"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Do you remember what you were doing 11 years ago today?  My grandson was 5 months old - and my mother was in her declining years.  My best friend and I were going downtown where my mom lived - I would take care of her needs and she watched the baby.  She would sing and play with him.

I got a call from my son in Ohio and he told me.  We were shocked together.

Sue and I didn't know whether to go or not - but we went.  The traffic here on the expressway - you could tell something was going on - it felt a little more frenzied then normal.  We went up to my mother's apartment and I started cleaning, doing laundry, getting her meds ready for the week, and opening her food and making her meals for the week.  Wonderful Sue played with the grandson.

After that we usually took mom and her friend Martha to lunch - we started out, but they lived right downtown here and people from the big businesses - high rises - were out on the street - it was kayos.  We decided to turn around and take them back.  Then we headed back home in terrible traffic.  We watched on the news the next few weeks - which was America's saddest hour I believe.

Eleven years later - my mom is gone - Martha is gone - Sue is gone at age 56.  Grandson is 11 1/2 and I'm still here.  But I'll never forget that day.

Where were you on that fateful day?

Now if you held on to those images daily  you'd be a wreck.  But it is good to remember what happened - by who - and why.  HATE for Americans.

 Susan from Writing From the Heart sent me this today and is it a flight around America - 5 minutes - and it is spectacular.


"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead."  
~ Marjorie Pay Hinkley.



Liz Mays said...

I was watching the morning news shows like I always did so I saw tower two getting hit live as they reporting on tower one. It was so surreal.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Yes ...i remember and i still cry...

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
This is an excellent post!!
September 11th will always be a memorable day.
It makes me sad to remember what happened...
I used to live in New York. My daughter and my grandchildren have lived in New York most of their lives. So, they saw the smoke coming out of New York Twin Towers from the distance, since they live in Long Island, New York. They watched the bad news on TV. We were all in a complete wreckage.
I cried my heart out. I used to work in the Twin Towers when I was a young lady. In fact, I worked in the World Trade Center area most of my life, until I went to work overseas as a Teacher of American English for foreign learners.
I shall never forget the event that has changed America forever.
God bless you, Sandie, and your beloved ones!
God bless America!
God bless the Americans!
Many brave Americans dwell in Heaven with the Lord, because they were at the New York Twin Towers in September 11th, 2001 trying to save many lives...
God bless their hearts!
Blessings & Prayers,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Rob-bear said...

9/11 was a sad day for America. But I wonder how that destruction compares with the many places America has bombed.

Wanda's Wings said...

I was at work. We all watched in horror.

Cheri said...

I was at work at PSU when it came on the news and saw the 2nd of the towers fall. We all stopped working for the remainder of the day glued to the TV set. Mid afternoon I called an old friend whose brother in-laws were firefighters in NYC; one BIL was saved...the other was not. On this day I remember....

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I was at work and someone got a phone call! We all turned on radios to listen and then heard the news. Such a horrible day for us all. hugs, Linda

Beth said...

I was on my computer and the TV was on. My husband was mowing the yard. I still remember running outside and asking Jim to come in. We watched the TV all day and the lawnmower sat in the yard overnight for the first time ever.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That was one of the scariest days of my life and one I'll never forget either. I was at work when I heard the news on the radio. So much has changed, but we must never forget just how fragile life is.

Shelly said...

It still hurts to remember that day. I was in class with my students~

Grandma Bonnie said...

Thank you for the reminder. I will never forget. I was at work. Everything stopped. It took weeks before anyone got back to normal. My son was in 10th grade. He started making plans that year to join the military. The next year he turned 17 he joined the Army. He did his senior year while in the army reserve. Then did two tours in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

I was at work when the news started to circulate. I heard someone ask, "big plane or small one seater?". "Big plane." was the answer. Several people at once said,"terrorists" with an air of finality. Sadly, they were right.
Canadians put American flags in their windows and on their flag poles in a sign of solidarity. Our fire stations and police stations had mobile signs expressing their support and everywhere, flags were at half mast for our neighbours.

