"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, August 20, 2012


It is my son's 37th birthday today.  Where in the world did the time go?  And how in the world can he almost be 40 when I am 40 myself?  Life goes so fast doesn't it.  Any he will be 37 this morning.  Happy birthday to Rick Jr.  I hope you have a good one. !  I love you very much! 

Okay friends, this just has to be a barn - yes another drive by - but a barn none-the-less.  And it is an old rusty barn at that.  Way out in west Georgia - going towards Rockmart - which is close to Alabama.


I saw this on Proud Italian Cook and I thought it was so pretty and would be great for parties.  Not low calorie, but pretty.  To check her site and to get the recipe - click here.

Looks just like a pineapple - right?

It's a dip! 

Now is that cool or what????


Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.”  Robert Louis Stevenson
I pray I have planted some good seeds in my children and they in turn will pay it forward to their;s. 

See what I mean - do I look old enough to have a son 37??????????


Unknown said...

Happy b-Day toy your son, and that dip looks very cool.

jack69 said...

Happy Birthday to Rick Jr. Yes isn't it amazing how one can have a child only three years younger than they!!!
But I know for a fact,IT CAN BE DONE!

I love the RLS quote.

Personally I have prayed for crop failure, but it hasn't seemed to work. (sigh) But I did try to plant the right seeds, on the other hand I BET you have planted well.

Love from the 2 headed for Bangor in a few minutes.

jack69 said...

Oh yeah, that is a neat pineapple! I love to see great ideas. An artist is an artist, no matter what the medium.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so a miracle birth, you were born and gave birth on the same day. ha ha happy birthday to your son

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to the handsome boy!!!! That dip is so cool, I have never saw this before,

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Birthday to your son. I always feel we moms should do some extra celebrating on the birthday of our children. It's a time to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. I have 2 now that have turned 40 and it's hard to believe as I'm still 39...Ha! Hope your Monday is a great one!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome son. Isn't it remarkable how quickly they become our age.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Happy birthday to your son! You must have had him when you were a mere lass of 8. ;-)

And I LOVE that quote!

Shelly said...

Happy birthday to your son! What a cool recipe~

Jill said...

Happy birthday to your handsome son!

Love that dip! So cute!

Annesphamily said...

Nisk is 19 today! I really miss him! What a great share! These handsome guys also share their birthday with my pretty niece Katie! She is a gorgeous engineer (like her daddy)! I imagine you are very proud of this wonderful son! Happy Birthday to him!

andy said...

Happy birthday to your son! Have a great day

Kim said...

Happy birthday to your son. Isn't it funny how they catch up to us? Lol
That pineapple dip is awesome. It would look great at a party.

Debbie said...

haha....did you have him when you were 10?? then you would look old enough!!

happy birthday rick!!

super cool dip, i am the queen of apps, going to put this one in my recipe box!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Hmmmmm, I always told my daughter when she became quite over protective of her son with Down Syndrome ---kinda on the lines of Stevenson's quote you shared today...if you smother your seed it will decay and rot away before it gets a chance to sprout.

So much for my wisdom. LOLOLOL

I would love the pecans that's covering that dip. Yum.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SON. My youngest turned 40 this past May and I swear, I had more problems with it than he did.

Charlotte Wilson said...

Happy birthday to your good looking son and may you stay perennially young!


BelovedBomber said...

Your son and I were born in the same year :) Enjoy the day!

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday to your son. Isn't it amazing how a child can catch up to their mother's age so quickly? My daughter is doing the same thing. LOL!

Remington said...

Happy Birthday to your son! I hope it is a fun filled day....and NO you DO NOT look old enough to have a son that old....

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You do not look old enough to have a 37 year old son! Happy Birthday to Rick Jr....gosh time flies doesn't it. Oh that dip looks good! Have a good Monday! Hugs, Linda

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

You are sure looking good Sandie..
Happy Birthday to Rick Jnr.. a very handsome man.
I so agree with you. Where does the time go.
My second child Manuel, is 45 on sunday..
I too tell myself. Am i the mother of a 45 year old.
time goes by so quickly.
wishing you a happy monday
love the dip.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to handsome Rick. May his day be filled with blessings & joys. AND HAPPY BIRTHday TO YOU, sweet Sandi ... this is truly your joy to rejoice.

Have a beautiful week ~

Denise said...

Thank you for the nice compliment.Time is flying by so fast with our adult"babies".Happy Birthday to your Son.Love the beautiful barn.I have to skip looking at the Italian food :)and I'm Italian!

Anonymous said...

No you certainly do not....Happy Birthday Rick Jr.

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday to your son!

the pineapple is cute. and i like your rust barn, too.

Wanda's Wings said...

Happy Birthday Rick. What a wonderful looking dip!

Unknown said...

You have a very nice looking son, Happy Birthday to him!

Lynn said...

To the last question - not at all!


I must be old too, LOL, my younger daughter turned 36 Sunday and next week my older daughter turns 38. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son. Hope he had a GREAT day. ENJOY. Take care.

Belle said...

Happy Birthday to your son! I love the look of the dip.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your son!

And that barn looks like an oversized cover bridge. I'll have to post a picture of the one in town so you can make a comparison.

Nonnie said...

Happy Birthday to your son! You look amazing! and that pineapple looks delicious.

Beth said...

Happy Birthday to Rick Jr.

Coincidence, I have a pineapple upside down cake in the oven.

Knitty said...

Like many my age, I continue to celebrate being 39. Tell your handsome son he needs to be quiet about his age or announce he was adopted. ;-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, That pineapple dip looks GREAT... What a clever idea.

