This is from Wikipedia: " The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.
Now you have to know that ole chatty would never ever do this - I was giving you something to think about.
I wanted you to think about how many things are in your life today - that are wrong - and we (me too) have accepted as okay - because it is now the norm. What is now the norm for us is not the norm it was for our parents - hence that is why life has changed today - and it just slid in there right under our noses.
Susan had a good one - weight. We don't gain twenty pounds a day - but we can gain twenty pounds over a period of time.
Judy mentioned the printing and printing of money (with nothing to back it) and we wonder why our money has less value.
What about social security - do you know the difference between when it first started to today? It's almost gone - did you see that coming? Look it up from what it was originally meant for and how it was started to now. You will be shocked.
Profanity in movies. Nudes in movies. Violence in movies. Drugs. It has slowly crept in and the kids - kids - are watching it - and are emulating it.
The meanness in cartoons - watch the cartoon network - the one our kids watch and you will be aghast.
And our children are acting like those kids on the cartoons.
We wonder why kids are different now - because we choose to let them. Tis true - and guilty here too and we didn't really even know it . . .
Because we let it in S L O W L Y ! Oh one time - one show - one word - one action won't hurt them.
But a lot of shows - a lot of words - a lot of actions W I L L hurt them and it comes down to hurting us and to hurting God really.
Now I see this one show coming on called 666 Park Avenue. That is an evil number according to the Bible. I believe Vanessa Williams will star on it and the man on the show Lost. Looks good. Inviting. Mysterious. But these people have sold their souls to the devil and are possessed.
So okay now we have let everything else in - now we are going to let the devil in too.
Well in this house NO! I'm done. Not going to accept this. No way no how.
We have to put our foot down somewhere - and CHRISTIANS have to start taking back the country or it is going to be too late.
Ask yourself with all this change. ARE YOU BETTER OFF TODAY accepting all the changes that happened - or are YOU WORSE OFF TODAY with all the changes.
Are you thinner - richer - having a bigger paycheck - seeing more respectful kids? The Chaplain in the service can't mention Jesus. The kids can't pray at school. They want Christian wording off the capitol. Off the dollar bill. AND OUT OF OUR MINDS.
And hey - maybe 666 Park Avenue will be the start of the way to do that - to drive goodness out of our mind and replace it with evil.
I'm frustrated and angry - with myself too. I've allowed it as much as anyone else. I was that frog put in cold water and had the heat turned up.
I'm mad as HECK!
I have to do something to bring our Christian values back.
Saying NO and having my eyes open is a good way to start.
Are you in hot water over anything and wonder how you got there?
Now mad or not - I would never leave you or myself without something positive - a way out.
Today is no different and I want to leave you with some H O P E and H E L P from Mother Teresa. (Thanks Ma.)
People are often
unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them
If you are kind, people may
accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people
may cheat you.
Be honest
If you find happiness,
people may be jealous.
Be happy
The good you do today may
be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you
have and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it
is between you and God.
It was never between you
and them anyway.
Mother Teresa
Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
So well said, my friend!!!
Sandie this is so true and well said! We do let little things creep in and then they become 'ok' and then more and more. I look at how innocent my Grandson is and what a world he is growing up in. I just pray that it will change. Hugs, Linda
I am not sure the good old days were that good either. There were lots of evils done then also. No matter what time people lived in, greed, hate, and inequality has always prevailed.
What I believe in is "Love thy neighbor as thy self." If we did this, and not judge others by our standards, be open and kind, give a hand to those who are wounded by life's troubles, then we would live in a much better world.
Gives us all a lot to think about...good post.
Wonderful words by Mother Theresa.
Yes, when bad things happen slowly, we don't react until it is too late or a huge problem. I am especially thinking of our country.
Very well spoken and you end with one of my all time favorite quotes from Mother T. We all need to remember that change begins at home...with our own little self. I pray every day that I can make a positive difference and ask for help ...EVERY DAY!
