"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends. News.

I would love to be able to throw caution to the wind and slide on the floor right out the door!  How about you?

 Thank you Jenn at Jenn's Three Graces

 We laugh -- but her I. D. is safe.

During a recent password audit by a company, it was found that an employee was using the following password:


When asked why she had such a long password, she rolled her eyes and said: "Hello! It has to be at least 8 characters long and include at least one capital."

What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?  Answer at bottom.

Thank you Katie.

 Thanks Kim at Millie's Mats

     Hunter was 4 years old and was staying with his grandfather for a few days.
He'd been playing outside with the other kids, when he came into the house and asked ,    'Grandpa, what's that called when two people sleep in the same bedroom and one is on top of the other?'

His Grandpa was a little taken aback, but he decided to tell him the truth. 'Well, Hunter, it's called having sex.’

    ‘Oh,’ Little Hunter said, 'OK,' and went back outside to play with the other kids.
A few minutes later he came back in and said angrily, 'Grandpa, it isn't
called having sex.

 It's called Bunk Beds. And Jimmy’s mom wants to talk to you.' 

To update a little:

My husband's bleeding is between the brain itself and it's sheath. It is not in the brain itself so that is great news.
He has lost no function of his body, but he has severe headaches - which now he is on pain medication for.  That is great news.  
If the bleed was in his brain it's much much worse.
Now the plan is to have a CT scan on Wednesday and see one of the other doctors in the original practice that takes Medicare.  If by a miracle it has dissipated then he won't have surgery. He will continue to have CT scans and see what happens.  If it has not dissipated and he still has fresh blood which they can tell how old it is by the CT scan. then they will drill two nickel size holes in his head to try to drain it. I wish I had the answers and knew the timing and what it means to the future.  He is not supposed to do anything right now.  LoL - a mini vacation.  It is our 38th anniversary.
I'm putting ALL of this in God's hands.  HE is much smarter then I am.
Thank you again for all your prayers.
And I'm praying for all of you too who have asked me too.  I haven't forgotten you either. Have a good weekend and look for some beauty in the things and people around you.

Answer to riddle:  noon

“It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.” Henry David Thoreau 



Unknown said...

So glad to hear the 'good' news, Sandie. I do hope it stays this way for you both. Prayers are lifted for you both.

Have a beautiful Mother's Day, my friend ~

~ GIVEAWAY ends 5/13 ~

Kim said...

Thanks for the update. It is encouraging news. I hope the good news continues to flow towards your family. We will continue to pray for a positive and speedy recovery for hubby!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the chuckles and the update on your husband. hang in there. happy 38th

Sr. Ann Marie said...

I'm glad for the update, Sandie. The prayers will definitely continue. And Happy Mother's Day to you!

Belle said...

That is good news since it could be much worse. I am praying and think of you often. I love the jokes today, especially the password. Very funny.

TexWisGirl said...

fingers crossed that the weekend goes quickly and w/o more worries and wednesday will be here before you know it.

Anonymous said...

that news is the best you could hear , I pray he heals and intervention is needed.
My sight loss and other problems are from a bruise on my brain, its such an unknown science still but it is amazing how they can tell old blood from new, great jokes today, my fav was the one with her not needing the bikini top!! Thats a hoot!

Cheri said...

Despite all you are going through you still have a sense of humor. I love the password story...got me laughing as usual. Thanks for the update on Rick...still and will continue to pray until all is over.

Happy Anniversary!

Knitty said...

I'm sorry to have been AWOL for a few days. I wish I could be there to offer to hold your hand, wash dishes, whatever might help as you go through this.

Insurance companies seem to be running doctors and dictating what happens in hospitals now. I wish all the decision makers there had to experience what everyday folks do, and I wish all elected officials had to be concerned with their own medical coverage instead of serving a few years and being covered for life.

Thanks for the Friday funnies. Hugs and prayers to you, your hubby and the rest of the family.

Susannah said...

Happy 38th anniversary!!!! Thanks for letting us know about your husband's update. I am praying for you both and keeping my fingers crossed. Glad he has pain meds for the headache.

Great Friday post...really some good laughs!


