The only difference and it is HUGE - is we have SOMEONE to go to and go through it with.
Such a good reminder, Sandie. Thank you!
amen and amen sister CC
that header photo made me LAUGH
Such a challenge to not allow this world ways to harden the heart...but clinging to the promise I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me....SONday Hugs
So very true, Sandie. These are truly words of wisdom.
Hope you have a peaceful and wonderful day. Susan
This is so true. Every cloud has a silver lining. God is good all the time!
This is a great reminder as I tend to harden my heart in order not to be disappointed or hurt. You are always spot on Sandie. Ann
Such good insight. It is so comforting to know that we are not alone. Have a great day.
thank you, dearheart, for the reminder.
I don't see how people without faith in God make it.
I needed to hear this today Sandie. Thank you for the reminder. ♥♥
Beautiful, Sandie! It is called 'Life', something we must all go through. But it is so much better with God.
Glad that God is with us AND he encourages through others...beautiful reminders.
The only thing harder than being a Christian is NOT being one...
AMEN! Good to hear that every so often! Thanks Sandie!
Thank you for these beautiful words of wisdom today! So true.
This needed to be blogged about!!!! When bad things happen, I always say "Why not me?" instead of "Why me?"
Great message, Sandie.
Yes, God does not want hardened hearts. That is the goal of the enemy. What God wants is childlike faith - completely dependent on Him in trust, no matter what.
I want to keep that *little girl* heart I had when I first accepted Jesus into my heart at 3 years old. I am - for I still love Him SO MUCH!
Thank you for this post, I really needed it! Thank you!
That Someone makes all the difference.
Keeping our hearts soft can only be done when our focus is on the Father.....Thank you Sandie....
Good message. When bad things happen rather than ask why me I always remind myself that if He led me to it He will lead me through it.
That picture of the dog is so cute
Amen, Sandie. Amen. Thank you for this beautiful post!! hugs and blessings ~ tanna
Amen! We all have tough times
Good post Sandie! I do not want to give up on anything and will keep my heart open for all that God has in store for me! hugs, Linda
Well isn't that saying just perfect! I do go to God each day being thankful for all that he has given me. Great post dear friend.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
xo Catherine
Great advice, Chatty!
Great words of wisdom today Chatty. I appreciate it.
Hi Sandie!!
Love this post and it is so, so true!!
I absolutely love that dog photo! If I looked that cute with wrinkles, I'd tan myself everyday. And thank you for the home burglar reminders. We get so caught up in the moment that we forget important details. Thanks so much!
You are so "right on", Sandie.
Great reminder.
Amen, sistah!
My brain and heart are getting softer all the time.
Is there something wrong with me?
Wonderful message Sandie!
Love the puppy dog!
Excellent reminder! It's hard to imagine how non-believers get through the difficult parts of life without the comfort and hope that God provides.
Agreed Sandie - wonderful sentiment and I often go to God in the good times, like a wonderful walk down a beautiful country road - that is when I feel God the most in my life These beautiful times need to be felt with gratitude.
I'm all turned around and ferhoodled and didn't see this yet. Don't know if you'll see my comment, but AMEN dear blog sister, AMEN.
This is precious!
... I love, Love, LOVE it!
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