"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Hump Day

I wish I could reach out and give every one a hug for their love and support and prayers.

April 27th my husband was doing fine - he went for an interview, went flying his radio control planes, and then helped daughter in her school room. He came home and later complained of a headache.

He tried everything as it went on through the weekend! We begged him to go to the doctor and finally he went to the nose, ear, throat doctor. The doctor looked up his nose and said it was a little red and gave him an antibiotic. Hubby said that he heard a swish sound and he checked his hearing. Came home and took the antibiotics and antihistamine he gave him.

 He continued to try everything to get rid of the headache. He couldn't take sound. Lights. Noise. Nothing. Very frustrated!  We all begged him to go to the emergency room and he wouldn't. He was waking up every night in pain and Sunday night he woke me up saying his nose hurt - and I thought all night wondering what would cause his nose to hurt.  That was Sunday night. Monday morning.

 Monday daughter said dad you are going to the ER or I'm calling 911. He was hurting so much from the night before he said okay. We all had had the most stressful two weeks and I felt so bad for him. We headed to the ER and I said to call his doctor which is right next to the ER - I said he if calls us back we'll go there and if not the ER. The doctor called one block before the ER.

 We went to the doctor and this time I went in with him. They questioned and questioned him and I didn't want him telling the doctor it was no big deal. As soon as I told him Rick had heard a swish sound in his head - he told the nurse that he wanted an MRI/MRA STAT! 

So off we went to have that done. They said to go home and the doctor would call. Before we got home they called and told us to turn around and go to the ER they would be waiting for us. Got to the ER and as soon as we walked in - they brought him back and admitted him.  I have NEVER been though the ER like that.  Within an hour we had a room.

 He had a CT scan Tuesday am to see if it was new blood or old blood. It was both - on both sides. They wanted it to be old blood meaning it had stopped bleeding.  It was a pretty hefty size. It's not a aneurism - but a subdural hematoma - it is between the brain and the covering - not in his brain. A stroke of sorts.

 The problem is he's way to young by 20 years or so to have something like this and they have no reason why it happened. Since his last day of taking a baby aspirin was Monday - dah - he has to wait until Monday or Tuesday to have surgery. It'll probably be Tuesday so our son can get home. Hubs is supposed to come home today until the surgery and do absolutely nothing but sit.

 Probably more than you want to know. BUT: If you have a bad headache that won't go away or hear a swish sound - go to the ER ASAP.  I want to thank you with everything I have for your love and prayers.

I'll keep you updated. 

Love, sandie


Denise said...

Oh My!So terrible.I have prayed for Him just now.Hope all is healed sooner than you could ever imagine.Denise

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for your strength and healing for your husband and wisdom for the doctors. Bless you both.

Jeanie said...

I'm praying with so many others for a quick and complete recovery for your husband. Don't forget to take care of yourself while you are going through this.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

I will be praying for your husband.
I hope he will have a fast recovery.


Debbie said...

Sandie, I missed yesterday's post and am just getting here. I will begin my prayer warrioring IMMEDIATELY. I'm already planning a praise when he comes out on the other side of this healed and healthy. I will not forsake you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the update. praying for him and that all will be well. you knw my friend, snapper II, he just had this same thing happen to him several months ago and he is fine now.

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness! I missed yesterday's post and am just learning about this. I will certainly pray for him and that is good information to know. Too often we do just hope things like this will go away.

Cheri said...

Keeping Rick and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Karen Lange said...

Praying for you all. Sending big hugs your way!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Sandie, Thanks for keeping us informed. I will keep you and yours in my prayers.

Paula said...

So glad you let us know. I know the stress is high for you right now. My deceased husband Mel had a bad stroke when he was only 45. Prayers for you both.

Pondside said...

What a weekend you'll have - just trying to keep your husband still and quiet will probably be a challenge. Thank goodness for modern medicine, though. I'll pray for your husband - it is the best I can do!

Louvregirl said...

Wow. Thank God we have good medicine in this country. (Overall.) I pray that he will get the uttermost of excellent care from this point.
(Take extra care for yourself Sandie, right now, as well! Things like this can be stressful!!)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So glad you and daughter kept at him until he saw the Dr. Praying that all will be well. Love you Sandie and take care of yourself also. Big hug, Linda

Anonymous said...

Praying that all will be well. Keep us posted

betty said...