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. I'm taking a little break right now. Lots going on here. But I wanted you to know I am keeping you and your husband in my prayers. Take care.

betty said...

Happy anniversary to you and your hubby Sandie! Thanks for the update about his condition; now I understand regarding the bleed; makes sense. Praying he won't have to have surgery and that he gets relief from his headaches. I pray too you have a relaxful Mother's Day, however it is spent.

Loved the jokes, LOL with the dog being sold on eBAY and I have to say that password one was the cutest joke I heard in a long time :)

take care of YOU too Sandie!!


Debbie said...

I laughed right out loud at the bunk beds.

I'm glad to hear encouraging news about your husband. I'll be praying between now and Wednesday for that miracle. If God says NO, then I trust him with the surgery and will be praying toward that.

And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I pray that you have many, many more!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

So happy to hear the good news that the bleeding wasn't in the brain! I hope the pain meds help with his headache and that all the upcoming scans and procedures go smoothly if they are needed. We will all be praying for more good news and to hear the headaches have subsided! Take care, Sandie, and have a good weekend. Happy Mother's Day to you! And Happy Anniversary to you both!
Hugs, Cheryl

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy anniversary!! Praying for your miracle between now and Wednesday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was hoping you would give us an update...I have been praying that he won't need surgery, so I'm sticking with that...and for healing! I am so sorry abut this and your anniversary.

photowannabe said...

Terrific smiles today and continued prayers for your husband.
Its good to know that he is in the Lord's hands.

Linda said...

Thank you for the update. I spend my first few minutes when I wake up in prayer and you and Rick were right there! I especially pray for you as it is so nerve wracking! God grant you peace and wisdom and may Rick find grace in teh eyes of the doctors. I always bake cookies or something and take with me to doctor/hospital visits. Not EVERY time but fairly often. One - it lets the medical staff know they are appreciated and two - they will remmember you and that's often a good thing. Medical offices are so impersonal - and I know they NEED to be - but it is nice when they can actually SEE you and your needs and concerns. Never hurts!

Sally Wessely said...

Thank you for the all around uplifting post. You do make me smile, and you give me a few jokes to share with others. That is a good thing.

I'm so happy to hear the news about your husband. Sometimes, just have more complete answers makes all the difference. Still praying,,,

Karen Lange said...

Thanks so much for the update on your husband. Will continue to pray.
Happy Anniversary to you both!

Thanks so much for the chuckles today. I wonder if Hunter stayed overnight with Grandpa any more...:P

Happy Mother's Day weekend,

Jill said...

Thank goodness for some good news so far. I will keep praying for more.

Mimi said...

I love your riddles today!!!That 8 character and a Capitol got me!!!That is a Good one@!!!
Hope you have a great weekend
and hubby is doing good!!!
hugs 2 U,

Bev said...

Oh Sandi... I haven't kept up with my 'readings'...so glad things are looking good for your hubby! Will be praying.

Shelly said...

So glad to hear the better news, Sandie. I'm continuing to pray and believe the best.

The funnies were really funny today!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear the better news my friend. Hugs and prayers are still going out to you all!
The funnies were funny today :)


Marti said...

Glad to hear that the bleed isn't as serious as it could be. Enjoy your quiet time together. Hugs, Marti

Dee said...

Great jokes...I laughed at each one...You are an inspiration to all of us that you can still be positive and laugh knowing the Lord has your husband in his care. HUGS!

Sally said...

Good news, and Happy Anniversary! I hope you many, many more Sandie.

The "blonde" joke cracks me up; you know I love those! :)

Happy Mother's Day to you, and I hope you can relax some now. Prayers continue for you all. ((hugs))

Sweet Tea said...

Thank you for updating us, Sandie.
Praying for restored health for R and peace for you.

Loved the joke about the password. LOL!!

Sweet Tea said...

Thank you for updating us, Sandie.
Praying for restored health for R and peace for you.

Loved the joke about the password. LOL!!

Sweet Tea said...

Thank you for updating us, Sandie.
Praying for restored health for R and peace for you.

Loved the joke about the password. LOL!!

Wendy said...

Said a prayer for you both again today! x

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for all the smiles today. I'll be praying for a good outcome for your hubby. Enjoy your anniversary!

