"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Musings

Do you think that South Carolina has a lot of barns?     I sure do  .  Here is yet another barn.
Looks like a group of barns.  I have one left for next week, but don't worry I've started a collection of Georgia barns and they are much better.  LOL.

Jenn of Three Graces sent this to me - from Chef Meg's - Does this look good to you - I wouldn't think so if someone had told me about it - but it looks pretty good.  Watermelon salad????

Pinned Image

Chef Meg's Creamy Watermelon Salad

(Have you ever thought of watermelon salad?)

Nutrition Info
  • Calories: 51.8
  • Fat: 1.0g
  • Carbohydrates: 9.3g
  • Protein: 2.5g


1 lemon, zested and juiced (use one teaspoon)
1 lime zested and juiced (use one tablespoon)
1/2 bunch cilantro or 1 bunch parsley, leaves only, chopped
1/2 cup fat-free Greek yogurt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

5-6 cups seedless watermelon, cubed*
2 stalks celery, sliced
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons feta cheese, crumbled

* If you can find a "personal" size watermelon, that's the perfect size for this recipe.


Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a small bowl.

Toss together all the salad ingredients with the dressing. Serve chilled.

Keep the salad and dressing separate until just before serving if you make this dish ahead.

Serving Size: Makes 8 cups, one cup per serving.


Thank you Jill -

I do not believe on this one there was anything to do but accept so thank you.  And I usually bestow it to the last five followers.  I hate to pick so actually I will pick all my followers.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

did you know there is a girl dancing in your field??? lol. love the prayer spot, perfect spot. and gag on the watermelon salad for me. i don't eat celery or onion or pepper at all and the thought of them with watermelon is well Gag. i put salt on my melon and love it. it looks great and for people who like those 3 things maybe so.

Anonymous said...

I so love the young lady dancing in the field. What a happy starting of your blog this morning. I feel like dancing also. Don't you? We have so much to be thankful for.

Love barns. They have such character.

Happy Monday my friend.

Oh yes. I answered your question on my blog of the time I did that album.

Hugs back

BelovedBomber said...

I may not be physically stronger today than yesterday but I hope that spiritually I am. Many blessings!

Lynn said...

You do have one lovely blog. It always makes me happy. :)

I impulsively bought a small round seedless watermelon at the grocery store last week. I never did cut into it this weekend. I just like the way it comes, but that salad is intriguing.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I love the swan photo, so peaceful.
I have a watermelon so wondering if I should make this??? Looks interesting.

Like the lady in the field!

Debbie Jones said...

I love your new quote and picture at the top! Great thoughts for a Monday, and a new recipe to try. You certainly deserve the lovely blog award. Have a great week.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Seems like everyone is seeing a woman/girl in the field ... I just see farmland and barns. :-(

I've been on a watermelon kick lately. If you had told me about the watermelon salad (especially what's in it), I wouldn't have been enthused, but it does look pretty good. I might have to give it a try.

Beth said...

The swan photo is beautiful. I love the fairy dancing on your blog. so pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Got a kick out of the lady whuppin' it up in the field.

Granny Annie said...

Wonderful spot for meditation near the water and gazing on beautiful swans! Glad your friend said you could share with us.

No watermelon salad for me thank you.

Melanie said...

That salad looks delicious!! I had never thought of watermelon salad.

Debbie said...

ohhhhh a swan family, be still my heart!! i am in love!!

and the dancing fairy is makin' me dizzy!!

Lois Christensen said...

Great looking salad. I love watermelon and have never thought to mix it with those combinations. Hope you had a nice weekend!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How wonderful it would be to have a nice spot like that to pray. Your friend is blessed. I slept in late for me today and am still sipping my good coffee trying to wake up here. Hope your Monday is a great one!

Knitty said...

I'll pass on the salad. When you get around to baking again, call me. ;-)

Hope you have a lovely start to your week.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

beautiful swans, beautiful you. Best wishes for a wonderful week: Because He lives. Praying for Andy and Kat...in those things that they have in common...Hugs.

Hootin Anni said...

I wish I had my camera as I'm typing this today....Winston, our cat, is trying to chase and 'paw' the fairy signature tag you have at the end of your post. LOL

Love the barn. AND congrats on the award. I, for a fact, KNOW you're very deserving.

TexWisGirl said...

congrats on the award. and on snagging another drive-by barn(s)!


I LOVE watermelon. But I'll pass on this salad. Don't like raw onions.

Arkansas Patti said...

Congrats on the award. You certainly do have a lovely blog.
That salad almost is too pretty to eat. Getting watermelon time isn't it?

Charlotte Wilson said...

Lovely prayer spot...swans so graceful and pretty.

How did you get the dancing girl on your page? :o)


Bev said...

Good for you girl!! Dancing in the field:)!!!
Yummy salad... We have a tea house in town...that serves a great watermelon salad... Wanna go for lunch?!

Shelly said...

I lovelovelove watermelon, so I am going to be giving this a try!

Jim said...

Hi Sandie ~~ I like this week's header picture a lot! Swans move slow and always seem so peaceful in spirit.

When I first read the first line, I read, "think that South Carolina has a lot of brains which in hill billy and moonshine country would probably be an oxymoron. (Sorry, readers from S.Carolina, my mean streak came out for a little bit.)

Nevertheless I do think they should have a lot of old barns and tobacco drying sheds. I've only been there twice.

jack69 said...

I love you dancing in the field of green!!!!
The salad sounds and looks delicious, but I am too lazy for that, I would just eat the watermelon my favorite thing in the summer.
have a great week.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Not sure about the watermelon salad. Sometimes I'm such a chicken to try new things! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday! Hugs, Linda

BECKY said...