You are so incredibly right. I have a friend that often says "Garbage In / Garbage Out". That's our society today. We don't even realize the things we let in our world today, will be a reflection of our society tomorrow.
We have surely gotten ourselves in a pickle, haven't we?
Great post! Definitely a TRUE POST!
We are being blind sighted and we are doing nothing about it. What is wrong with us? We have the attitude that only one person can't change a thing...maybe not, but if a lot of ONE's would get together, we could accomplishment much...I'm angry that the world wants us to remove GOD from everything.....!!!!
WOW, a much better sermon than I have heard lately. Okay, maybe I should say just good teaching, a good wake up!
'tis very true what you say. In the last few years things have changed because they are endorsed by men and women in command or authority. Men and women who are respected and should be role models.
I won't be around many more years, but I would love to see a better country for my grand and great grands.
Love you girl and thanks for being this CHATTY!
Preach it, girl!
There are a lot of well documented studies about kids and desensitization to violence through watching tv and video games. It's one reason why we shut off our satellite after the boys were born.
Oh my... I remember 35 years ago....going to a conference and being told the story of the frog...and WOW has it ever our very own family and our lives... We are fried!!...We have to tune our lives to God's word!!
Pm so glad you explained about the frog. I'm sorry I missed the parable of it all on yesterday's post. It's so true that things have changed and slowly our way of life has accepted things that would not have been allowed years ago. The media has changed lives drastically and we've allowed it to happen. I know we can't keep kids in a bubble, but we can limit what they are exposed to when they are young. I limit myself to lots of exposure too...I'm not one that watches all that stuff on TV and love the old shows and movies when there were still some morals left. I so agree with what you are saying...Hope your Monday is a great one!
Love this post! You will often hear the phrase muttered in my house "the world has gone to heck (polite substitution there) and no one is stopping it"
Thoughtful post :-)
Don't anyone chuck frogs over the Chatty Crone's fence guys !
:-) x x x
I am guilty of letting a lot of things into my life that came on slowly over the years....
As for cartoons. I think they were always kind of on the mean side. Beep Beep, Roadrunner would always torture that fox.
Some good plain talk.....thanks for that.
Great post - Good words!
scary stuff ain't it Sandie.
Good words! Have a wonderful day
hahahaha, i'm not in any of those photos. i'm behind the camera. well accept for the water-ride. I'm in that raft with my two daughters. enlarge to see it, but, nah no need. I was joking about being in the outfit but not really. The frog has been boiling since the '70's sista. "free-love" / abortion legal / and such. I get your message loud and clear and drawing the line at tv shows in just the beginning. good on ya!! gal!! hit'm hard!!!!
LOVE IT! Thanks!
I completely agree with you... especially about the 'kids today' part. People tend to criticize them and fail to see where the problem began...
agree 100 percent, but can i stop doing what we have been doing. sin has become the norm. it has always been like it is, but hidden and not flaunted like it is. people have lost the fear of God watching us and not approving of what we do.
You know when I saw the title of that show with Vanessa Williams, I wondered what the reaction would be to it. It obviously has gotten some desired attention. I don't know what the show is about, perhaps it is good battling evil? Don't know. I agree with you 100% when it comes to kids and what they see growing up. Too many messages are slipped in through seemingly innocent shows that parents feel are okay for their kids to watch. This is why when children are young that tv watching should be done as a family, in my opinion. Then situations can be explained, determined whether they are a good thing or not and why. This is how, again in my opinion, to raise children and young adults to properly process what they see and understand how it fits into family values, their own values and how it fits into the whole picture of society. Knowledge is power. The kids need the knowledge, but the parents, or grandparents or responsible adults need to help them learn to process the knowledge so they can make good decisions on their own. Which they all have to do eventually. Wow, sorry for that rant - all my opinion. Thanks for making me think again, Sandie! Ann
There is too much that we let get by that we wouldn't have gotten by with when we were kids. The new tv shows coming on this year are horrid! I couldn't even watch 1 minute of the New Normal! It was borderline porn in the first minute. My husband and I both looked at each other and about died! God help us! I don't want my kids to see that show and yet it will be on cable tv during the day probably next year! I might get rid of tv all together and just watch the dvd's that we already have.