Mevely317 said...

Thank you for asking, Sandie. I think we've all a need to share our memories.

Me? In Florida I was just beginning my work day, and absently hit the "speaker" function when the phone rang. It was a client, saying, "Did you hear a small plane just hit the WTC?" (Remember, that was the first report.)
Someone at another desk quipped, "Whoa, someone was sure off their meds."
Of course, when the horrible REAL news came in, none of us had the stomach to work.
Perhaps, the most frightening? -- each of we 3 in the office had different cell-phone providers ... but NONE of us could get a signal!!! (Later, we learned it was because they were moving President Bush out of OUR area, and onto Air Force One.)
My boss took us to an Applebees, and I recall a large gathering of businessmen all talking and laughing. We just stared, like "how COULD they?".
Only later that night could I let the tears come.... and, the unspeakable anger. I hope we NEVER forget.

PS -
Wonderful new header! :)

Kerrie said...

Yes, I remember... We were moving house. We watched it all unfold on TV, as the news broke. We saw the second tower hit by the plane while they were reporting on tower one.

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

It is true, in this life trouble will come.

Truer still - our help comes from the Lord.

Why do people suffer?

Why did crazed mad men slam planes into buildings?

Why do children suffer?

Why are loved ones afflicted with painful disease?

Why do we lose loved ones?

There are no easy answers.
No answers that bring comfort.
No reason that makes it right.

But what I do know, our help is in the Lord.

Death has been conquered by our risen Lord. There is a place and a time when sorrow will be no more.

He will wipe away our tears.

And no more will we ask why.

Jill said...

I was home. Alone. With a lump of size of the world in my throat because my babies were in school. I so wanted to get them and bring them home into my arms. It was a terrible day. One I shall never forget. Nor will any of us.

I am so sorry for your losses since then, my friend. My Mom is gone now too and I miss her so.

andy said...

Great post sandie! !! I was at work and my father went home and brought a tv up to work as we watch in horry! ! None of is will forget that day

BelovedBomber said...

I was teaching fifth grade. We were in the auditorium getting class pictures taken when a teacher came in and shared the news. We returned to our class to watch it all on tv.

Unknown said...

Remember that day - was at work when we heard it on the radio and went to put on the TV. We couldn't believe what we saw :-( A very sad day!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

We will never forget.

Today in school in Ireland we said prayers for those who lost their lives, their families, those that were injured and those whose lives were changed forever....

Gentle hugs to our American friends.


Nonnie said...

I was at work. A guy in the office called to tell us the news. He was such a clown, I didn't believe him. We turned on the TV and saw. It seemed like a horrible movie - surrealistic. After I sat down, my thoughts were then of those who died that day and did not know Jesus. It terrified me to think of it. Also, our son was a rookie firefighter. I thought about how the firemen who went into that building were like my husband and son. Heroes.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I was a college recruiter then and was working a college fair at Elon. It was an all day fair, but we found out in the morning and gathered around the tv in someone's office to watch the coverage during a break.

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

I remember that day very well.
My sister was visiting from England. We had gone shopping to look at some plants and have lunch.
while i was inside the shop. My sister went to sit down and have a coffee. I said that i would be there in a minute...When i joined her, this is what she said.
"the girl at the counter, has just told me to look at the tv. They are making a film about blowing up the twin towers. "That was the atmosphere.. no one could believe it. Then panic set in. We wanted to get back home quickly.. in the hurry and so very frightened ..I took the wrong turn. We ended up in the mountains behind my apartment.
We just both sat holding each other and crying.
People from all walks of life and countries lost their lifves on that day. My son lost two English friends who were working in the tower.
a very sad sad day... we will never forget
a wonderful tribute and post Sandie.
thank you.
love to you all over there.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a horror we will never forget in our lifetime. i was out shopping with bob, stopped for gas, went inside to pay and there it was on the TV, we tried to continue shopping but could not and went home to watch it all happen over the next few days, many tears were cried by me.