Oh, Sandie! That salad looks and sounds fabulous! Sometimes the oddest sounding things are just great together! I never would've thought to put strawberries on my salad, or mandarin oranges, until I tried them...and YUM!

Wanda's Wings said...

The watermelon salad sounds wonderful and less than 60 calories! Unheard of.

ruthie said...

what a beautiful spot for prayer! Any spot can be sacred if God is there. And who would have thought of putting those ingredients with watermelon? Sounds good! Have a great day!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy Monday!

I've had watermelon salad and it was surprisingly good and very refreshing!

I also loved the "girl dancing in the field" that the giff on your sidebar superimposed on your photo! That made me smile!

tammy said...

I "smiled" for my drivers license today...does that count??

I'm starting to crave a good watermelon!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The salad sounds very good and it is definitely different!
Happy Monday. Love, Debby

Unknown said...

Oh, that watermelon salad looks very tasty, wouldn't mind to have one now actually. Just home from work and will have a chilllaxing evening. Have a great day!


deb said...

The girl dancing in the field is perfect! I love old barns too and have done some drive by "shooting" recently to add to my collection. Gonna have to post them someday.

I think I'll stick to plain ol' watermelon...the sald is kinda scary ;) LOL

Congrats on your award! You are most deserving. And how gracious to give it to all yoru followers.

The swans are such a peaceful entrance into your blog today.

Wishing you a great week ♥

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Loved the swan photo of your friend. That was so beautiful, calm, peaceful and serene.

Loved your dancing girl in the field. She knows how to get joy out of life.

But Sandie. The watermelon salad? I would not like onions with watermelon. So sorry. But thanks for sharing.

Hope your Monday is marvelous. Susan

renae said...

awh, 1.I loved seeing Calvin and Hobbs. I miss them so. 2. That dancing guy is out in the field. That was cleaver of you. 3. I love coming to your site EVERY DAY -- I LOVE IT!!!!

renae said...

OOOPS, it a gal dancing. didn't notice the skirt.... (hug)

Sweet Tea said...

It's a sunny, hot, Monday here and I am thankful for my home and for a/c. Hope your Monday is unfolding happily, Sandie.

Unknown said...

So sorry, but you can keep the water melon salad, makes me cringe! LOL

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful picture of the swans. Salad sounds interesting..I do love watermelon!

Rob-bear said...

The Swans are, indeed, beautiful. And It's great to see you dancing on the grass by the barns.

Paula said...

The prayer place looks so peaceful and the perfect place for a prayer. I like watermelon if we can find a good one but hate those seeds and don't think I would like it as a salad but i could be wrong.

Unknown said...

That poor watermelon ... chuckle!

Come join our cause for Zoe, I deeply appreciate this.


Unknown said...

Send your readers over also ... TYSM

Ann said...

we have tons of barn around here and I love them all.
If I hadn't seen the picture the watermelon salad wouldn't sound so good but the picture does look yummy

Grandma Bonnie said...

Beautiful prayer sopt. I am not a fan of watermelon. I bet my family would like the watermelon salad though. I hope you are having a great day.

The Boston Lady said...

Love your dancing girl!! And that prayer spot is just beautiful. Watermelon salad? Not sure, I'm not much of a fruit salad type gal, but I've been doing all sorts of new things lately, so who knows...Ann

Mary said...

Yummy Salad idea. I like the prayer spot..nice of her to share. Thanks for the boost to Monday thinking, to ease the Monday yuckies. I went to work today, but it was not sooooo bad. I have good people with which to work.

Karen said...

I am always blessed whenever I visit your joyful spot here...

Debbie said...

I make one similar, just without the celery and the cilantro so this one sounds good enough to try for me!

I love that song you posted on your Sunday post.

SquirrelQueen said...

I got some good laughs from the comments above re the dancing girl in the field. The overlapping happens on my blog sometimes too when I post larger photos but no dancing yet.

The combination of ingredients in the watermelon salad sound interesting. I'll have to try that one.

Sally Wessely said...

That salad looks pretty darn good. Thanks for sharing.

momto8 said...

thanks for the new and refreshing recipe!! is that why they are dancing? they liked it so much?!

Tanna said...

I'm thinking that watermelon salad might be very interesting!! May have to give that one a try! blessings ~ tanna

Cranberry Morning said...

We seem to have differing opinions about watermelon here. :-) Personally, I love onions but don't want them near my watermelon. Do you see who can spit the seeds the farthest? I love doing that with kids. (out on the deck, of course).
Your blog is a happy place. No wonder everyone loves it.♥

betty said...

That is interesting about the watermelon salad, I'm not sure about it though. My sister-in-law did put in peaches and strawberries in a green salad, that was good, but just not sure about watermelon as a salad......

But I do love the barn and your new header picture!


Angela said...

You lost me with the feta cheese! It looks good though but seafood looks good too and I won't eat it either.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

i think the salad sounds so yummy!
we have lots of barns here too

GrammyK said...

Came by to catch up on your blog. You know it's probably a lot harder for me to catch up on yours than for you to catch up on mine!! Ha Ha!!

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! You're such a sweetheart!! :-)

For some reason one of your comments got sent to my spam folder and I didn't get a notification of it (just found it today) so... to answer your question... Attatchment (crunchy) parenting is kind of defined by allowing the child to call many of the shots such as letting a child breastfeed when they are hungry or in need of comfort instead of using a schedule, co-sleeping, wearing your baby in a sling, using other methods of discipline rather than spanking if possible, homeschooling, etc... I don't do crying very well and this method worked great for us. It's pretty parent consuming at first but in our experience it's helped the child be more confident as they get older. :-)

Hope you have a wonderful week!! <3

Betty Manousos said...

mmmm...i'm drooling over that watermelon salad, looks and sounds so delicious! now i am hungry!

i really like scott fitzgerald's quote, so true!