Hooray for you. Great post.
Very well said and I couldn't have said it better and I so agree with you (how's that for redundancy?). With the exception of The Middle (which has even crossed the line a few times) and Masterpiece Theater, we don't watch TV anymore and we rarely go to movies (maybe 2 times a year and only then after having read the reviews by Plugged In). It disgusts me to think that people are happy to turn hard-earned money over to people who think nothing of slandering the name of our Lord and have such hatred for Christians. I am stunned sometimes by what Christians are accepting. It is distressing to think about the world our grandchildren are facing. Whether the frog story is true or not, that is exactly what has happened. God have mercy on America which has been blessed with so much.
I get it now. :)
Glad I came over to get your email address to send you what I know about the Fast-5 (what you asked about) program.
This is a great post and we need constant reminders about this. I think that's why the Paul encourages Christians not to give up meeting together as so many are in the habit of doing - but to meet even MORE and encourage each other! Keep one another on our toes. Yes, blogs have THEIR roles, too - but nothing like a face-to-face!
So check your email and let me know what you think re. Fast-5
AMEN my friend! AMEN!
It is so important to resist evil and keep the scriptures close in our thoughts and prayers. That is a good example about the frog in the water. LIttle foxes spoil the vine...and can become huge and ugly by and by. Don't we know it!
I was upset by the fact they were calling a show 666 anything. I sure wont be watching it. Sometimes I am confused on what is right, but my heart is in the right place.
I love the honesty and passion in this post! I also totally agree :)
Yes, well said. A bit unnerving since the tv is so important to so many. Did you see the movie Fahrenheit 451?
I have also seen the shorts to that show 666 Park Avenue and I can tell you I have no interst in watching a show about the devil........I also agree that life today is not better then it was 50 or 100 yrs ago it is just different. There has always been bad and evil people around today we just hear more about them because the world is not as big as it use to be......if that makes any sense.......Mother Teresa was an amazing woman......
Good for you for speaking out. They are taking things to far. I feel so sorry for this up and coming generation.I even feel bad when I see Christians resorting to ugly name calling in the political storm we are in. Sin slowly seeps in till it destroys everything.
I may have gotten lost about the fourth paragraph. It seems to me that you are saying that wrong is the new normal. If so, that's probably correct. A husband's place is always in the wrong. Why not have others join us?
It really is time for people to take back the country. Especially when they're so worried or annoyed about what's going on. We're having demonstrations about that all across Canada today.
we use that frog story many many times in our is really a good lesson for all of us to keep in mind, and just for the reasons you is a slippery slope... don't even get near it.
I read that poem from Mother Theresa to my husband the other day. It's a good one. :)
You make some really good points Sande. When it comes to TV my biggest pet peeve is the reality shows. I would rather watch, or let kids watch, a work of fiction like 666 Park Avenue than the reality shows. Shows like Jersey Shores and The Kardashians do far more harm. 666 isn't a kids show but a lot of parents let their kids watch the antics of Snooki and her crew. Why aren't more parents using the Parental controls on their TVs? Would you want the Kardashians as role models for your kids? TV is used as a babysitter these days with no thought to what the child is watching. If no one watches the shows will go away.
If we want to make a change we have to start in our own homes by teaching our own children. Teach them manners and respect for others.
It may be a slow change in the other direction.
Very good, Sandie.
I take comfort in knowing that none of this catches God off guard. He's not in Heaven wringing His hands wondering what to do. He has it all in control.
That's not to say we should stick our heads in the sand though. I think it's best to pray and seek God's Will as to what He would have us to do.
