"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday Woes

I am so sorry, but this is going to be a sad post - I try never to make them sad, but even the Bible says there is a time to dance and a time to mourn.This for me is a time of mourning.

My friend Debbie will be taken off life support sometime today.  It makes me sad.  She was a dear friend since 1989.  We have been through a lot together - mostly great, funny times, but some sad times too and were there for each other.

Dawn from Modern Day Disciple posted this yesterday in her blog. And I thought it was so fitting.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
 but on what is unseen. 
For what is seen is temporary, 
but what is unseen is eternal.
1 Corinthians 4:18

This is the time my faith is being tested - when the rubber meets the road.  And yet in my heart of hearts - I KNOW things will be okay.

Now if you really want to cry today - have you heard about Robin Roberts from GMA?  Let me tell you she is a woman of courage and I hope that when my time comes I can be like her.

Sorry my post is dark today.  I will be more positive tomorrow - not that my heart won't be grieving,  but I will chose to be more positive. But for today - I mourn the loss of a friend.

 Debbie and I conspiring about something at my grandson's vacation Bible school last summer.  We were always doing things to get into just a little bit of trouble.  Once we stole a famous baseball players garbage!  No lie - with our kids no less.............



Nancy said...

I'm so sorry, Sandie. It's never easy to lose a friend, especially in this manner. Hoping that she finds some peace.

Don't worry about the mood of your posts. We like to know what's going on with you, no matter what. xoxo

Wendy @ E-1-A said...

Sandie - I am sorry xx

LL Cool Joe said...

This sucks so much. Don't apologise for writing a sad post, it would feel kind of inappropriate if it wasn't. The loss of anyone is tragic, but a close friend is devastating. I'm so sorry. Just be happy that she knows the Lord and will be with him very soon.

Jill said...

Hon, sadness is a part of life and I believe blogging is a place to share it all.

I am so sorry for you and your friend. Your faith will see you through. My prayers for peace are with you. Keep remembering those good times...

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I'm so sorry. It's never easy to lose someone you love.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is ok to be sad for a day or even more when you are mourning the loss of a friend. this is a great tribute to her and your friendship.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

My heart is sad with and for you. Praying. Love, Dawn

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

So sorry on the loss of your friend. I know that hurt all too well.

Anonymous said...

so sorry for the loss of your friends. who was that famous baseball player anyway, my cousin used to play for the atlanta braves, and i thought you lived in georgia, am i correct? God bless you and your friends family!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's okay to be real in your posts, Chatty. We all understand that life has ups and downs. I'm sorry about your friend. Having a gap in your life after a loss is so hard. I hope you find comfort.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Sandie, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Know that I will keep Debbie in my prayers as well as her family and certainly you, her dear friend. I've been feeling so sad about Robin Roberts since I heard that--I don't even know her other than seeing her on Good Morning America and reading her book but she seems like such a warm, loving, down-to-earth woman!

andy said...

So sorry sandie! I hope you remember all the fun things you and your friend shared! I hope your days get easier! Take care

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh Sandie, I am so sorry! There are no words that will make the ache go away, but I will keep you in my prayers and your friend's family too.

Jeanie said...

I's so sorry for your loss, Sandie. I am glad you are recalling some good memories as you grieve over your loss.

Joyce Gray said...

So Very sorry for you. I lost my best friend of 27 years almost a year ago, it is so very hard. Take time to grieve.

Louvregirl said...

I am so terribly sorry, Sandie. It is so very hard to loose a good friend. I lost my sister who was probably the best friend that I ever had (or will have) on this side of heaven.
Thinking of you in your loss~

...And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 KJV).

Hold 'fast' to this verse, Sandie (as best that is in your own power.)

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

Sandie, this isn't a dark post at all...it's a heart post. I'm so sorry yours is hurting right now. I'll be praying for you, my friend.

betty said...

(((Sandie and Debbie's family)) I am so sorry. I like that scripture. She seemed like such a wonderful lady and friend; I know she will be missed. I agree with what Meg from the Brown Recluse said; its a heart post; keeping you all in my prayers.


Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh Sandie, I am so sorry to hear this; a dear friend is a priceless treasure. How very sad.

May your faith and your rose-colored glasses and the passing of time help you through this -- and go ahead and write out your sad feelings; our blogs share the sweet and the sad, because it's all part of Life.

Hugs and sympathy -- Cass

Karen said...

That is sad news, and I am so sorry about your friend...

The picture of you two is cute...would love to hear the story sometime...

