"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday - My Gift to You

 Hope you enjoyed this.




Miss Debbie said...

This is a great song...we sing it at church. And it is the TRUTH!! :-)

Nancy's Notes said...

Thank you for sharing this with us on this blessed Sunday, just beautiful~

Tracy said...

Hey Stranger...just what I needed this morning! a lovely message by a lovely person. Back from my blog-cation and ready to tackle the world :)

Debbie Jones said...

Great messages! Happy Sunday!

Catherine said...

Wishing you a fantastic happy Sunday!
xo Catherine

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Have a lovely Sunday Sandie.

x Fiona

Beth said...

Beautiful msg in the song. Thank you Sandie!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

jack69 said...

Your Grace is enough! AMEN

I never hear anything about Grace without remembering my dad saying, "I have more Grace than anyone." My mama's name was Grace!!!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Love both of these! Thank you!

The Boston Lady said...

Thanks for sharing both of those Sandie. We should all live with Grace, it would make such a difference in this world. Ann

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful and amen and amen... love the song.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this beautiful post. Blessings to you and yours this week.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a song I love. Hope you have a wonderful and restful Sunday!

Mevely317 said...

I love that word ... Grace.
Sometimes I think it's under-used /said (does that make sense?) ... and acted upon. (For sure, I need reminding!)

I hope you and your family are enjoying a beautiful day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Amazing grace how sweet it is!!! Where would we be without the grace of God to see us through! I'm having a wonderful Sunday. Instead of church this morning I got to give my newest little grandson a bath! How great are His many graces... Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one!

Grammy Goodwill said...

I love, love, love that song. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Lovely Song! Enjoy your Sunday my friend!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Sunday! Blessings my dear, your friend, Catherine xo

Ann said...

darn can't hear videos on my laptop. Like your thought for the day though

Susan said...

Hi Sandie! Yes, you are so right. His grace IS enough. Hope you are thoroughly enjoying this beautiful Sunday.

Oh! This is the first time I scrolled down and saw your favorite movies and the favorite hobbies. Loved how you did that. HOW did you do that? SOOOOO cute. Susan

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Sunday! Great song.

betty said...

this is one of my favorite songs!! And the message is indeed so true!

I hope it was a restful day Sandie!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your sentiment today. I watched Oprah's Super Soul Sunday today and it was so inspiring!

jeanlivingsimple said...

I had to think about "Happiness is a form of courage." and decided this is true. It is easier to be unhappy. Go figure.:)

Jocelyn said...

Looooove this song! :) Happy Sunday to you!

Shug said...

I am so thankful for God's Grace...
BTW...beautiful song!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I am thankful every breath I take - - - - literally.

Shelly said...

Love this song and the post!

Dar said...

Thanks for lifting my spirit. Back is killing me all day and I needed a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice. My pain is a drop in a bucket compared.
Loved this.

Rob-bear said...

Nice thoughts for a Sunday.

Hard to believe this week is my last week "on the job." Except there are so many things which are "uncertain" that I have this feeling I may not get much of a "holiday" from Knox. Just a feeling.

Choir led worship this morning, with old gospel hymns. It as great.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Sandie Sweetie...
Oh what a beautiful song to celebrate each day with. Yes Grace is enough. How beautiful. Thanks for lifting my spirit this evening. (I have been working long hours, even the weekend to get a project finished in time at work, and I needed this reminder. God has truly blessed me with a job, so I mustn't complain about the extra hours.)

I pray you have a gorgeous week sweet friend. With my health issues, I always say, "If I can wake up each day and feel the sun on my face, then it is a great day."

Many hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry P.S. It is almost 8pm here and still 106 degrees. It has been a hot, HOT weekend.

Jim said...

Nice post, Sandie. I like both the messages. I hope you had a nice Sunday, we did.


Everybody should have a very special spot to pray. Your friends is a vision to behold. Take care.

BlueShell said...

You have a sensitive soul...

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful Sunday! love you, Linda