Hi Sandie...Yep, I'm definitely familiar with the frog anecdote as applied to real life situations. As previously stated, my gargantuan frogster is WEIGHT. As for wretched tv shows, you are right. If we allow them and watch them and say nothing, we are asking for trouble. There's a saying that if you don't speak out about a problem, you become part of the problem. I believe that, Sandie. Take care. Susan
i just wonderhow many frogs had to die to prove this wierd fact
So very well said Sandie. Same in politics --- they will tell a blanten lie - but if they say it enough- the people forget and will start believing them!!
they want to know what is wrong with our youth today---- look at all the reality TV showes and the video games. they are constantly blowing up and destroying people, aliens, monsters and go back for more!! The violence is all they see and watch and then repeat themselves. What use to be shown only after 9pm is the norm now. . . . and people want to know what is wrong with the kids today???
I always think of the 50's when they wouldn't let Elvis Presley been seen on TV wiggling his hips compared to the things they let be seen now. Your blog is always so pretty and uplifting with good advice. Online journaling has changed a lot from when I started in Oct. '03
I hadn't heard of that show, Sandie, but I know I won't be watching it. You are right; it is usually insidious with how something starts and then it worms its way entirely into our culture or into our lives; like sinning. Totally agree with everything you expressed here Sandie!
Excellent post, Sandie. I think too many of us put up with stuff because we don't want to be labeled 'intolerant.' It is time to be intolerant.
You gave us lots to think about. And thanks for the Mother Teresa quotation. So true.
Wonderful, thought-provoking share, Sandie!!!
One, in particular hit home -- I've put on 20 lbs. in the last 8 years without noticing. Except when I've an important event coming up with nothing to wear and wondering, "What the heck happened?!?"
Must escape that cauldron!
So what are we going to do, Sandie?
For me personally I won't be affected because it isn't the kind of show I watch. Mostly because of the reasons you won't either.
But I was wondering if there was a protest or mass boycott planned?
So what are we going to do, Sandie?
For me personally I won't be affected because it isn't the kind of show I watch. Mostly because of the reasons you won't either.
But I was wondering if there was a protest or mass boycott planned?
Keep chipping away at us daily with your deep faith and we shall be slow cooked too. The force of good is far greater and constant reminders help from folks like you:)
Every word true. Amen X2 Sandie.
Reading this post was a good thing, because I so agree with most of your comments which are not rants, but sadly truisms. Often, I feel like things were so much better years ago, take the 1940s for example, whe patriotism was a BIG thing and people supported each other more. They had less "things" and made do with good old-fashioned values and home life. There were the good ole family and variety shows on TV, westerns and shows like Father Knows Best, Donna Reed, Brady Bunch. Sure folks see these as "corny" today but I recall watching and enjoying and still watch some on Netflix. We do not watch TV, don't have any cable/satellite service and that suits us fine. Whew, you got me going here, so time to end my "rant."
This was so interesting!! All I can say [especially knowing that our children, our future leaders of this country] are learning and emulating....all I can say is Amen.
But, I must disagree on the cartoons of today compared to ours of yesterday...take for instance Bugs Bunny...Daffy Duck...Elmer Fudd...they were always shooting something. Bee WARY WARY Quiet....I'm hunting. Tho it was ducks he was hunting, it's still a killing mode made into a 'funny'. We had murderers and rapists and burglars back then when we were young also, it just wasn't broadcast as it is today. They say ignorance is bliss...and the saying all comes back to today's time. Ignorance.
...oops, Bud tells me it was WABBITS Elmer Fudd was hunting.
Duck Season,...Wabbit Season...Duck Season...SHOOT 'EM NOW.
Wonderful food for thought, Sandie. I know I've become complacent and accepting of things that I shouldn't.
I agree, it is time for a change. Our very salvation could depend on it.
Thanks and Blessings,
Awesome post, my friend!
