"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fun Friday Strikes Again - thanks family and friends

On a train from London to Manchester , an American was berating the  Englishman sitting across from him in the compartment.

"You English are too stuffy.  You set yourselves apart too much. You think your stiff upper lip makes you above the rest of us. Look at me...  I'm ME! I have Italian blood, French blood, a little Indian blood, and some Swedish blood.  What do you say to that?"

The Englishman replied, "Awfully sporting of your mother, old chap!"
 Thanks Jerry from 'As the CrackerHead Crumbles'

Thank you Kelly.


1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away ?

4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday?

5. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!

Thank you Monica at The Chicken Wrangler

Thanks Facebook

My husband just asked me this!

 Be careful out there!



Haha - my blog is free too!


1. The third room. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead. That one was easy, right?
2. The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry (shot; held under water; and hung).
3. Charcoal, as it is used in barbecuing.
4. Sure you can name three consecutive days, yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
5. The letter "e" which is the most common letter used in the English language, does not appear even once in the paragraph.


Kim said...

I loved the riddles!! But I only got 2 of the answers. :)

Wanda's Wings said...

The riddles are great! Too much brain power this early in the morning.

Granny Annie said...

Laughter is indeed a tranquilizer without side effects and you are quite the drug pusher Sandie. I always get my fix here on Friday:)

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm useless at riddles but they were great fun! Have a wonderful weekend!!

Shelly said...

You always have such good stuff here!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

lots of giggles here today and i read the first one to bob and he roared with laughter. we were just talking about laughter outside with Jake, he made us laugh out loud 3 times... he is our source of laughter that keeps us healthy

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great riddles, Sandie! I actually got the first one right. No. 4 is really one of those aha! riddles. Lots of fun, I'll have to pass these along. Have a great day and weekend!

Sandy said...

Well, now I know where I can come on Fridays for a few giggles!! Thank you, new friend, for seeing the bright sunny side of life.

Jeanie said...

I loved the story about the men on the train. I got a couple of the riddles right away, but had to look at the answers for the rest.
Have a good Friday, Sandie.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I didn't get a single one of the riddles. I need to 'think on that'! And I changed the caption and read this to my hubby, 'Anything you want to tell me before I get on the computer?' heeheehee! Sweet Friday hugs!

Renegades said...

Love the football season post you shared. Have a great weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

i got all but #3. :)

Marie said...

Very cute post! Love the riddles! Your husband just said that to you?? LOL

Paula said...

I like the football joke and I hate football season.

Anonymous said...

I got the last one....only the last one. Sad yes?

Bev said...

You have the most interesting posts!! Love the picture of the dog:)

Jill said...

Great riddles!

Unknown said...

Love it :) Have a great day my friend xx

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I just love being able to come here for a good laugh!

Debbie said...

awesome fun!! but truth be told, i am not very good at riddles!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm not very good at riddles today!

Love Of Quilts said...

I've even read these before and still couldn't get them.

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

You always have such great posts on Fridays
Riddles and fun.
I didnt get any of them..
Nice post Sandie
thanks for your comments on my blog
happy weekend
val xx

Southhamsdarling said...

Loved the Englishman's response!! The riddles were very good, not that I'm much good at them!! Another fun post my friend. Hugs to you.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks once again for all the smiles! Happy Friday!

Rob-bear said...

All very interesting, Sandie. Just not up for problem-solving today.

Jocelyn said...

loved this post! :) the riddles were hilarious and the little pictures were sweet. Football season is such a crazy time - for women. My boyfriend stops talking to me midsentence and talks at the tv. I find it funny now but it can be a little crazy. So we talk before or after the games lol.

Lynn said...

Love the one about football season! Happy Weekend:@)

Dolores said...

I'm terrible trying to figure out riddles.... those are cute!

I do believe that laughter is the best tranquilizer.....

betty said...

I got the riddle about the photographer and the paragraph with no E's; the rest I didn't do too good with, LOL; good to think about them though!

Have a good weekend Sandie! I hope you guys are up to something fun!


Ann said...

Well I didn't get all the answers to the riddle right. I said the room with the assassin because I figured they would have all killed each other.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh you little devil!...:)JP

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Ok I couldn't get the last one the or number 3 but then I do not use charcoal for barbecuing, I asked hubby to see if he could get them but he sucked at it.......lol

Dee said...

I missed three and five of the riddle...and got a huge chuckle out of the dog in the car and the football joke. This will be one of my first places to visit on Fridays...great way to start the weekend with a smile.

Anonymous said...

Fun post! Have a good weekend.