Oh Sandie! and family!! Wow since April 27th!! So glad he finally went in and got taken care of pretty fast so that he could have an answer of what is going on. I do know that with typing reports, doctors will ask patients when they are describing their headache if it is the worst one they have ever had. If they say so, that is significant too in getting fast help. I'd be curious how this happened to her, did he have a fall or anything that hit his head?

do take care of yourself Sandie. Its been a hard time for you and stressful as you know; do allow yourself a time of rest, including stepping away from the computer; we'll be praying and waiting to hear updates as you can give them, but take care of you and yours!!!!!!


TexWisGirl said...

i know you're going to be very worried and stressed until this is over. good luck keeping him still...

Susannah said...

OH, Sandie...how awful but the Lord will see you and your hubby through. I am sorry. Saying prayers here. Keep us updated, please.


GrammyK said...

Thanks for the detailed update. I will pray that your husband will emerge from this ordeal completely healed and that the Lord will grant peace to your family. I know it will be hard--especially the waiting. You are loved and there will be many prayers said on behalf of your family. (((((Hugs))))) Much love, Kris <3

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm glad you could take the time to let us know what is going on there. It's good to take heed and your warning could just help others too. I'd certainly never heard of that one before. Each day brings us surprises and some we don't want for sure. I will be keeping your hubby and you in my prayers.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Sandie, be assured of my prayers and those of our sisters. I'll put your prayer request on the list outside our chapel here at the motherhouse and at our retirement residence. I'll also have the sisters I live with praying. I hope you'll also take care of you!

momto8 said...

you and your husband can count on my prayers.

Remington said...

Your husband is in our thoughts and prayers....you take care too, my friend....

Marie said...

You're both in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you can find a way to relax with him over the next few days. Big hug to you Sandie.

Southhamsdarling said...

Thank you for the update, Sandie. This will be a worrying time for you, but I know you have a strong faith, and that will see you both through this. God bless you both.

Marti said...

Sandie, I will be praying for your husband and the doctors, that God's hand will be on them. And for peace and strength for you.

Sally Wessely said...

Sandi, I am praying for your husband. God bless you all.

Furry Bottoms said...

Ooh, I didn't know you could hear a swosh in the head. That is scary!! I hope everything goes well with the surgery, and we all will be hoping for an update from you!

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, so glad you gave us an update. And so glad you know the cause of the headaches and that surgery will be soon (but a long wait for you all!). This is so scary and very similar to my daughter's headaches. You are right, if anyone has a persistent headache, with the swishing sound, get it checked out and don't down play it with the doc. My daughter's issue may be TMJ, they are now saying, so we are on to new specialists. So, so glad you caught this! Prayers for all. Ann

Love Of Quilts said...

So sorry to hear this, they can be so hard headed. I do hope all turns out well. I'll send a prayer up for him.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my dear, you and your husband are going through much right now. My father-in-law just had a stroke and is in the hospital. I am thinking about you today and sending love your way. I wanted to tell you that I LOVE LOVE your new Header, and the quote that goes with it is perfect. Bless you, my friend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, I have just read the whole thing, utterly aghast!!! Well, I know there are two kinds of strokes, the clot and then the bleeding kind. So was this the bleeding kind...or something yet different? I have heard of people having strokes who are really young, young mothers. I guess it is good that it is not actually inside his brain? What will they do in the surgery? Is there any danger at home now, is this episode over? Please keep us informed...and Sandie, you know that I manage our prayer service at church. I do it by phone and I also send out the e-mail prayer chain. I am going to prayer meeting tonight and I will announce this and we will all prey. Then I will also send it out as an e-mail and put it on the phone, so you will have our whole church praying. I know he will be fine, God IS with you both and he KNOWS!!!

Skoots1moM said...

prayers for his complete recovering and no recurrence
my goodness that is scary

Rebecca Nelson said...

Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!

Well sweets...I'm on my knees praying right now. Not just saying that...I really am!

Blessings to you today and to your guy. May the love of God and His peace cover you.

Love, Rebecca

Cranberry Morning said...

Continuing to pray for you and him and your family, Sandie. We always hope these things won't happen. Praise God you have a merciful Savior who is with you all the way!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all my friends and will keep praying for you (((Hugs)))!!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I am keep you and your usband in my prayers. Thank you for thaking the time to update your friends.

LL Cool Joe said...

I, too will pray for you and your husband and family. I believe in the power of prayer. God bless.

dr momi said...