Savannah Granny said...

I too, was at home. I was watching the reporting of tower one when tower two was attacked. I gasped as I realized what was really happening.
I was glued to the tv til the wee hours of the night. I thought, "this must be what hell is like".
My son-in-law personally knew one of the flight 93 victims who was part of the group that fought back.
Loved the video. It gave you the idea of Sea To Shining sea. We are truly that we a SPECIAL NATION!

Anonymous said...

I was watching t.v that morning. I think Regis And Kelly Show and then it flicked to the news.

I could not believe what I was seeing. First one plane going in to the tower and then another one coming in. I thought Poor Americans. Then they said terrist attacks. Your heart beats faster and faster. I am a Canadian so I was in awe. It looked like a war zone after math. I was glued to the tv all day. I was wondring after seeing the two planes coming straight forward if any others would be coming in. Then people running and one man or woem jumping to his death out a window. Honest I could not believe what I was seeing.

Today I and hubby watched the whole played over on Fox. Our fav newscast station every morning. It showed rememberance today and reading of the loss. It was so sad to watch.Fathers, husbands, Uncles, aunts. They also played back President Bush being told as he sat with students that day of the attacks. How he was so calm to not upset the class room of students while he was attending a reading time with the teacher reading. I believe Bush always was a very compassion man. I dont think anyone else can fit his shoes. So for hours today I sat and wached the rememebring of that day. Thanks for sharing. I read everyones view point on where they were here.

Sorry Sandie of your loss. How you were spared.

I think it is very special that America can bring this today as not to lose the memories of Loved Ones that day to this day.

Betty said...

I had Good Morning America on and felt sick when I saw live the second plane go into the tower. I ran and called my Dad who still lived in NJ. He would drive to Port Newark every day and it was right next to Newark Airport. I told him he needed to stay home, but he had already decided not to go. The town my Dad lived in (and the town my husband and I both grew up in) lost five people that day. All the towns in the surrounding area lost people. I went up to see my Dad about 6 weeks later and it was very depressing to be there and was for quite some time. It's one of those days I'll never forget and always remember what I was doing. Just like the day President Kennedy was shot, the day President Reagan was shot, the day we lost Challenger and then Columbia, etc. There are those awful days that will always stand out in my mind.

Miss Debbie said...

I was sitting at my desk at work when our office manager came out of her office and gave us the news. It was a terribly sad and shocking day and, what made it even worse...it was my birthday.So our country hasn't been the same since and neither has my birthday.

jack69 said...

Good read about a terrible time. We never watch TV, so when anything earth shaking happens Shirl calls us, TURN ON THE TV. We were behind our Condos in the motorhome.
WE WILL NEVER FORGET. God Bless the families.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I shared a post about 9/11 too today...I don't think those who lived through it will ever forget. We do have to keep it alive for the next generation, who will not have experienced it first-hand. Life-changing events can always be lost by the next generation. I've watched a lot of coverage today, and I still find it so unbelievable.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We SHOULD remember...ALWAYS, Sandie...ALWAYS!...:)JP

Jim said...

Hi Sandie ~~ It is good that you post a remembrance of 9/11 on your blog today. I don't and think I won't. If there was a universal button I would display it. I do have our American flag flying outside from the front flower bed.

I was home enjoying my first month of retirement. Of course I had the TV on and saw it all happen real time. I spent most of the day in front of the TV.

Mrs. Jim and three friends were playing golf when a lady came out of her house and asked them if they knew. They didn't.

Then one of the ladies asked, "what should we do?" Mrs. Jim said for sure they could pray. Those four ladies on the golf course had a prayer meeting right there out on the golf course. One lady was Jewish, one a Budist, and two Christians. They all held hands and each prayed in turn.

barbara l. hale said...

I agree that we never should forget such days. I know exactly where I was and if I close my eyes, I can remember it in graphic detail. So much has changed since then.

Journeyin' Lady... said...

