"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday Hump Day




Answer tomorrow -

Hint - I will add the first group to the second group.




Jocelyn said...

Ahhh!! I can't figure it out! I might be thinking too hard, lol. Love the thought of the day :)

Anonymous said...

My first guess would be the junk drawer..after that, maybe under the couch...oh wait, that's MY house I'm thinking of lol.

BelovedBomber said...

I am not sure where you found those, but that's what it looks like after I clean out my van :)

andy said...

Love the thought of the day! Hope you have a great day

MadSnapper n Beau said...

toy box?

Debbie Jones said...

Great thought for the day fore Wednesday! Enjoy your day.

Jill said...

Based on the way things are in MY house, I'm guessing in between the couch cushions! ;)

Beth said...

If you were close by I would think you found them in my junk drawer. lol

jack69 said...

Looks like washing machine stuff, well most of it anyway!!! Sherry just washed my pocket knife because I did not take it out of my pants pocket, I ALWAYS DO (sometime). GOOD ENTRY.
Now, Sometimes mysteries are fun!LOL

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd say you were busy cleaning something out. Maybe the couch, the car or under the bed... I used to be amazed where I'd find things. Somedays I still am. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd say you were busy cleaning something out. Maybe the couch, the car or under the bed... I used to be amazed where I'd find things. Somedays I still am. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm jumping in and saying couch! When my kids were little I would find the most random things under the cushions. 2nd choice would be a junk drawer. Now I'm curious...which was the whole purpose of this post right? love you!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Down in the sofa?

Elizabeth said...

I'm guessing underneath the car seats?

Susannah said...

In the couch ...between the cushions and in the back!

Shelly said...

I'm thinking under car seats, too- looking forward, though, to hearing the answer!

Knitty said...

Aha! Now you know why your purse was so heavy!! ;-)

Grandma Bonnie said...

I would have to say under someones bed. At least that is the kind of stuff I would find under my childrens beds when they were young. Hope you have a great day.

TexWisGirl said...


The Boston Lady said...

Either in a couch or in your car. Looks like you've got some spending money girl! Ann

Sally said...

I have no idea.

Hope y'all are having fun at Legoland. :)

Mary said...

Since so many guessed the sofa, I will say the heat venting in the floor. Kid's what can you say.

Grammy Goodwill said...

Between and under the couch cushions. You've had some creative visitors. hehehe

Angela said...

I'm going to say in the car! You should see the stuff I find in mine. What gets me mad is since we got the new truck they aren't supposed to have anything in it but I'm finding stuff in my new truck! Grrr!

Kim said...

I say behind/under the couch cushions. You would shudder to know some of things I've found there over the years :)


Under the sofa, bed or in the car??? LOVE that sign with the eagle. Take care.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Great quote--and a challenge!

Cranberry Morning said...

I'm sure if was anything like my house, those things would be found down inside the couch! :-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Couch is a good guess.... I was thinking the washing machine!
Love the thought for the day.
Hugs, Debby

Vee said...

Looks like a teacher's junk drawer to me. ☺

Lois Christensen said...

I'm sure your dog had something to do with all of this! Hope you're having a nice Wednesday!

Unknown said...

In the washer and dryer!

Paula said...

Awww I may miss the answer to this mystery. I'm heading out in a while to spend some time with my daughters.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....

I'm going to say Disco abscounded with those "treasures."

Did you find them under his favorite resting place?

Hmmmm We'll find out tomorrow. Susan

Blondee said...

Hmmmm....I'd think Grandson might know something about it??

Unknown said...

Great thought of the day :)
Hope you're having a great day. My day is nearly ending . Big hugs, Eva

barbara l. hale said...

If it were in my house the answer would either be under the bed or under the couch.

renae said...

e.a.s.y. posts - girl friend. have you known all along that I love and respect eagles like no other?

Dolores said...

Looks like the bottom remnants of a toy box.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Ha! I'm betting the dog had something to do with these things. I often find small objects underneath things that Stormy has pushed under and can't get back out. Good quote for the day!

betty said...

GS's pocket? his backpack? Jacket pocket? Can't wait to see what the answer is tomorrow :)


Tanna said...

Okay, did Disco hide them or is this a GS stash??? ;)

I LOVE THE QUOTE!!! Perfect for me, Sandie. Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Under my youngest son's bed.... Nah---that was too many years ago!!!! But that boy had more junk under his bed than anyone could imagine...

Great thought for the day... Love the eagle.

Dee said...

In a closet?

Debbie said...

between the couch cushions!!

Sally Wessely said...

Love the quote! So true.

Hummm It sort of looks like stuff from a teacher's drawer where she keeps things she has taken away from students or found on floor. ;)

Chicken Wrangler said...

Hope they weren't in your shoes!!! LOL!

DaCraftyLady said...

hmmm maybe at the bottom of a filled laundry basket? like the saying~~Debb

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I just love all the neat little caption verses that you post on your blog!

Cher' Shots said...

When did you clean my catch all junk drawer? lol
'hugs from afar'

Jackie said...

I was going to guess washing machine...but some of the items look too large to have gotten by the "inspector" at the washing machine lid...so, I'll wait until tomorrow to find out. It looks like good stuff..:))
Great blog!!!
(I love the photo of your header and the fact that it is your friend's prayer spot. Beautiful!)
Thanks for your visit to my blog!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

My first guess would be in the pocket of a little boy........the second guess would be at the bottom of the washing machine because I have found some strange things in the washing machine

Rob-bear said...

I haven't a clue where they were found. If they cannot be eaten they're not much of a find. From a Bear's perspective.

Jane said...

Let's see... sofa goodies?? Under the bed goodies?? Old toy parts?? I give up! Hope you are doing well!


Debbie said...

All I'll guess is that it has grandson written all over it. Am I right?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm guessing in Disco's bed.

Arkansas Patti said...

In my house, that would be from under the couch where my cat bats anything that will bat.
Will be back to find out.

Rose said...

Hey, my pockets ARE like that...and for sure when I used to work.

Jim said...

Your grandson could not have possibly carried all that stuff in his pocket. Backpack, maybe. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

I just had to drop down and check out the contents of your grandson's pockets. Looks like a little boy's pocket treasures to me.

Marie said...

Kyle could never stand having too much stuff in his pockets, but I would find stuff everywhere!