"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

An award - Thinking of you.

Well I'm back,  but I'm still out too.  This starts my  6th year   no 7th year of blogging!!!!  I've been reminiscing  and looking back and thinking where I've been and where I'm going.  I think it's time for me to stop and start smelling the roses I continually ask you to do! I have been just about everywhere on my blog.

So I'm going to be making some changes.


And I will also be doing some re-construction as I go!

  I know this for sure - I'm going to be taking my advice and play a little more too.

                                                                               Or sleeping as the case may be...

Chillin with Jill - awarded me an award called Thinking of you.
Thank you Jill.
I have to link it back to her - which I did - if you click on the Chillin With Jill it will take you there.
List seven things I love and am thankful for daily.
Pass the award to seven.  That is the part I hate.  But if my last seven followers are still reading me - the award goes to you - because I can get to know YOU better.

1. God!
2. My family.
3. My friends - including YOU!
4. My home.
5.Being able to have a dog (as I am severely allergic to animals and just about everything!)
6. Being able to pray for others - including YOU!
7. I found the blessing of being grateful and that has in turn shown me love - for others yes - and for myself.

Not too original, but I think it's  honest.

Thank you Jill.

Now stop and smell some roses today - I'll talk to you later!
Love, Chatty Crone


TexWisGirl said...

congrats on finishing 5 years! we'll hang with you thru the construction. :)

Helen said...

Though I may not leave a comment on each post, I thoroughly enjoy 'your company.' Congrats!!!

Terra said...

Congratulations on beginning your 6th year of blogging, I always enjoy visiting with you in blogland.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I have been sniffing at those roses myself.

Congratulations on 6 years of blogging. That is quite an accomplishment.

Kim said...

Congratulations on your award and your milestone. Look forward to seeing what changes you have in store for us :)

Rob-bear said...

Year six on your blog, and an award. How wonderful!

I hope the construction process goes well. Don't worry; Rome wasn't built in a day.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Holy moose~poops, Sandie! Five years?!?! While I can't imagine having my blog for five years, I can and am most happy to hear you are going to put being grateful for yourself as a priority!...:)JP

LL Cool Joe said...

I just took a two and half week break from my blog too, the first time since I started my blog back in 2007. I needed to sort out some stuff in real life and in fact I think the break was very good for me.

I hope you continue to blog but also have some more fun too. Life is too short!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now my curiosity will KILL me until I found out what the changes ARE and what the blog changes ARE... love that sleeping pup

Jill said...

Six years! You go girl! I'll be here through all of the construction!

Beth said...

Congrats on your award and 5 years of blogging. 2 more years and you will be caught up with me.

I will be waiting to see what your changes are. ;-)

Charlotte Wilson said...

You have been faithful to your readers all this time! Wow...congratulations! I will stay with you during your changes.


andy said...

Congrats on your 6th year ! Thankyou for following me and commenting to me! Its hard to get readers but so much fun when i do

Jim said...

This is a wonderful post, Sandie! But I am sorry that you ran out of barn pictures. I have really enjoyed my weekly dose of them.

With good news from you? Yes, you do need to slow down. I did that a few years back (I used to post every day).

Congratulations on the six years. My number too although in Decemeber it will up to seven years, same blog.

I wanted to change again to a daily activity update, mostly for the kids and grandkids. But Tweeting would do that but I still don't Tweet. Nor do I do daily updates.

Then there would be weekly features on some days.

For sure I couldn't keep up with all the comments like you seem to be doing. If I were you I would make a weekly schedule, commenting the more often on the ones who come to you more often. Quite a few of mine I only peek in once a week or even once every two weeks. But that seems to be about as often as they check in with me too.

Best wishes on whatever you pick.
Part of my problem, not really yours, can be seen here:
Jim's what ails me poem

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm always impressed with how long you've been blogging. I love your stick-to-it-ness!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Congratulations! I love your list.
I use to pass my awards on to my newest followers, it's a great idea. Have a wonderful day :)

Shelly said...

You are amazing, my friend! Here's to the next six, and all the sixes after that-

renae said...

i just so happen to have some roses to smell. thanks for the suggestion. you are a good - no - great friend!

The Boston Lady said...

Good for you Sandie! You are a veteran and while you are teaching your readers some things, it sounds like you are learning along with us! Can't wait to see what the changes will bee! Ann

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there. Can't believe you've been blogging for six years! That really is quite an achievement. I don't blame you for wanting to stop to smell the roses, as it is something that we should all do. Whatever is under construction, we will all still be here with you!! Hugs.

Miss Debbie said...

Great list! You take your break and make your changes and we will be here for you!! We just met...don't want to lose you now!! :-)

betty said...

congrats on all those years of blogging Sandie! great to make changes too with it; life is so short, we need to value our days and use our time wisely :)


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congrats! I like your list of 7 thankfuls!

Sally Wessely said...

Six years! Wow. You deserve an award. I have barely been on my blogs lately. Life has gotten too busy. We do have to prioritize how we spend our time. None the less, congrats to you.