We were on the road - had started following the Oregon Trail in Independence, MO and stopped for the night at Rock Creek Station in Fairley, NE. Rock Creek Station has original wagon train wheel ruts but we never did visit them because the attacks took place the next morning. Since we were the only RV in the park we were alone as we stayed glued to the TV for the next five days. We finally made ourselves move on! As we traveled on it was a great sight to see American flags flying everywhere across the country.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We have all spent the day remembering. God bless America.

Suzan said...

Can Never Forget Sandie!!
I was in the classroom and received a cell call from my eldest daughter crying. She was home alone and a freshman at Kennesaw State University. I stepped out into the hall in order to question her and five other teachers were also in the hall on their phones with shocked faces! She told me that "they" were blowing up Washington, DC. As we were talking- a school wide announcement was made that, ALL TVs WERE BROKEN - DO NOT TURN ON THE CLASSROOM TV.
Meg said that she was going to go get her sister who was a Sr. at Sprayberry HS. I got onto the internet - only had one computer in the classroom and started reading CNN. They allowed Meg to sit with her sister at the HS and they watched it on the news the rest of the day.
Parents started coming to pick up their students here at school. Teachers would go to the office to find out what was happening. We're an elementary school and it was smart to not let the students know what was happening. How do you explain to a Kdg., a 1st grader, up to 5th grader, what was happening to the United States on that terrible day? The minute students left - we ALL went home to be with our families.

Susannah said...

We (hubby and I) were in a hotel resort room on Cape Cod. We were sitting on the end of the bed glued to Good Morning America. Who could believe? I cried and still do. Thank you for this post, Miss Chatty!

Remington said...

We must NEVER forget....

Ann said...

I was working that day and had gone home for lunch. I turned on the tv when I walked in the house and saw the coverage. I was stunned. A very tragic day that none of us will ever forget

Dee said...

Sad...Sad...day. I had just turned on the news and a few minutes later I saw the second plane hit the twin towers. It will forever be embedded in my memory. I believe that is the moment our world changed forever. Nothing has been the same.

Eat To Live said...

I will always remember that horrible day. We were home. Hubs was watching TV and I was doing dishes. He called me in and we both watched in horror.

Great post Sandie

Louvregirl said...

I was at home and had the news on. I called my husband at work to alert him to the day's events as they were unfolding. He had a telephone conference meeting with an insurance company in the Twin Towers. He and the sister of a man that worked there prayed together for this man to get out safely. The man DID get out with one other co-worker. They decided to leave through a tunnel underneath (although their office was being told to stay.) Unfortunately, a women who left along with them never made it to safety.

Mary said...

I was not at work, but 2nd son had gone to school, but had to stop for gas. The gas pump had a small tv..where our son witnessed the hit on a tower. I was watching the news about the tower when the second was hit, real time watching was horrifying. Today at school, I was to show students a small recap for commemoration, but I refused to watch it again. Any time that is shown, even as a partial clip, I advert my view...it hurts still to see that.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Thank you for your post. No American will ever forget the horror of that day. Our lives----all of us----were forever changed.

I was home alone and my husband called to tell me to turn on the tv. I did and it was chilling.

Sorry all those people you loved so much are now gone, in a physical sense, but they are with you still in spirit. In your heart, your prayers, your memories and your laughter, too! susan

Blondee said...

I was nursing Sydney in the rocking chair, she was 5 1/2 months old. My son was three and asking me to help him find his shoe so he could play on the swingset. I saw the news and just couldn't move. I was suddenly filled with such fear, and being in NY I was terrified where the other planes may land. I called my husband at work and he couldn't believe such a thing was being done on purpose. I asked him to leave work, I was that scared.

As the days passed, seeing the empty sky was eery as there was a no fly banning all flights. When planes did fly over, I was afraid. One of my husband's co-workers left work screaming that morning. His 27 year old daughter, his only child, was missing in the rubble. We later found out she was dead.

Horrible day for America.

Anonymous said...

I was a college student, just started my very first semester. 9/11 more or less shaped the rest of my college career as I ended up changing my major and took classes related to terrorism that probably were not offered prior.