What an AMAZING post! Sharing on Facebook! Thanks Sandie! Yes, I'm guilty also, Lord forgive me.
An incredible post, my friend, and absolutely on the mark. People are always asking "What can I do?" Well they can do plenty if they will just START. All great things began with just one step. If each of us would ask the Lord to get us back on track, to help us live what HE says love is, we'd see a huge difference in our homes, schools, the world.
Take care, hon. love you.
I kind of agree with the third comment. Back in the good old days a lot was swept under the rug. Sometimes that might have been good, but sometimes it was very bad. The Minister of our church was exposing himself to young girls. People in the congregation didn't believe it and some thought the young girls must have had a crush on the Minister. It went on way too long and finally he was forced out, but the congregation let him go to another church and didn't say a word. I'm assuming he did the same thing there. Nowadays it wouldn't be hushed up and would probably be on the nightly news.
What really bothers me today is some of the hateful stuff that gets passed around on the Internet. We all need to delete, delete, delete. I'm so thankful that my kids were grown before we all had Internet access. I can't imagine trying to monitor their Internet access today.
One day I accidentally got into a porn site and couldn't get out. I had to turn off the computer. What if that happened to a child? All I was doing was a google search for dolls (I collect vintage dolls) and I clicked on a link.
I think Internet access and cable TV have changed the world more than anything else.
You are absolutely right. I love the frog tale. Have used it many time in my life. I'm convinced that's how evil works...we are seduced by degrees. Some of it stems from the "tolerance" theory, when really...good and bad are pretty black and white. I grieve for how far we have slid down the slippery slope. Scripture warns us not to become conformed to this world. I love Mother Theresa's words. I had that hanging in my kitchen a long time.
I LOVE you...I Love Mother Teresa's words. I can't stand what is going on everywhere. We don't have cable anymore, our son is in a Christian school and he's applied for a job at Chickfila.
I agree with everything in your post!
Very thoughtful post today. I have been thinking along those lines for a few weeks now. I keep wondering why we have accepted things we did not like but figured they were not hurting me so why bother. I am with you on the tv. We have not watched TV in a couple years. We suscribe to an on line movie site. We pick and choose carefully what we let the grandkids watch and ourselves for that matter.
You are absolutely right!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments.
Very well said post.... Thanks Chatty for the heads up. I am sending your blog off to my niece, I think she will enjoy it. LJ
Your blog is so nice to read.
At first I thought, the poor frog, but as I read on I understood the analogy. VERY GOOD!!!! I think we can all we guilty of this, I am. Some things are so subtle that you don't catch on at first. I am pretty outspoken, so I can become verbal once I realise the wrong. We all need to be on guard and aware. xx
I'm still careful about what I let into my life. I won't watch any films or programmes about Witchcraft.Never have. I watch very little tv anyway. We don't celebrate Halloween in our house because it's celebrating evil which we believe is wrong. Loads of things.
Great post!
It's amazing how desensitized we get because of what has become the 'norm'. You wonder 'what's next?'. There can't be anything left to shock us with. Scary!
xo Catherine
Another excellent post. How do you ever find the time. My brain can't work that hard!
well said, sandi~ i totally agree with you. thanks for the heads up!
big hugs
This is a very wise post by a wise friend! There are so many shows that we won't watch in our house. We usually end up watching something that we've gotten from Netflix... often an old black and white favorite. Robert says that those are often better than anything new that comes on.
Mick rarely watches TV anymore either and neither does my other son, James. They won't let their kids watch very often either, and then only things they are sure are in the TOTALLY "G" rated area. They also use Netflix a lot to be sure that the things that "come into the house" aren't evil or that would cause problems for their kids (my grandkids) minds.
WE are often the only "Christ" that others see and we need to live our lives to reflect him in a world that is becoming more and more filled with "boiling water."
Your post said this all so very well!!!
Oh, PS. I LOVE Mother Theresa's wisdom. I've read one of her books and each word she drops is like a pearl... :)
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