Wanda's Wings said...

Have a great weekend!

theconstantwalker said...

I have just had a wonderful read today laughing out load.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs Drew xx

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

You touched my funny bone today!! I'm thinking positive thoughts for hubby!
Have a great weekend!

Susan said...

Lots of chuckles, Sandie....loved the bunk bed one. Glad things are okay for now, stabilized.

Hope your 38 anniversary day was good. Oh my goodness. It's been a rough week for all of you. Hope the weekend is MUCH better. Susan

Ann said...

thanks for the giggles.
that is good news on your husband, I'll keep the prayers up that it continues to stay on the positive side of this.
Happy Anniversary

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Praying that they will see no new blood in the scans. ((HUGS))
Some funn stuff today. "NOON" who would have thought....not me!
Happy Anniversay.

Blondee said...

I love the bunk beds joke! Too funny!!

Grateful you are getting some good news. You and Rick remain in my prayers...we are storming heaven for you here in NY! :)

Louvregirl said...

Praying for you both, Sandie.
Karen (Louvregirl)

Thank you for the humor today!

Shug said...

so glad to have reports of good news!
Still praying for you guys... glad to see that you are able to keep humor in your life even through some difficult days..
hugs to you sweet lady

Dolores said...

It's good to hear an encouraging update..... keeping him in my prayers.

You amaze me! You come up with the cutest pictures, funniest jokes and cute quotes.... thank you!

Tanna said...

Glad there is good mixed with the not so good news!! Keeping y'all in my prayers!! xoxo tanna

rubyslipperz1052 said...

sending big Cyber-hugz to YOU...Sandie and lots of prayers for you and hubby. May the best outcome...win =)


Michaele said...

God is already answering : )
But we are not done praying.
Thanks for the giggles too.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Oh my! I am slowly but surely getting caught up from being gone, and I missed the opportunity to be praying for you and your hubby. I will definitely be praying for you all, for continued healing, that it will dissipate, and that you all will feel God's presence in a very real way through this. {{hug}}

Remington said...

And you still keep us smiling....even with all you are going through....your husband is still in our thoughts and prayers....and Happy Anniversary....you can party later....right now just sit around and smile that things are going better! Have a RELAXING weekend, my friend.

jack69 said...

Just a short comment to say, prayers continue and trust all will be well. amazing what medical science can do now. Yeah, be positive and have a mini vacation. Happy anniversary which must be near by!!! 38 yrs, nothing to sneeze about! 'tis good!!!

Jim said...

Thanks for the update on your husband. Even though the news is 'good' it is still scary. Still praying here.

Happy anniversary. 38 is a nice number.

Thanks too for the nice blonde joke. I like blondes, joking or not.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.
And I wanted to tell you- I looked for beauty today, and I heard a bird singing,,, and I think it was a prayer for your husband. The whole forest was full of birds singing prayers.

Nancy said...

Glad to hear some good news about your hubby, Sandie. Will continue to keep him in my thoughts. Happy Anniversary, dear! :)

Pondside said...

It's good to read this encouraging news. God's hands - the safest place to be!

BlueShell said...

Dear, there are good news...
I'll go on praying!

An hug / an my love!

Betty said...

I consider that a good update. He might not need surgery if all goes well...YEA! Here's hoping and praying.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I am praying that Wednesday gets here soon! Praying for nothing but good news. In the meantime, since he isn't able to do anything...then celebrate your anniversary cuddling and snuggling. Although it may be difficult, leave the worries at God's feet, k?

Annesphamily said...

Hi Sandie! I have been talking with Angela and I am always praying! Happy anniversary. You two can just snuggle! Take care and let us know how he is doing. God is always watching over us! It is hard to fathom some days! I know!

momto8 said...

Happy anniversary, happy Mothers day...prayers all around...
medical science is amazing.
keep the faith!!

Kathleen said...

Sandie, i just reading about your dh. I will keep both of you in my prayers. Dh had a stroke at 53. Life goes on, not the same, but could be worse.
Happy Anniversary! Ours is this week, 42 nd.
I hope next year you will have a better anniv., a real celebration!