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. Peaceful thoughts headed your way.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie. I read, with sadness, the news about your dear friend, Debbie. Well, she'll be on her journey soon to the other realm of life. It's a sad parting, to be sure, but Sandie, you WILL see her again. She'll be waiting for you on the other side and when the time is right, she'll be there with a big bear hug and huge smile. It's hard to say goodbye to our earthly friends. It's heartbreaking. But when we get to the other side, we'll be so amazed that we won't even give our earthly lives another thought. Today, just be gentle with yourself, my friend. Susan

Susan said...

p.s. I don't think your post is dark today. I think it's very human and I'm sad for you. Susan

Lois Christensen said...

I'm so sorry. It's never easy to lose someone you love. And the hurt is real and if it's any comfort to you, the Bible tells us that even Jesus cried over losing his friend Lazarus. Grief is real and hard to go through. I'm praying for you and your friend's family as you begin this journey. My prayer is that memories of happy times will flood you today and that you will be comforted in knowing that your friend is more alive than ever and walking on streets of gold...waiting for you and her family and for all of us to meet her one day. And what a day that will be!

Christine said...

Sandie you are in my thoughts and prayers today. It's ok to mourn your friend; she was a special part of your life. Sending you hugs too dear friend!

The Boston Lady said...

The true mark of a fun and lasting friendship is doing crazy stuff together, just like you did with the garbage stealing - that is so me! Today will be so sad for you Sandie, but I hope your good memories will lift you up and the knowledge that she will be at peace and safe. {{Hugs to you and Debbie's family}} Ann

Susannah said...

Truly sorry, Sandie.

tammy said...

My heart goes out to you! That verse is a good one to hold on to during this time! {{{hugs}}}

Linda @ A La Carte said...

My sweet friend, I am so sorry for your loss and you sadness. It is a good thing to be able to come here to your blog friends and share your sadness. We aren't up all the time and real life s good to share also. Love you and know that Debbie will be in a better place soon. Big Hugs, Linda

Sally said...

I'm truly sorry, Sandie. It hurts so bad to lose a good friend. I hope your faith will see you through the grief. I'll be praying for you, and for your friend's family.


renae said...

Sandie, it's nice that you want to share your heart with us. I've been sad for you, too. I loved the picture you posted, really. Thanks. You give me emotions here - that's what I like about you. I always know I find true spoken emotions whether happy or sad. Let your heart ache, let it. You care about your friend, that is great! Let it ache. You are a great friend.

Shelly said...

I am so sorry, Sandie, about losing your friend, but what great anticipation awaits as you see the time the two of you will see each other again someday. Hugs and prayers to you~

Debbie Jones said...

It is always so hard to lose a friend. Thank God for the promise that we will be with those we love again one day. What a wonderful reunion! May you be blessed with peace at this time of sorrow.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm so sorry, dear sandie. what a treasured friend...

Knitty said...

Don't apologize for writing from your heart. May all in Heaven greet Debbie warmly and may God grant peaceful hearts to those who will miss her.

Stacy said...

Oh, Sandi...I am so sorry about your friend. It is hard for us left behind and missing them to let them go, but I pray you will be able to take comfort in your happy memories and in knowing that today your friend will be at home with the Father. She will suffer no more and know endless joy. May our God of comfort and peace give you strength today.

barbara l. hale said...

I'm so sorry! It is hard to lose a good friend. Hoping that you can cherish all the happy memories for a good long time.

deb said...

My heart aches for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Prayers offered for you, her and her family.
Never be sorry for writing what you need too, it can help.
Sending *warm hugs*

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I will keep both you and your friend Debbie in my prayers. You are correct there is a time to feel sorrow and grieve.
I will pray for you. Blessings dear. Catherine

jack69 said...

So, so sorry to hear this. I love the entry, and yes it still has a positive side.
What is unseen is Eternal. also your conspiracies are cute, making great memories.
God Bless you and Debbie's Family!

Skoots1moM said...

losing a close friend is heartbreakig; may He be close while you mourn thru your love of her ...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. Your blog doesn't have to be happy all the time. Life hurts, it's okay to show your pain. We are all here for you and if you need anything please let me know. Love, Debby

Lynn said...

I'm sorry, Sandie. (((HUGS)))

And you need to tell us what y'all found in that garbage. Only good friends do that kind of thing together - my friend Steven and I call those "Lucy and Ethel" moments. :)

Jim said...

I am sorry for you loss, Sandie.

Thank you for posting your picture with your friend Debbie. You will miss her a really lot.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry.

Beth said...