Unknown said...

wb from Alice & Wanda

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Sounds like you and I are almost at the same place--when it comes to blogging. I've been blogging since 2006 --and am finding it harder to do these days... My life-just like yours--is so full. AND--blogging (especially commenting) takes alot of my time... I just can't get it done these days...

I love blogging --and writing my blogs are no problem. BUT--trying to go to 75-100 blogs every day or two and make comments is what is hard..... BUT--if people come to my blog, I feel guilty if I don't go to theirs... SO---Miss Sandie, what do we do?????

I'll be interested in seeing what changes you make...


Remington said...

That is AWESOME! Please continue blogging -- I love to see what you come up with next!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I started blogging in July 2005 so I've been at it just a little longer than you. Over the years I made some changes too and I know it'll happen again. It's nice to change out things now and then. Happy blogging anniversary to you. I'll be looking forward to see what is new.

Anonymous said...

Sandie...I've loved you for a long time,I've went thru changing my blog three times,started out "DownLoblollyLane" to "LazyOnLoblolly" to what it is now "LoblollyLane"...you have been like a rock, always here for us,and if you need to re-construct,re-new,relax,go right on ahead..stop to smell the roses my friend...cause as we all know we ain't promised tomorrow,things happen all the time...I'm thinking back on some thinks that you have shared with me,and I think you are awesome....hugs dear...talk to you later.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Such a long time blogging! I hope the changes ahead will refresh you and keep you blogging! Hugs, Linda

Dee said...

Congratulations on the blog award and for blogging six years...I am not sure How long I have been blogging..it seems like I just started. LOL I pray you will continue six more years!!!

Ann said...

congratulations on 5 years, may you have many more happy blogging years ahead. Can't wait to see what changes you'll be making

Liz Mays said...

Nothing wrong with changes! And WOW to six years!

Nonnie said...

I missed you. Thought you took an extended Labor Day holiday. 5 years. And your blog always seems so fresh. Congratulations. I look for you every day. God bless you.

Unknown said...

Sandie, no wonder you're so good at this, 6 years! Wow, thanks for making us all smile so often! You are wonderful!

Tanna said...

Congratulations... on your successful years of blogging, your awards and, most of all, for stopping to smell the roses!! love and hugs ~ tanna

Mevely317 said...

GOOD for you, Sandie! Can't wait to see what you've in store for us in the coming years!!!

Susan said...

Oh Sandie, SO HAPPY to see your post. Can't wait to see your changes but ohhhhh, I HOPE you continue with blogging. Susan

Savannah Granny said...

Hi Sandi, Congrats on completing five years and still be true to yourself. That's why we love you so. Looking forward to another five years with you.
Blessings, Ginger

Angela said...

Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! I'm so glad that I found you! Can't wait to see your new changes. And you should/need to play more.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Congrats on your blogging years! Good for you!

The Long Awaited Home said...

Sandie, Best wishes to you as you make changes to your blog - just don't leave us! You have been an encouragement to me as I've just begun my blogging journey.


www.merrydotdandy.com said...

Don't you just love it...dawg sleeping on his back..hahahhaaaa. I did not know the questions...but they look like correct answers.

Mary said...

OHH..I read that again..yes good answers!

Lynn said...

Wonderful answers, my friend.

Catherine said...

Congratulations on starting year number 6! Good for you!
xo Catherine

Lois Christensen said...

Wow! Congrats on your 5 years. Your blog is one of my favorites! Enjoy your day.

Angie's Recipes said...

That sleeping dog click is just CUTE!

Marie said...

Congrats on 5 years!!! Are you saying you're ready for a change??? LOL Looking forward to seeing what you've come up with. :) I just love your blog!!!

Knitty said...

I no longer remember how I found you, but I am glad I did. You are one of my blessings that I count daily.

Wipe the pollen off your nose and look out for bees while you're out sniffing. ;-)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Wow, Congratulations. thats a lot of years! I hope you enjoy the roses or nap which ever you do.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Wow, Congratulations. thats a lot of years! I hope you enjoy the roses or nap which ever you do.

Suzan said...

Change is good Sandie!!
Gotta have it or we don't grow!! WOW!! seven years!! Can't wait to see your change!!

Betty said...

I wouldn't change anything because with my luck I'd accidentally delete the entire blog. Be careful.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

7 years! In cyberspace, that's like 49 (as in 7 years for each 1).

Congratulations and many more.

Kerrie said...

Dearest Sandie, Congratulations on six years of blogging. That's a huge accomplishment! It's good that you still enjoy blogging. I want you to know that although I don't comment on every post (due to time constraints), I do try my very best to read them all. I'm the lucky gal here - you are such a blessing to me and I'm thankful we are friends! You brighten my life and not even oceans can't separate us! I hope this seventh year of blogging will bring the unmeasurable joy and love that give to others back to you, tenfold!!! God bless you, dear friend. Love, Kerrie xoxo