Happy Birthday to your handsome son. My youngest is 41 now... Hard to believe!!

Nice barn picture... Even rusty barns have character.

Great thought for the day.

Paula said...

No Sandie you don't look old enough to have a son of that age. Hope he is having a nice day.

Marsha Young said...

You just know that I love old barns. I have pictures of several hung in various places throughout my house. :)

Mimi said...

No....you do not look old enough to have a SON turning 37!!!!I think we feel so young and happy and fulfilled we feel like Kids ourselves!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY yo your handsome Son!!
Love that DIP idea!!!WOW...for a luau party!!!!
And you know I love that old barn!!!
Happy Monday

Sally Wessely said...

Hey Chatty Crone, that is a pretty sexy girl blowing kisses at the bottom of your page. I like her.

Your son is handsome. Happy birthday to him. True, how COULD you have a son who is nearly 40???

Loved the recipe.

Jocelyn said...

You certainly don't look old enough to have a son who is 37! But happy 37th to him! Hope it has been a wonderful one so far! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your son,and yes you look great to have a son that old,tehehe,and the pineapple dip is a must try.

barbara l. hale said...

Happy birthday to your very handsome son! Yes, indeed, the time just zips by. And that does look like a barn to me, btw.

Rob-bear said...

Love that "pineapple." You posted the picture; where's the recipe?

Happy birthday to your son!

And I'm not so sure about that "barn." To me it looks more like an old-style airplane hanger (where airplanes where kept between flights). But what do Bears know?

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, Wonderful thoughts for today.
Happy Birthday to your son. It is like the Elvis song, "Ain't it funny, how time slips away". That is so true.
Blessings dearest. Catherine xo

renae said...

Happy birthday, Rick! He is a goodlooker! I loved your RL Stevenson quote!

Miss Debbie said...

Hope your boy has a great birthday! The pineapple is pretty...folks are co creative!

Dee said...

Happy Birthday to your son...he is a cutie patootie. I am not sure your photo is a barn..it looks kind of like a work shop of some kind..but it is cool. I would love to photograph it. It has a lot of character.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday to your son. It does seem like they grow old too fast. My oldest just turned 30 this year. Hope you have a great day.

Susan said...

Rick, Jr., is a very handsome man, Sandie. He has also acheived a great, GREAT deal in his 37 years.
May he have a truly wonderful birthday with his own little boy and wife. I also hope his new year of life is TERRIFIC!

That pineapple dippy is so CUTE! Take care. Susan

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Happy Birthday to your son- and of course you are only 40! How did you do that?? HA HA The pineapple dip is cute !

Debbie said...

Why no, Sandie! You look way too much like a chatty chick to have a son that old. I have the same problem. I'm barely thirty and have a twenty three year old.

Happy Birthday to him!

And I really want to make that pine cone looking dip thing.

Ann said...

happy birthday to your son. Hope he has a great day

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hey sis! I think we are the same age and look like twins! Teehee!
My daughter is 40 and my son is 35, I don't know how they got to be that old so fast. Where does the time go?
The dip looks good, I'll have to check out the recipe. Thanks!
I love your rusty barn. You are good at those drive-bys!
Hugs, Cheryl

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Good grief, speaking of getting older...I'm so forgetful! I meant to say first thing a big "Happy Birthday" to your good-looking son!! Hope he had a great day...and you, too!

Dolores said...

Happy birthday to your very handsome son....... and NO you don't look a day past 30...... Life and God is good!

Susannah said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome son!!!!!! Many Happy Returns!

Michaele said...

Handsome guy there : ) I just have to send the dip idea to my oldest daughter - she will love it!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Happy Happy birthday to your son!

Marie said...

Happy Birthday to your Baby Boy!!!

Liz Mays said...

That is an amazing dip idea and happy birthday to your sweet son!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Heavens no! I mean look at those moves! :)
My son will be 58 day after tomorrow..the 23rd. Now...that IS something to think about!!
I have Grandchildren your son's age! LOL

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Sandie, Happy Birthday to Rick jrn. Yes, where does the time go?? Unbelievable. And there are so many birthdays at this time of year. Much love sent to you..

renae said...

That's ok if you are not a hopper! I dig hops and Mary and I had to create one because we love them. Thanks for your reliable views and comments!!!

I had to make that earlier comment via my phone while at the hospital and my phone internet is limited. I wanted to also say I just may make that recipe. My sibs and my fam love cheese balls at Christmas.

love to you,

Bev said...

YUMMY looking dip!! And love your GREAT barn!!... Happy Birthday to your son.

www.merrydotdandy.com said...

That pinapple dip looks like one I have made before...but this looks better in that shape. Yummmmmm.

Nancy said...

I'm with you -- no way either of us can have children in their 30s. Lol!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

You had to be around 19 to have a son that age. He is a handsome man.


SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Birthday to your son!
There must be a mix up in the calendar, you are not old enough to have a son that age.

That is a great old barn. If you had gone just a little farther west into Haralson county you might have passed through my home town.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to your son. Hope he had a great day!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi dear friend, Sandie,
Happy Birthday to your dear son, Rick Jr.!!
I am sorry to be a little late, but it's better late than never.
Where does time go?? I wonder...
My daughter is 33 years old.
You were very young when you had your son. He is very handsome.
Your daughter is very beautiful too. So, your husband and you made gorgeous children. You are blessed!
Your thoughts for today are clever and cute, just like always...
Thank you for sharing your world with us, dear friend, Sandie!!
God may bless you all!!
Poet Starry Dawn.