S.D. was a responder. He was in the National Guard at the time and the unit's first deployment was to Ground Zero to serve as security around the area.

My Mom works at a hospital and they were on alert to take patients...a hospital two hours from NYC. One of her coworkers lost her son that day. I cannot imagine.

momto8 said...

I think all of America remembers exactly when they first heard...

renae said...

Such a nice realization of the time and how it has passed. Solemn yet respectful.

I was at home but had just ran an early morning errand and had just come back into the house and my husband saw it on the news (1st plane) and then we both witnesses the 2nd plane and that horrid stun came over me.

Today at cub scouts we talked about it and those little cubs weren't even born yet. Such a national tragedy.

Marsha Young said...

I was in a business meeting, when someone broke in to tell us that "maybe we were at war."

Just this week, my washer repairman was here, and he was telling me where he was on 9-1-1.

You are right, none of us will ever forget.

Clint said...

Today the US ambassador to Libya was killed along with his staff. The embassy was burned. In Egypt, the US embassy is under attack. Our government has issued an apology to the perpetrators in Libya. We are a leaderless and frankly, gutless nation. How far we have fallen. The 9-11 events of 11 years ago were only the beginning of our demise. I am ashamed of our government. I am ashamed of our citizenry for putting up with it.

Vee said...

Lots of zigzagging going on in that video! I never knew where we'd be next. It was very nicely done.

Things can change so quickly. Looking back over a span of 11 years, seeing all who have gone on before, even that feels as if it happened quickly. How sad to lose a dear friend at such an early age.

PR said...

Hey hun how have you been? Beautiful video. My thoughts always go out to those whose lives changed on 9/11 :)

Marie said...

We must never forget...and now look what's going on. I do remember what I was doing and I sat and watched television all day and cried.

Anna and Liz Recipes said...

Hi Chatty, thank you for visiting our website and for leaving a lovely comment as well!
We love reading your site too!
on 9/11 I was home feeding my toddler breakfast while Barney was on TV, my sister called to tell me to change the channel that we were under attack. Couldn't believe my eyes, and then just cried.

Anna and Liz Recipes said...

Hi Chatty, thank you for visiting our website and for leaving a lovely comment as well!
We love reading your site too!
on 9/11 I was home feeding my toddler breakfast while Barney was on TV, my sister called to tell me to change the channel that we were under attack. Couldn't believe my eyes, and then just cried.

ocmist said...

This was an awesome post and your day was much like mine. I had just gotten up when my sister called and told me to turn on the TV. I had just turned it on when the second plane hit. It was awful! I prayed and prayed for all those poor people that were in the middle of it.

Later I went into town to take care of my Mom who was in the last stages of cancer. That was the day I knew she was dying because when she saw what was going on, she sort of deflated and told me to turn off the TV. She couldn't even pray and that's when I knew. Five days later, she left us and went to Heaven to live. Though she was tiny (4' 11" at her tallest - when young) she had always been a fighter and a prayer.

The country went into mourning and I did, too...

Renegades said...

We were feeding calves when it came across the radio. We went to the house and sat glued to the television. I was pregnant with my second and the fear that gripped me was so strong.

SquirrelQueen said...

I'll never forget that day.
My husband had just been transferred from Portland, OR to where we live now. He was living here in the motor home while I finished our my two week notice for my job and getting things packed up for the move. We were across the state from each other.

That morning I was getting ready for work and turned on the computer to check the news. When the page came up it said a plane had hit the Trade Center. I turned on the TV and seconds later the second plane hit the other tower.

A few minutes later the phone rang, it was my hubby calling to see if I had seen the news. As more details came out I started to worry about him since he works for a large power company.

Hootin Anni said...

So, so heart wrenching still today to think of what we lived through those trying days of 9/11 era. We will never forget.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I tragic and horrible day to be sure. We will never forget!

Unknown said...

I am ashamed to admit that neither my wife nor I realized that September 11 was "9-11" this year until we saw a segment on a newscast about it.