"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday "Tails"

GOOD MORNING FRIENDS - hope you have a great Tuesday. Isn't this a good 'awe' picture to start the day - my sister sent this to me - I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's way cute.

A 40 second you tube of baby puppies making SCARY SOUNDS!

We are breaking records here in Atlanta for temperatures in the low 80's and the pollen count today is 9369 per cubic foot of air (I think cubic foot of air). What about where you are? What do you think the summer will be like?

And today all day I am running with some blog mates to Château Élan in Braselton, GA. The whole town used to be owned by Kim Basinger. No longer though. We are celebrating Chez Cheri's birthday!

To make a long story short - I am so late in reading blogs and emails - but I do have them and each one is important to me - so please hang on. I will get to them - this is just a really busy week and I love all you guys.




Debbie said...

Have a wonderful time! I hope you come back with some "tails" from the blog party animals.

And I forgot to say in my last comment that the tissue paper I use is gift wrapping tissue. Sometimes, I use gift wrap itself, and sometimes the top layer only of a pretty napkin, but the gift tissue works best of all, IMO.

Michaele said...

You have a great time today and don't fret about us. I think that critter is a Skinny Pig.

Lynn said...

Have fun today and try not to breathe in too much pollen! It's awful here in Atlanta right now for sure.

I have never been to Chateau Elan, but have always meant to go. One of my friends used to schedule spa treatments there and stay at a motel across the street (cheaper.) That sounds like a splurge for some day.

andy said...

Love the last pic so true too. Have a great day!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enjoy your day with your bloggy friends, wish i had some close enough to enjoy. love the boxer puppies and that first thing looks like a baby hippo but so small. not sure what it is.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sandie Sweetie...
What a gorgeous share today. I love seeing the little guy/gal whatever it is. Has a face that only a Mother could love. (I agree with Sandra looks like a baby hippo face.)

Puppies sure were cute. Who cannot love puppy sounds? Warms the heart doesn't it?

Have fun in town today. Sounds like it is going to be a big celebration of sorts. Take some snaps sweetie. We love it when you share.

Lastly, thank you for reminding me of what others see through their eyes. I love that most of all.

Have a glorious day. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Shelly said...

Have fun on this great first day of spring!

betty said...

Sounds like a wonderful adventure for the first day of spring! Enjoy! And such nice warm weather too! After a rainy, windy weekend, we are due for sun and warmer temps today in the low 60's. I'll take it!


Unknown said...

Thanks for this post, that critter is an "awe" moment for sure and I am unsure what kind of critter it is :)
Have a great Tuesday!!!

Lois Christensen said...

I hope you have a nice time with your blogging friends! Wish I was still back in Atlanta because you know I'd be right along with you all! Enjoy!

Liz Mays said...

Our weather is similar to yours and the pollen is just thick!

jack69 said...

Oh yes you will enjoy the day. Enjoyed the read and especially the pictures, I slove the split second catches of movements.

Most of all is the thought for today, GREAT!

TexWisGirl said...

love that last one!

Remington said...

Have a fun day! That poor mommy doggie....I think she needs to go out to the spa for a relaxing day....those puppies are VERY noisy....ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post - such funny pictures. The first one is just adorable, so cute. Have a lovely day!


Changes in the wind said...

Love the picture and quote....how true.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

That's the second time within a week that I've seen that quote. Someone had it on Facebook with a different photo. I thought it was so beautiful I can imagine God saying that to each of us. I shared it on my Facebook page with that comment and was surprised at the positive response I had. Seems like we need quotes like that to remind us of God's great love!

Nancy said...

Sandy, that looks like a baby hippo....wow..

So glad you are having fun with your friends...and yes we are having beautiful weather here in NC as well....

Belle said...

Oh my, that poor mama dog. Her puppies are very vocal! So cute. I think we will have a weird summer to go with our weird winter. Have lots of fun with your friends!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Love the last photo and words.... Dogs are truly so special!

Hot here too... Feels like Summer!!! BUT--I love it. Can't ever remember a nicer March!!!!

Enjoy your blog friends.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those puppy sounds are outrageous, it must drive the mom round the band!!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ugh on the pollen county- the green stuff is floating around here.
Have fun with your blogging mates!

Arkansas Patti said...

My car is turning green with pollen and the red buds and dogwoods are in full bloom.
Happy first day of spring. Enjoy your day with buddies.

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I love the Sounds of the Puppies!! My Dog was looking all over the house for them, now she is crying and going nuts on me. Thanks so much for your comments on my Easter Tablescape. Hope you and your family have a wonderful week with your family.
XXOO Diane

Sweet Tea said...

Sandie - what a fun day you have in store. Enjoy it all along with the lovely weather. It's warm here too, but raining today - which is Ok with me. I like a "single" day of rain with no storms.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great birthday celebration for your blog friend. It's very pretty In Braselton. Looks like we need a little rain to ride the air of this pollen!

Ann said...

whatever that is in the first picture it sure is cute.
The temperature hit 81 here today, it was gorgeous. I really hope that our early spring doesn't mean we are going to pay come summer

PR said...

I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or freak out while watching that video haha. I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award :)

Wanda's Wings said...

It is a puppy isn't it? Too cute anyway.

Linda O'Connell said...

Sandie, My computer won't allow me to open your email. Can you send me soemthing so I can REPLY? Have a great week. It's hot here, too. I am not at all upset.

Blondee said...

Love the puppies! :)

Things aren't bloomed here, really- so allergy season hasn't really gotten to us yet. My daffodils just opened today, so that's a sure sign that things will be coming on in the next ten days or so. New York is always behind, even when we're ahead. lol

Angela said...

It was 102 degrees on my porch today Sandie! I HAD to turn on the ac! I couldn't take it any longer. lol

Hope you had a great time with your friends!


Susan said...

Hi Sandie...I tried to leave a comment this afternoon but my computer froze up. Can you believe it?

Oh yikes, the little pups DO sound like Halloween specials! Funny.

SO GLAD you got to go out with blog peeps and have FUN! Ohhhhh, wish there were other bloggers around here that I knew. Anyway, happy for you. Susan

Marie said...

That cute little creature looks like a hippo. Would love to know what it is. Hope you had a wonderful day with your GA blogging friends! Love the last pic!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We hope you had a great day! I also think that first photo is a baby hippo!

Sally Wessely said...

I love the last word here. I understand. I can't keep up with blogging either.

ruthie said...

I love your last thought! Everyone has something to offer - too bad we can't see it in ourselves. LOVE the puppies! It doesn't even look like they are moving but they are definitely awake!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Puppies are gorgeous, yet the noise..they are so demanding. I suppose not all are like that. The top picture doesn't look like a puppy??
I love the caption in the dog picture at the bottom..Dogs do look at us with eyes of love.Its a pity more people are not like them.

Grandma Bonnie said...

The puppies are too cute. I love the phots of your dog jumping in the air great shot. I think spring is about over and summer is here. It looks like its going to be a long and hot summer for me.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't get over the puppies. Never heard anything like that before. Hope you had a fun day!

Sharon said...

What IS that animal?? A pygmy hippo?

The video with the puppies was priceless! We always joke about Marty - he is the QUIETEST beagle we have ever heard about. He never makes a peep! Except when he's asleep - tell you what, he would give these pups a run for their money!

Have fun with the girls.