Scary...Prayers going up.....

Lois Christensen said...

I will remember the swish sound. So horrible for you to be going through all this! WIsh I was closer so I could make you a meal because that's what we Italians like to do when people are sick...comfort you with food. But I will continue to pray!!!

DaCraftyLady said...

Oh Sandi..many many prayers and thoughts....how terrible...I do hope that all goes well...~~Debb

Wendy said...

Hi Sandi

Will be praying for your hubby and the family.

Take care.

Wendy xx

Jill said...

Oh dear Sandie. I am so very sorry about all of this. What a scary time for all of you. Please know you are all in my prayers. *HUGS*

Linda said...

Thank you for this post. I have been holding you on prayer ever since I read about your situation on Facebook. God bless you and keep you both in His comfort and His strength. Prayers will lift you both as on angel's wings....you have so many who are praying and caring......

Linda said...

Thank you for this post. I have been holding you on prayer ever since I read about your situation on Facebook. God bless you and keep you both in His comfort and His strength. Prayers will lift you both as on angel's wings....you have so many who are praying and caring......


I wish the hospital was quicker to help him. He is in my prayers. It's in God's hands, now. take care. You stay strong.

Belle said...

I'm so sorry, Sandie. I am praying for him and your family right now. God bless.

Jewel said...

Dear Sandie...please be assured that we will be praying for your husband and for you as he goes through these prodecures! ((HUGS)) Thanks so much for the update! ((HUGS)) I just had to hug you again! :-)

Arkansas Patti said...

This has to be such a stressful time for you both. You both are still in my prayers and will be till you get the all clear.
Thanks for the update and keep us informed when you get chance.

Ann said...

My husband is very stubborn like that when it comes to doctors. He refuses to go no matter what he feels like.
This sounds like a very scary experience.
will be keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers

Jen (emsun.org) said...

I'm sorry to hear about your husband's troubles - I really hope that everything turns out well for you both!

Tanna said...

Oh, my goodness, Sandie!! I'm just now catching up and I will be praying and praying. Sending hugs and prayers~ tanna

Dolores said...

I'm so sorry.....

In my thoughts and prayers!

jack69 said...

Our prayers continue, amazing what they can do today.
ER"s, we were just talking about them last night. The first time I took my son after a MC accident I thought I would be in and out in no time. Huh uh.
having your dr. waiting sure can change the waiting time, they know it is not just a headache or cold, but something serious.
Just know we are thinking and praying with you!!!!

Mevely317 said...

Still praying! I'm grateful that, in the midst of all the chaos, you took time to send us the "rest of the story."
Who knows, this post may someday save another person's life!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Sandie, I am so sorry to hear more about your husband's medical problems.. He is in my prayers --and so are you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to your husband. And of course, you.

joybuzz said...

Prayers on the way for your husband. Cheri told me today. I want to drop off a meal next week. Let me know what else I can do to help. Do not hesitate to ask me or the other blog girls. We are there for you girlfriend. BIG hugs to you all!

Susan said...

Oh my gosh, Sandie. What an ordeal. Prayers will continue for ALL of you. Susan

Unknown said...

oh brother, thanks for updating... will keep hubby in my prayers as well, You take care of yourself....

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are saying prayers for your husband too!
How terrifying this is.
We also pray for God to give everyones heart- peace.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks for the update, Sandie! I'm so sorry Rick is going through this and you, too! My prayers will continue for you both and all your family. God bless you!
Hugs and love, Cheryl

Unknown said...

Everything will be fine just as long he never realizes that his injury came from that whack you gave him while he slept--right?

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and your husband and family. I will have him added to several prayer chains...all Catholic - are you okay with that?


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh how scary. Wishing him much healing!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

oh Sandie..praying everything will be alright and so glad your dgt insisted he go to the hospital. I believe you caught it in time and just know I'm lifting you all up in prayer. stay strong okay....

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Such odd symptoms....hoping that this scare is nearly over and that all will be well soon. It will help you a great deal when your son arrives. God's blessings upon you all...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know I read your newer post before this one. I wish they would have kept him. It doesn't seem right to send him home but I know they have their ways and they would not have sent him home unless they knew he was safe. Continuing to send prayers. ((HUGS))

Annesphamily said...

With all my neurosurgery I am vigilant about pain!

I am glad he got help when he needed it!