Catherine said...

Those are some good ones!
Have yourself a fantastic weekend!
xo Catherine

jack69 said...

I got the photographer!!! LOL
Love the entry, great read. Yep it's Friday and I drove all day, hit 5 states! We are in Belmont, NC now for awhile. Then off to Florida in a few weeks!!!!!

Love from up here!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandee, I enjoyed trying to figure out the riddles. I did not get any right!! Blessings dear for a beautiful weekend. Catherine xo

Betty said...

I'm getting to be the same way about football. Everyone should have spoken to me before the season began. This year we have the NFL station for the first time and I have it on as background noise most of the time. I try and watch the games on Sunday, Monday and Thursday and always watch the Houston Texans. I have season tickets, but I don't think I'll go this year. Just can't sit in those seats without Jim, so I've been giving them away and watching on TV. We didn't always agree on which restaurant or movie to go to, but we always agreed on the Houston Texans and had so much fun on game days.

Susan said...

That was a good post, Sandie. Loved the riddles. Didn't do too great on them though. ha! Loved all the answers.

Thanks for your visits and comments on my blog, girlfriend! They mean a lot to me. Susan

Grandma Bonnie said...

I just love the riddles. I got 1-3 easily. 4 and five stumped me. I hope you have a great weekend.

Jim said...

I liked your riddles, Sandie. LOL
Numbers one and five were okay for me. Two, three, and four were harder. Actually I'm brain dead tonight or I'd a had the yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Your Internet picture disclaimer in the side bar looks good.

Anonymous said...

I have to remember those riddles. I have am uncle who used to give me riddles like that to solve when I was little, sadly though, I was sorely out of practice!

ocmist said...

Only got one of the riddles, but, as usual, loved your post. They are always so uplifting!

Nancy said...

Too early for the riddles, but I did like the puppy caught in the car seat. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Sandie. xo

Hootin Anni said...

#5...I had seen and read that before so I knew the 'answer' to the riddle.

As for the hubby/wife/beginning of football season....trust me, long ago I could've said "Been there"---until I learned the old adage pays off = "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". I did. LOL

And now, football season and no tv....heaven!!!

Charlotte Wilson said...

I didn't get one of those riddles. LOL
Where do you get all of your material? You dont' have to answer that. :o)
I am just amazed a the work that you do every day for your blog.


Debbie said...

Today is my first day in ages to sit down at a computer and visit. I'm actually waiting for paint coats to dry right now and sat down. I've missed it so!

I must be rusty because I didn't do well on those riddles at all. I got a few of them but missed the lion one. Feeling blonder than usual.

I hope to be able to read and catch up on blogs. I probably just need to jump on the blog trains in progress and learn to ride again.

momto8 said...

love the riddles..asking them to my kids tonight.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love these riddles....most had me stumped and that dog squished in the car seat is the best...Hope you're having a great weekend out there.

Suzan said...

Great new Title photo you made up.
I've been using the old edit version google has made me change over to the new way of doing things. I'm having a terrible time finding where everything is!! Thanks for listening Sandie!! I had to complain to someone :-}}}

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie -

Thanks for the funnies!

Susan :)

Lois Christensen said...

Too funny! The days of the week one really got me! Hope you're having a nice weekend!

Eat To Live said...

I am really bad at riddles but had a good time trying to figure them out.

Have a GREAT Sunday!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the riddles! Happy weekend to you.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandy,
Love these riddles, my friend!!
I agree with you about laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects. So, take it regularly...
I always enjoy coming over to your blog, because I know your food for thoughts will calm my spirit and bring joy to my soul.
Thank you, Sandie for sharing your caring ways with the world!
Thank you for visiting my blogs!
Oh, by the way! Sunday, September 23rd is my birthday. Paul gave me a silver pen to write as a birthday gift. We'll have a barbecue at home for lunch tomorrow. Would you like to come in? You are invited, sweetheart.
Have a blessed Sunday, Sandie!
Warm Hugs,
Poet Starry.

Mimi said...

YOUR Riddles always get me...even the one about the photographer!!!!
You are smart!!!
I hope you are enjoying the first weekend of fall...it is HOT HERE!!!REAL HOT!!!
OH well...it will cool off soon....we can hope anyway!!
ANY fun fall plans???We have some.....OCTOBER is full of fun for us.....I just hope I do not pass out from the heat before then!!

Lynn said...

Love this free blog!

Buttercup said...

You stumped me! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Jim said...

I'm liking your Sunday blog post.
Have a nice Sunday!!!

Along These Lines ... said...

Great puzzles!