I am so very sorry about your friend. You have my deepest sympathy.

Beth Marie

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry, Sandie! Where is she, are you able to be there? What happened to her? You are so right, this is something you just have to post about, people are not our real blog friends if they only follow us for the good stuff.

ruthie said...

Life is really hard sometimes. I am so sorry. It puts life in perspective, doesn't it. We aren't just living for today.

Unknown said...

So sad to lose a best friend. Prayers for you and her family.

Jane said...

Many hugs and prayers are coming your way!


Grandma Bonnie said...

I am sending prayers your way. There is always time for morning the loss of a loved one.

Dee said...

Saying a prayer and sending a (((HUG)))

Ann said...

So sorry about your friend. Grieving the loss of a friend is never easy but faith will keep you strong and see you through it.

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so very sorry about your friend and your loss. Sending you hugs, prayers and healing thoughts. I know how darn much it hurts.

Tanna said...

I'm so, so sorry, Sandie.

{{hugs}} tanna

JD said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. Such a sad situation. May she rest in peace.

Hugs and kisses.

Dolores said...

I'm so sorry. I'm glad you shared this with us, your blog friends. We can pray ......

Mary said...

So sorry, sweet friend. I'm sending you a hug.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Please accept my condolences; I am so very sorry!

Blondee said...

I am sorry for you, that you are missing your beautiful friend. I rejoice for her that she is with her Lord. May you find comfort in your memories.

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oh, Sandie, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. How devastating to lose such a close friend. It sounds like you must have a storehouse of good memories to help you find comfort.

Sally Wessely said...

I'm so, so sorry to hear about your friend. May God be with her, with you, and with all of her family and friends during this difficult time.

Aloha Acres said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. Praying God's peace and comfort over you and her family during this time.

Rob-bear said...

Blessings an Bear hugs in a very sad time!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Just letting you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. It is hard to say good bye to a dear friend. I had to do that once and spent all the time I could with my dear friend before she died. We knew it was the end but she didn't. She was a dear close friend and I miss her till this day, but have some wonderful memories and there she remains close to my heart. I always believe that no matter where are loved ones are they are just as close as our hearts. Sending lots of Love and Hugs your way!

Mevely317 said...

I'm sooo sorry, Sandie.
For some reason, the title of a book I read a LONG time ago popped in my head, "Tears Are For The Living." Isn't that the truth?
As Debbie would want, I hope you'll focus on the GOOD times spent together.... and when you're ready, I'd love to hear more about your "garbage heist"!

BECKY said...

Sandie, I'm so sorry about your friend. I can't imagine losing one of my best friends. And yes, do take time for yourself to grieve. I'm here for you...in spirit, since I'm a few hundred miles away :)
Hugs to you.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so sorry about your friend, Sandie. Don't worry for a minute about this being a sad post. We want to share your bad times as well as the good times...that is what friends do. Praying for you and thinking of you during this time.
Hugs and love,

Pondside said...

What a hard day this has been for you, Sandie. I'm so sorry to read this -hugs to you.

Paula said...

So sorry Sandie. It has been a hard day for us too We visited two different friends who are both losing it mentally and it sure hit home to both of us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So very very sorry, Sandie. I know that your heart is hurting... God Bless Debbie--and her family. All are in my prayers.


Unknown said...

Sandie, my heart hurts for you. It's okay to be sad, life here on this earth certainly has it's share of sorrow. But that Scripture is so true - in the big scheme, He will wipe away all of our sorrow and pain. Thanks for a sweet post, I love that you are very real!

Renegades said...

I feel so bad for you going through this difficult time. It's ok to post dark sometimes, it keeps things real. I don't think life is cheery all the time for anyone.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are soooo sorry also about your friend. It is so sad to say goodbye, and sad when things do not turn out how we want them to.
I am saying a prayer that you and her family are comforted.

And we are also sad about Robin on tv.

Youngman Brown said...

I am so very sorry for your loss.

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you today Sandie,
So very sorry and sad for the loss of your dear close friend. Its always so painful when we loose a loved friend or family member.
wish you peace for today.
she will be with the Angels.

Mary said...

Visiting from Sweet Tea's.
I am so sorry. I'm sure you'll remember the good times, and know that you have a new angel watching over you.

Debbie said...

When I saw your comment on my blog this morning, I knew what I was going to find when I came here. I am so sorry, Sandie. My heart breaks for you, and I am convicted to cherish my friendships more and make sure my friends know that they are valued in my heart.

Lifting you for that peace that passes understanding.